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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. 3 mg. 1 x a day. Check after 3 months, not 3 weeks! Too soon! I noticed the difference in mid July which was a full 2 months. So... give it time to work!!!!
  2. Ask your vet to go light on the gas- when they do, it makes a big difference coming out of the anethesia.
  3. I remember when you adopted him. He is so beautiful. I too agree to have him fixed not only for all the reasons Shana mentioned which are correct, but there are many male urologicial issues that can be avoided by having it done. Sooner rather than later!
  4. Kittens are adorable, no doubt and easy to get adopted. If you are serious about a cat, why not get an older cat- maybe 2 who have been returned because of family issues and maybe they have lived with dogs??? Have your dogs been tested with cats? I'd be leary with a tiny kitty and greyhounds. I have 3 cats and 5 hounds. They are wonderful with the cats but I would be scared to bring in a kitten who has no boundries becasue they are kittens!
  5. Were they having you give the tramadol and the valium? Yes. For the first 3 days after she got home. She would get up and stand on the bed (we had mattresses on the floor) and start SCREAMING out of control. She would just stare and scream. It was heartbreaking. She had major anxiety. Once that passed, we stopped.
  6. best to keep with what you normally feed as traveling can make them stressed to begin with and keeping with as much as normal is best.
  7. Let the healing begin. She will be back on 3 legs in no time. Let her set her pace. Best advice I can give you is to keep ahead of the pain. Give her pain meds whether or not you think she needs them. It's much easier to stay ahead of the pain to relieve her pain if she is in pain. Follow the regiment they tell you. With Polli it was 1 - 100mg deramaxx a day and 100 mg of tramadol every 4-6 hours. She also had a lot of anxiety with her new 3 leg status and we had to give her 10mg of valium for the first 3 days. That helped. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
  8. That is wonderful. A win win situation. Everyone wins. Best of luck- how about some pictures!
  9. OY- that's how it all started with Beau- hope it's nothing serious. BUT, I would stay away from the pepto- it has aspirin in it. Use pepcid 20mg 1 x a day- early in the morning. Much better.
  10. We buy and have it shipped from http://www.hare-today.com/
  11. Surely your foot was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Wasn't that sigmund freud's theory? If you were walking down the street and a brick fell on your head, you shouldn't have been walking down the street! Aren't you glad you asked all of us!???? We are so sympathetic!
  12. So sorry about the kittie and what you all went through and quite relieved she seems to be better. What did the vet say about the kitty when she went?
  13. And you know how to reach me if you need to! Robin
  14. Ollie is the only one of my 5 on a totally raw duck and beef diet. He eats at his bowl in the kitchen. He is such a good boy!
  15. Can you give him a small treat (very tiny treats) as he starts approaching the other dogs. Associate good things with that dog across the way. We have 5 hounds and one is not other breed safe, at all. We keep him muzzled to protect us and the other 4 because he will misplace his aggression when he starts going crazy when he sees another dog. (although he has gotten a lot better, I can not take the chance of getting hurt again or worse, one of my other dogs) There is always a halti harness which is for behaviorial modification. This is what Teddy used to wear, but the muzzle is much easier with 4 other dogs with me. If I had just one or 2, I would have continued with this.
  16. As far as the chemo goes, yes it does cause them to not want to eat too well after about 24-48 hours after the chemo. They can give you cerenia for that. the Atemisinin did not cause any nausea for Polli.
  17. We were told by OSU and our vets... AFTER only. You don't want any interference with the chemo. ETA- I found the email i still have from OSU: "Hi Robin, I will NOT recommend any of the herbal drugs during chemotherapy as we do not know how can they interact.We are familiar with Artemisin but only after finishing standard chemo treatment Hope it helps Sincerely Paulo"
  18. That's exactly what Ollie had when we got him. He was so thin (70 pounds and his RACING weight was 84 ) . He had a large oozing pressure wound that just would not go away and of course when it started to scab, he would pick at it. The only thing that cleared it up was animax cream, from the vet. It took about 3 weeks to clear up. Hope that works for you guys.
  19. Mine are capsules by "Sundown". 3mg 1 x a day. Let us know. I never would have believed it had I had seen it first hand! Thank you~ My sentiments exactly about my Beau Beau. he is perfect, just the way he is!
  20. I went to an every other day basis now. And I did forget to mention if you dog has GI issues, you probably shouldn't use it. It can make it worse. Beau used to have the thickest, lushest coat. But being on high doses of pred for so long has made his hair so very thin. He is a prime candidate for this but I can't use it on him. In the scheme of things with Beau, it just doesn't matter about the hair !!!
  21. I had posted a few weeks back that both Teddy and Ollie had substantial hair growth after using 3mg of melatonin after less than 2 months. Some of you asked me for pics, here are a few of Teddy. His neck did not have one hair on it. Not one. Before After I can actuallu run my fingers though his hair and leave tracks. And, it's the softest, fluffiest, totally unbelievable.
  22. My Ollie retired last August after an amazing career due to a right back broken hock. It was almost deformed when I got him in Nov and he had a severe limp. Fast forward to now and he is perfectly fine. i don't even notice that it doensn't look like the other leg. So how about Zander!? Am I in your dreams!?
  23. I voted first choice. What more can I say?
  24. Yes, I do remember. It was her ear that was basically bitten pretty badly, but I do not remember who. Anyone?
  25. I am so happy to read through all this and see the end result. Whew.
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