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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. VPI had BETTER pay more than $600. I just got the surgical estimate. It's more like $4000. Otherwise I'm moving all three dogs to a different insurer. But on the better news. Late afternoon I forced Opal to go outside. She needed to do her business. She hadn't gone since the accident the night before. (that little 'tinker has a 5 gallon tank) Well, after struggling to squat (she goes LOW to the ground) I think she finally got the hang of this casty thingy. She's perked up and ate her dinner. (brought to her in bed of course). She's doing the dog door and stairs. So, while she's struggling with it, she's getting around. And she's not crying anymore so I think the pain is subsiding. When I spoke to the vet again last night (because they had a radiologist re-read the film to make sure they didn't see any fracture) She said there was only one other option and that was to try just casting it. If it was bone, yeah, I'd do that. But they are very sure it's ligament. You have to see what Opal does in my huge yard. There's no way I'd ever trust her leg without surgical intervention. And if the ligament isn't strong enough to stay healed chances are there will be a lot more damage the next time she does something. I'd rather her hock be fused.
  2. CWAP I can't get a break. I just started paying off Crystal's $1500 bill that's going to take me to next year to pay off. I just got off the phone with VPI. I went Major Medical because I thought it was better coverage (it's more expensive!) Well. because the surgery is in the new term, but the injury was the old term, I am going to have to pay the $250 deductible for the surgery. Then they told me the 'repair' is going to be a will be covered by about $650. Do you know of any surgery that's only $650?! I know I'm looking at close to $2000. So between the deductible and what they're going to pay, I'm probably going to have ANOTHER $1500 bill. Dammit Opal.......your timing sucks.
  3. I was sitting down eating ice cream getting ready to watch Ice Road Truckers when I heard a loud cry from outside (all three went running out there to find the mythical mystery night critter). I know Bwat's (Opal) cry, so I ran outside and saw all three at the far end of the yard. I called to Bwat and the other two came running. I saw Bwat hobbling on 3 legs. I met her down at the garden to give her a going over. Since it was dark I couldn't see anything obvious but when she did use her leg....every 4 or so steps I could see it was bending where it shouldn't. I called my vets and they said all we could do was do a support wrap and she can come into the clinic in the morning for xrays. Nah-uh. She was in pain. So I took her to VSEC. Unfortunately it was a bad night for emergencies. I got there at 10 and they were finally able to xray her at about 2 AM. I didn't leave til after 3 (got home after 4 AM....I have to go to work today!!) It's not broken. Which translates to bad news. It means she blew out the ligament in her hock. she has her leg splinted right now, but it won't heal on it's own. So next Mon I meet with the surgeon who will probably do surgery Tues. She needs a plate put in and eventually the bones will fuse. She'll have a limp for the rest of her life, but hopefully that's all, just a funny walk, no real pain or inhibitions.
  4. eggnog Ensure are two items I used to put weight on my kids when needed.
  5. Ditto on Red Bank. And we loved the neurologist Dr. Glass.
  6. What a heartfelt story. I'm so sorry Highlighter left. She was a gorgeous girl.
  7. MP_the4pack

    Penny Lane

    She was a beautiful, beautiful girl. RIP
  8. The ones that you work the hardest on seem to be the hardest to let go.
  9. Oh Nancy I'm so sorry OS has claimed another gentle soul.
  10. I'm so sorry to hear the news. I've lost 3 to that horrid disease. (Only one to OS but three to hemangio)
  11. When you hadn't read my PM yet I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I'm so very sorry Albi had to leave. He was a handsome boy and went through a lot to stay with you. God speed Albi, you are now pain free and running with your brothers and sister.
  12. When my girls got older, I broke down and had a dentist do the dental. The one I have here in NJ is extremely careful with the anesthesia and never lost a patient. She was recommended by Pearl's cardiologist because Pearl was such a high risk for anesthesia. The price was 10 times what a regular vet would cost, but all my girls sailed thru fine, including my 15 and 1/2 yr old. (who succumbed to the ice just a month later) But it's super expensive and insurance covers very little.
  13. MP_the4pack


    Happy Birthday to rooo Happy Birthday to ROOOooooo Happy Bridge Birthday dear Jewell Happy Birthday to roooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sung in 5 part harmony by the Heavenly Gemtones: Topaz, Pearl, Diamond, Onyx and Crystal. (Brindle can't sing so she conducts) I hope her party at the Bridge is much better than her life here on Earth.
  14. I recognize that Dewey pix. I love the white faced black beauties. She was a beautiful elegant girl.
  15. I'm so sorry Linda. He was so very handsome. He's got all four legs healthy and painfree once again.
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