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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. MP_the4pack


    Two years feels like hours when it's someone you truly miss.
  2. Yes! Many many of us here have it. One thing though, most insurance companies do not cover existing conditions. But, it's been a lifesaver for me. My little Opal just blew out her lateral collateral ligament (hock) and she needed $4000 surgery. I haven't gotten paid yet, but the insurance should cover most of that. My Pearl was diagnosed with heart disease and hypertension when she was 6 and 7. We maxed out on yearly coverage several of the 7 yrs she was with me and had coverage. We definitely got our money back 10 fold. Then you have pups like my Emma and Tanzi. I'm paying about $800 / yr for both. Haven't needed it. But, all it takes is just ONE major surgery and it'll pay for itself many times over. You do need to research the insurance companies out there to decide what's best for you. I have VPI Major Medical. Others have loved TruPanion. ASPCA seems to have a decent one. Just search on insurance and you'll get lots of threads in this forum.
  3. Marc, I'm so sorry. I was hoping for better news when you posted in H&M. She was very beautiful.
  4. I haven't read thru the whole thread from where I left off, so I apologies if someone already mentioned it. Tristan may (probably will) try to do things that he can't handle yet. When my Diamond came home she was going all out as if nothing happened. I figured she would know her own limits. WRONG. Before I could catch up to her, she went out the dog door and JUMPED down 6 steps. As I saw her in mid flight I just knew she was going to break her one remaining front leg. And that it was all over. Dang, she did survive the jump by falling on her newly amp'd shoulder. Not breaking anything. But she was so quick! However she did decide after that that the ramp was much easier to use than the stairs. And I realized that she wasnt smart enough to know what she could handle.
  5. Did you get her BP? That might be a good start. If it's high you'll want her on BP meds. If not, it'll probably be something you'll want to monitor through out her life.
  6. Please be patient and give him some time (unless it is very evident he's going downhill) There's a little greyhound that was in a bad collision last Dec. She was 75% paralyzed. While she was only 4, the owners did not give up on her. With patience and physical therapy, she's now at about 98% recovered. She just has the hint of an odd gait.
  7. Happy Birthday to roooo Happy birthday to ROOOooooo Happy Birthday dear Alan Happy birthday to roooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sung in 5 part harmony by the Heavenly Gemtones Topaz, Pearl, Diamond, Onyx and Crystal.
  8. He's so handsome. Yes this disease does age them at an incredible rate. I thought I'd have my sisters for forever, they were such young 12 yr olds. Cancer took them both, just 2 months apart (one from OS).
  9. Happy birthday to roooo Happy birthday to ROOOooooo Happy Birthday dear Gabe Happy birthday to rooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sung in 5 part Harmony by the Heavenly Gemtones: Topaz, Pearl, Diamond, Onyx and Crystal. Sorry you're not here to spend it with your earthbound Momma.
  10. I had 6 months. Would I have wanted a year, you betcha. And I'm so envious of Jane having Joe around for 20 months. Would I have done anything different with Diamond if I knew it was only 6 months. No. I never needed to fret day to day if her leg was going to break while I wasn't there. And once the pain of surgery is gone, so is the pain of disease. As long as they can physically handle being a tripod (no severe arthritis or LS or OS in another leg). She was happy for 6 months. She even chased deer thru the woods (at Jane's house!). It was only the last few days that she wasn't happy and in pain. (when she developed OS in her hind leg). She never had lung mets. But as several have already said........no choice you make is wrong. Even if whatever choice you made turned out not quite what you wanted. It is still not wrong, because you're doing it out of love. Good luck. It's a hard decision and I hope it's a long time before I have to make it again.
  11. Vestibular disease can linger on for a while. It's a problem with the middle ear. Bloodwork and xrays won't show anything. But a vet would know this. A stroke could also cause this problem Again bloodwork and xrays could be clear. I'm sorry to hear Cleo's not doing well.
  12. He is so handsome and full of life. I love the pix of him and his toys. For what it's worth, I chose amputation for my 12 yr old. She did just fine. I did take her to OSU for the surgery thought. She lived another very happy 6 months before OS claimed another leg.
  13. Maggie-Mae was 6 years old when she had her amp. She turned 10 in May. Oh God, That just brings tears of joy to my eyes.
  14. Put a T shirt on her. Try for the long ones that will cover her tummy. Maybe what might work is to take the top off the tee shirt and just use it as a belly band. Or a greyboy's belly band may work. Anything to keep it lightly covered and away from busy mouths. If the cone gets in the way, the 'band' plus a muzzle with a stool guard will protect the boo-boo.
  15. OMG that looks painful. Are you going to take any action against the vets that did this? (I hope so!)
  16. So sorry to hear about Diamond, that must have been heartbreaking for you. Did you try chemo as well? My husband built Cash a ramp when he had his biopsy and he was so confused that he kept jumping over it. This of course gave me a heart attack so we removed it. Thank you for sharing:) Diamond learned to use the ramp. Actually it was not on the stairs, it was next to it. And it was a left turn to take the ramp down. The ramp itself hugged the house, it did not stick straight out. But then, again, I had 6 steps. So it would have made a very long ramp straight out from the door. Diamond did have chemo and handled it well. All I can say is that she was happy those last few months. And good luck with OSU. And it's obvious (TBHOUNDS and me) that even the 8-10 hr drive from NJ was well worth it. Jane was a Godsend. Take her up on any offers of help.
  17. You would contact Danielle Ford. I'm Already signed up. Danielle.Ford@cvm.osu.edu Director of Development College of Veterinary Medicine 1900 Coffey Rd. VMAB - 127F Columbus, OH 43210 Phone: 614-292-3010 VMC Phone: 4-1392 Cell Phone: 614-746-1178 Thanks!!! I just emailed her.
  18. Keeping my fingers crossed. Now if you do get the bad news, I don't know what you want to do but I do want to let you know that my Diamond had OS in that leg. I went to OSU from NJ for the amp surgery. She did great and lived for 6 more happy painfree months before OS hit a rear leg. Diamond was 12 when I did this! She recovered just as fast if not faster than many young pups. Sending lots of prayers and hope and white light your way.
  19. What fantastic news. I'm waiting to hear back from OSU because I want to make the Greyhound Wellness my beneficiary. I need their tax number.
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