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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Mixed reviews this morning. She ate a full breakfast and is showing interest in food. She's much brighter. But...she can't settle down. She's been pacing for several hours now and her back end is giving out. I don't have a good feeling about this.
  2. 9 PM update I finally forced her out of the pool. She was having trouble with her hind end, the water was too cold for her hips. I put her on the sofa and she eventually fell asleep. She still refused to eat, even Ensure and treats. However a few minutes ago when the rest of the gang got their ice cream she perked up. She almost finished her bottle of ensure. She then got up and has been the brightest I've seen her all day. She's taking treats, but still turning her nose up at dog food. She is outside and trotting around a little. (she needs to trot to do her business) So, she is starting to feel a little better. I hope the bleeding stops and she can have a little more quality time. Next step....let's see if she'll get her appetite back. Thanks for all the prayers and positive thoughts. Dr. Couto didn't have anything for me. I know the oncologist at VSEC put a call into him but I also know he left for a lecture until Sunday. Hopefully he'll contact the oncologist next week and Crystal is still with us.
  3. She's home. As soon as they brought her into the room to visit with me I knew she wanted to come home. Her tummy looks terrible but it's not as painful to her when I touch it. HOwever I know she feels terrible. She's in her doggie pool. Been there for at least an hour. Each time I take her out and dry her off and shuffle her inside, she goes back out into the pool. So,if that's where she wants to be, she can stay there. Also yesterday before all this happened, if there was food within 50 miles she found it. She's turning her nose up at everything. Not even cookies. I don't know if this means she's already near the end or just feeling crappy right now and will bounce back. All I can do is watch her. Luckily one of my vets comes to the house. She'll go to the Bridge from her home if we can make the timing work. I'm utterly devastated.
  4. She has hemangiosarcoma of the body wall. I actually wish it was the spleen then we could do surgery. The only option they gave me was to treat her with herbs to control the bleeding. The initial bleed which occurred last night after dinner has stopped, but it will happen again. She is currently stablized and walking. The doctors are going to contact Dr. Couto for a consult. They'll get back to me with any kind of options, but it didn't sound like there were any. I'll probably have her just a day or so longer and that's it. To add insult to injury, for a dog that I've had less than two weeks, the bill is going to be over $2000.
  5. After dinner tonight, Crystal started to get uncomfortable. I rushed her to the vet thinking bloat. He took xrays and said it's probably just gas and a full tummy. So we came home. She wasn't better by 11 so I called them back. She said to give a tramadol. I only had rimadyl, she said that was ok. If she wasn't improved within an hour she should go to the ER. At 1 AM I took her to VSEC in PA. She doesn't have bloat. Her spleen is HUGE! And she's started to bruise on the belly and there's fluid in her belly. It looks very very bad. She'll be getting an ultrasound first thing in the morning and from there we'll decided if a splenectomy is needed. It could be DIC or cancer or other things that by that time I didn't hear. I've only had her 12 days. She needs to have a little more time at my house, to enjoy life. Heck, she just ran in the blur of fur on Sunday at GIG. She can't go yet!
  6. I'm so sorry she's gone. Godspeed Destiny.
  7. Your family here at GT are behind you and Toby.
  8. OMG!!! Anita! I'm so so very sorry. He was way too young. This makes the third "puppy" that we've lost recently. It's devastating. Absolutely devastating.
  9. MP_the4pack


    Michelle, I'm so sorry to hear that Brenda left for the Bridge. When I lost my first girl this helped me a little. Farewell Master yet not farewell Where I go, ye too shall dwell. I am gone before your face A moment's time, a little space. When ye come where I have stepped Ye will wonder why ye wept. Godspeed Brenda
  10. Robbie and Gene, I'm so sorry to hear about Chelsa. 10 is still way too young.
  11. I just wish he were giving a seminar at GIG this year.
  12. I sent him a congratulatory email. It would probably be nice to receive a positive email instead of sad one.
  13. I'm so very sorry Brandi. Sophie was a very beautiful girl.
  14. He was still just a pup. The first one I lost was only 5. It's such a heartache.
  15. Oh Lindsay, as if you haven't had enough already! I hope she makes it thru surgery ok and margins are clean. From what others have posted it sounds like the type of cancer to get if they were going to get it. Fingers and paws crossed here!
  16. Jim and Johanna, I had been following Hurley's struggle and hoped that his problems weren't cancer. I'm sorry that he had to leave. I've been down this road 5 times now, and as hard as it is for me to be there, I won't have it any other way. Hurley sounded like a very very special 'person'. This helped me when I lost my first girl Brindle: farewell Master, yet not farewell. Where I go ye too shall dwell. I am gone before your face, A moment's time, a little space. When ye come where I have stepped, Ye will wonder why ye wept.
  17. MP_the4pack


    I'm so very sorry. What a horrible, awful shock to lose such a young handsome boy. My heart just aches for you. While it's very difficult to lose a family member at any age, there is just something so wrong with losing a baby.
  18. MP_the4pack


    What a handsome boy. I'm so sorry he lost his battle to OS.
  19. Oh Kyle, my heart plummeted when I saw Charlie's name in Remembrance. I was so hoping for a little more time, you and he were fighting so hard.
  20. MP_the4pack


    He was very handsome and sounded like quite the character.
  21. Diamonds are a girls best friend. And that was true with my Ima Dima Lima Bean. You fought a good fight becoming a tripod at age 12. You have a terrific 6 months being happy, still playing and scaring your mommy by chasing deer! I miss you so much
  22. I'm rooting for Charlie. He's got a lot of fans in his corner,
  23. Poor baby. I hope you can find all that's wrong and fix it for him. Last night one of my girls had a "hanger on".....you know when they eat grass then poop and it doesn't all come out. It hangs there. She sat down to "relieve" herself. While I know Legs is having pain, his sits seem to be the same as what my girl did. So I am wondering more if there's an anal problem. You have prayers coming your way.
  24. Ya know I was kind of wondering if there was something with his butt, but so many vets had seen him already I was sure they would have checked there first.
  25. Kevin really seemed to be an extra special boy. Sparkle was a handsome man. I'm sorry you lost them so close together.
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