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Everything posted by beledi

  1. Please keep us posted. Good thoughts for Nadir.
  2. Run free little lady. My 20 year old "Artesian" who was a Ragdoll will meet you to play. Also my sweet Duchess who looks just like you.
  3. So sorry for your loss.
  4. Thank you for the valuable info. Hope the meds help soon.
  5. What a wonderful tribute. So sorry Graham had to leave this earth, but he will always be with you. Hugs
  6. That is what I do. Thank You. I was going to check as my Border Collie eats that food. I save the old bag until the new bag is finished. Just in case there is a recall on the last bag after I have finished it.
  7. Tony, if only we had a magic wand to eradicate this horrible disease. Hugs and know Zero is much happier not being in pain and on meds. I am so sorry.
  8. So sad. I am sure she knows you love and miss her.
  9. Am so sorry for the bad diagnosis. Arrow will let you know when it is time. Hugs to both of you.
  10. Your tribute shows your love for Onion. We all have to face those days, but I am dreading it. You gave your gallant Onion the best of all, time, love, and freedom. Bless you and your boy who is now running free.
  11. Only on this Forum can you talk about dog poop without everyone thinking you are crazy. Happy moon is doing better.
  12. Welcome. I am from Colorado, USA. My Samlur is a couch potato most of the time. He does enjoy outrunning my Border Collie, Molly, who has figured how to run the other way and head Samlur off at the pass so to speak.
  13. Did she eat the seeds. They are poisonous to dogs.
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