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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Lots of prayers and hope coming your way. I chose a front leg amp on a 12 yr old. She was a very young 12 yr old. I drove to OSU from NJ specifically so that Dr. Couto could tell me if he thinks she would be a good candidate even at her age. He said age was just a number. Diamond had some arthritis, but her health was excellent. All the vets thought she was a good candidate. They all just thought she'd have a longer recovery time. She fooled them all. Surgery was on a Fri, we were driving back to NJ on Tues. She actually did better than many of the younger patients. She had a very happy and pain free 6 months before OS claimed another leg. Her lungs were always clear.
  2. Could the vet do anything to help the situation or did you just have to wait it out? Glad to hear there is potential for it to go away though - can it reoccur? also just found this article explaining someone's experience with the same thing: http://www.squidoo.c...auses-treatment Vet could not do anything. We had to wait it out. She got it Sept or Oct and it was gone by xmas.
  3. My Brindle had that. I called it the canine version of Bell's palsy. She had MAJOR surgery 3 months prior and that can trigger it. But it doesn't sound like your girl had recent surgery. Get Doggles for her to wear when she's outside to keep stuff out of her eye. Brindle hated them, but I forced her to wear them. It takes about 3 months to go away. But it does go completely. If it's not the Bell's palsy, but a tick, I can't answer prognosis on that.
  4. If your vet is a GP I would recommend visitng a cardiologist. Pearl was diagnosed with heart disease at age 6, Hypertension at age 7. Had a prognosis of 2-3 yrs. She died of cancer at age 12. She was on a plethura of drugs that she handled relatively well. Her appetite dropped a bit, but she still had a decent appetite. I did not watch her diet. I did not limit her exercise. I let her live.
  5. Happy birthday to roooo Happy birthday to ROOooooo Happy birthday dear Loca Happy birthday to rooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sung in 5 part harmony by the Heavenly Gemtones: Topaz, Pearl, Diamond, Onyx and Crystal.
  6. MP_the4pack


    Oh no, not Fedex. His name made it easy to remember him. And your battle was hard fought. I'm so sorry he's gone.
  7. Was the vet a GP or cardiologist? If a GP I would recommend seeing a cardiologist. Pearl had mitral valve disease. Her prognosis was 2-3 yrs. She lived another 7 and died at age 12 from cancer. But she was on a plethura of medications. And she handled them all very well. She also developed hypertension. (make sure to get her BP checked.)
  8. Happy birthday to roooooo Happy birthday to ROOOoooooo Happy birthday dear Rainey Happy birthday to roooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sung in 5 part harmony by the Heavenly Gemtones Topaz, Onyx, Pearl, Diamond and Crystal.
  9. {{{{{{{Sheila}}}}}}}}} I don't think the heart every fully heals.
  10. MP_the4pack


    I'm so sorry Oswald left you. He was a very handsome boy. I've lost more to cancer of the spleen than OS. Including my first Brindle, my heart and soul Pearl, and my 18 day adoption, Crystal. My heart hurts for you.
  11. Thanks I feel better. I just know that dogs can smell or sense stuff we can't and well ahead of when something shows up.
  12. I'm down here in Dewey. On the sand. Yesterday morning and this morning Tanzi did a very odd thing. When my little Opal peed, instead of either ignoring it or peeing over it, Tanzi BURIED it under the sand. using her nose. Much the same way any dog would bury a bone. She did it twice. In all my years owning greys and knowing people that owned greys I've never seen anything like it. When I get home I am going to get a urinalysis done on Opal to see if there's something in it that caused Tanzi to want to bury it. What's everyone's thought on it? By the way, Opal is not showing any signs of diabetis or had any meds, She also had a complete bloodwork just a couple months ago because of her surgery for a blown ligament. When Emma pees, Tanzi pees over it.
  13. Both?!!! Oh Jan, I'm so sorry. How horrible to lose them at the same time.
  14. I'm glad he made it thru surgery ok. In two weeks he'll be up and about as if nothing ever happened, and like he's always had 3 legs.
  15. I wish you and Ruger the best of luck. It is such a horrid disease. I have lost 4 of my 6 Bridgekids to cancers.
  16. I'm leaving VPI because their 'schedule' just isn't up to date with today's medical bills. I'm looking at heathypaws and trupanion right now
  17. My heart is breaking for you. She was way too young.
  18. When I started going thru it again. (I really needed a good laugh) I noticed so many "guests" and names that I hadn't seen in a while. So many haven't been back in just the past year.
  19. ouch. Does your friend work full time out of the house? If so, he's probably going to do a lot of damage from his SA. Having nothing to do with his boo-boo noogies.
  20. OH NO!!!! Not Bill. Not that silly no left leg eating boy. He was one of my all time favorites.
  21. Oh Jane, I'm thrilled that you've decided to adopt another grey. Congrats she is absolutely adorable!!! Have the labs finally left your house?
  22. Oh Kate, I'm so sorry to hear this. LIke you haven't been thru enough. I don't have advise....just hugs.
  23. Glad she's feeling better. You've only had her 3 months. You are both still adjusting. Take a deep breath and relax. A call to the vet is good so that you get a medical opinion. But she could have been just under the weather. Were you having storms the day she didn't eat? She might be a thunderphobe. They stress a LOT during storms and may not eat.
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