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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. jamngrey


    how heartbreaking. I wish her mom well and hope her heart heal quickly. God speed Cindy on her travels to the bridge
  2. jamngrey

    Ace Commander

    Sorry Ace is no longer with you but I am sure he is at the bridge enjoying his days with all the bridge angels
  3. those are great shots. It is sad she is gone but she is safe in the company of the other bridge angels
  4. "from the mouth of babes" thanks for sharing
  5. jamngrey


    Oh sweet hazel run free at the bridge without pain.
  6. jamngrey

    My Poor Boy...

    I am so sorry I just saw this.....I hope your boy is running at the bridge with all the others
  7. Benny sweet boy I hope your are having fun at the bridge
  8. Oh little girl run free from illness at the bridge and have fun with all the other bridge kids
  9. jamngrey

    Gramma Is Gone

    Godspeed Gramma have fun at the bridge with the other bridge kids
  10. Ibera enjoy your day at the bridge....and take a second to wish your mom well
  11. Now the bridge truely has the perfect greeter....God speed
  12. jamngrey


    bless them I hope there beloved pup makes it safe to the bridge
  13. I voted no all 3 of mine adjusted fine...well it did take 1 day of awaytraining to work with snowman cause he would howl when I left but one day later all is fab
  14. Oh Jeannie I am so sorry for the loss of your precious Shari. I know she and Sandee are running circles around each other at the bridge. I consider myself blessed to have gotten to meet your precious Shari. You are in my thoughts and prayers I hope you and your fur family are all ok.
  15. jamngrey


    Run free with no pain at the bridge...I hope your parents will be ok.
  16. jamngrey

    A Poem

    thank you for posting this GA it is such a great poem
  17. Sara run fast and free at the bridge no human can harm you any more....sorry you were so misunderstood
  18. jamngrey


    I am glad we finaly have the full story . I am glad Bingo had you to love him. I am sorry for your loss.
  19. jamngrey


    Angel run free at the bridge.
  20. jamngrey


    Sweet Tasha run free while you wait for your parents at the bridge
  21. run free pupper....you are now safe from horible humans
  22. run free sweet girl...I am sorry your retirement was so breif. Run your little heart out and have fun at the bridged with all your friends
  23. jamngrey


    poor Hero.....My beloved Max (GSD/chow mix)who had a bad start to life is up at the bridge look him up and I am sure you two will be buddies. Sorry your life was so bitter.
  24. jamngrey


    Oh Julio tho your time with your own forever family was short I am glad you knew them and the love they had for you. Run free and GodSpeed to the bridge.
  25. jamngrey


    Bingo....run free boy you are safe and NO human can cause you harm again.
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