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Everything posted by 4My2Greys

  1. Amber, I'm so sorry for your's and Bailey's loss. My heart goes out to the both of you. The loss touches me also because Soulman was one of the last few remaining GT greyhounds from those who were here when I joined with Nadir and Beanie.
  2. A very big and heartfelt hug. I am so sorry for your loss, Lori.
  3. Adding the best of wishes and white light for Surprise.
  4. I'm so sorry you are going through this nightmare with River. If there is any consolation it sounds like he is in very good hands. Nevertheless, I will be adding healing thoughts and white light for him.
  5. Sending white light and healing thoughts to Jake and hugs for you.
  6. I'm so sorry for the loss you and your friend share of Bea. My heart goes out to the both of you.
  7. Yes to the original question and yes, yes yes to this ^. I wouldn't even try to pry it out I would let the duct tape do all the work. I think there is less chance of the corn returning if you let the tape do the job of killing it versus you trying to pry it out and chance leaving a bit and that regrowing. Here's a picture of a corn working its way up out of Chase's toe. I went to put on some fresh tape a short time later to find the corn gone and little evidence it had ever been there. There was no divet were the corn had been, the corn had been replaced with healthy tissue. Edited to say sorry for the GINORMOUS picture.
  8. Thanks for asking about Chase, Jen. I'm sorry I've taken so long to reply. I think the pain he was exhibiting along his topline was probably related to the suspected LS he has. It just scared me because he hadn't been acting like that prior to going in and I know that is one of the signs of rhabdo and that you need to act quickly if it is.
  9. Percy honey, make those monkeys scream for all they're worth. (Ducky, I'm so sorry for the diagnosis. )
  10. Good thoughts from me and crossed paws from Chase for both boys.
  11. For those who have asked about him, Chase was a little whiney last night, but I think that was from having had teeth pulled. He's doing well tonight and his appetite has been good.
  12. Chase's episode if it was rhabdo, which it doesn't seem as likely now, would have been stress induced.
  13. Adding good thoughts and white light for a safe and problem free dental.
  14. Sending you a big hug and Percy lots of white light. I hope you can get this resolved safely.
  15. Thank you for your good thoughts. He's at home right now. I had them give him more fluids and run a quick in house bloodwork on him. Liver enzymes were normal. That of course doesn't mean that he's out of danger but I don't want to add to his stress by taking him to the e-vet. I will though if I see signs of cola colored urine.
  16. I took him in for a dental and know I think we are dealing with rhabdomyolysis again from the stress.
  17. I know you are asking for advice on how to get rid of urine odor, but I hope you are not taking the vet's inability to tell you why she is having accidents that there is nothing wrong and that you should just accept the fact that she will have accidents. The fact that she has a thickened bladder wall should clue them into the fact that something is not right. I went through this with Nadir, It was written up in the last report a couple of months before he died that the accidents he had been having were most likely behavioral. The necropsy revealed chronic end stage renal disease. The one thing that I found that contributed most to his accidents was food allergies. Every time I was able to isolate a particular food and remove it from his diet the accidents would stop. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1852600/
  18. Tricia and Burke I'm so sorry.
  19. I would have him checked for congestive heart failure.
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