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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Very very very rare for Greyhounds to have HD. It's been bred of out them because they are athletes. With that said, my Beau has shown evidence of something as well. Vet said, IF greyhounds got HD, that's what they might call it but they normally do not.
  2. Heartwarming indeed. Congrats to all!
  3. Keeping Larry in my thoughts and prayers.
  4. It was really nice. The weather, event, people. Perfect day. We set up a large, very large x-pen. We bring 3 and attach them and we fit Nancy's pack and ours.Her dogs are like extended pack to ours. We always have room for a few more and we were under some huge trees and they had a lot of shade. So they snoozed and enjoyed the outside. Ollie is almost back to normal. I did ask my vet if it were OK for him to go today and she felt it would be fine since all he was doing was chilling anyway. He has been eating however, I am not permitted to give him bones or his beloved duck breast treats yet. We are sticking with soft foods. So, he has the ground duck which has the bones crushed in it, some tripe and chopped meat. It takes him longer to eat the soft food because he has to eat it rather than just swallow whole. I will be asking some more experienced raw eaters how to get him to stop just sucking down the bones. We want to wait till the imflammed and probably somewhat painful ephogus is better before we add in the bones again. He is on high doses of clavomox (500mg bid) until Monday. Then, we will proabably lower the dose. He will be rexrayed next week and God willing, the spot on the lungs which they thought might be pnumonia (but not a true pnumonia) is gone and the lung is clear.
  5. We had a good night and a better morning. We are headed to Grateful Greyhounds fall ball today. He can relax in the x-pen while taking in all the new scents!
  6. Ollie is home. He drank water as soon as he walked in. I gave him 4.5 oz of ground duck and ground beef which he ate, thank GOD. Tomorrow, I continue the antibiotics and as long as he is eating he can remain home. He normally gets 14 oz at each meal. he has not eaten since 5 last night. So 4.5 oz was skarfed down. As long as there is no choking or throwing it back up, I can give him another 3 oz around 12 AM. Then back to normal amounts tomorrow but not bones for a few days. I saw the x-rays. The lung is definately in question. We are hoping we just happened to catch something really really early and are treating it with the antibiotics. We will need to repeat the x-rays in a few days. Thank you all for your continue prayers and support.
  7. Did you mean *not* digested? How big? I was surprised at the relatively small size of Hard Things that it took to cause a blockage in Joseph. Hope very much that is not Ollie's problem and that he is back to 100% soon. Yes, not digested. From last night - it was a about 1/2 duck leg. they are much smaller than chicken leg but still large enough. Got a call from vet. Labs fine. Treating for the pnumonia/other bacterial because we don't know what else to do. her words "not out of woods yet". Not a blockage. She thinks the food is seconadary to the lung issue. Hoping the anitbiotic clears it up. Will have to re-xray him in 48 hours.
  8. I sure as s**t hope not. Beau has a compromised immune system. Getting him at 8:30pm. Next dose of antibiotics at 8AM, If he eats and he can take his meds, he can stay home, otherwise he will have to be readmitted. No bones, just soft food. Ground duck and beef for now. Still seeing 2 bones in his belly. have been digested.
  9. Had the x-rays done and read. He is being treated with the serious antibiotics. They are not sure if it's pnumonia, if it is, its not typical. Could be canine influenza, another bacterial issue or a virus. He can come home tonight but will need to be re-xrayed in 2 days. No blockage, some inflammation in esphogus. That could be from the trying to clear throat last night. it's the fluid on the lung that is what is unknown. Said they would expect the look of his lungs on an older dog. Ollie turned 4 last week. Will call later in afternoon to get update.
  10. update is he is resting comfortably. Going to do another set of x-rays on chest and on neck. Will drop by there with the pre packaged raw food mushed up.
  11. Brought Ollie into our vet. The vet I really dislike was the only vet in.. of course. Not for any reason, other than, I just don't like her. I think she is 12 and seems so unsure of herself. But I know others who like her.. so it's me. Anyway, I actually turned around when I heard she was in and then said to myself, she is a vet and probably knows a little bit more than I so I will bring him in. His physical exam once again was normal. When she listens to his chest, there is a slight wheezing. She admitted him with IV fluids and wants to keep him overnight. I am not sure I will do that though. I need a good agruement why it's best to keep him there ALONE overnight when he can be monitored here by us. He will have been on IV fluids for 12 hours by 9 pm. I will call at 2 and see how he is. I told her he is allergic to grains, chicken etc. I later asked are you going to give him anything by mouth? She said we will try to give him some soft canned food. I SAID NO YOU WON'T. HE EATS RAW. HE IS ALLERGIC TO GRAINS AND CHICKEN. We don't neeed a secondary problem. I guess it's stuff like that that PO off to no end. I will see if they will offer him raw packaged that i can bring to them. So, they took bloods so see if they can tell if it's pnumonia. My vet is on jury duty today. The other vet on vacation, the other one not in. Figures. No one knows anything more than they did last night. I am so upset.
  12. Ollie home, subdued. Getting a ton of loving. Going to get down on floor with him and try to sleep. Thank you everyone for your kindness and support. He seems to be breathing a little easier. Will update after we see our vet.
  13. Oh, beleive me, I know that about the money, it's only money. Yes, they gave him the film on disk. I emailed my vet. I am trying to reach my 19 year old son - maybe he can take my daughter tomorrow.
  14. Just got the text. $680.90 later. We have to bring him to our vet tomorrow. I was supposed to be at my daughters house at 9 to take her and the babys to the pediatrian.
  15. Rich is much calmer than I am. He and I spoke after he spoke to the vet. She feels that no matter what she would not do the esphogus rinse tonight. But if we are going to bring him to our vet tomorrow (which we are,) they are OK with us bringing him home with some clavomox incase it is an infection or even phumonia. I will sleep on the floor with him and monitor him. If there is any change, I will bring him back. at this time of night, it's a 20-25 minute trip. Vet is ok with that. I will take him in at 8am.
  16. I HATE THIS PLACE. I don't know what to do. Vet says to me it could be cellular infulltrate? could be pnumonia? could be this, could be that, could be could be and of course it's best to keep him JUST in case, but he is OK now - but still panting. Could give him antibotics and try that could be a collapsed esophogus if he has been laying on his side??? WHAT? I don't know if he should stay or come home with antibiotics. this place is 35 minutes away. I told Rich I would call him back in 5 minutes.
  17. I know. I know. It is a 24/hour place so I am sure there is someone there, but I know I am being over the top. I just don't have greyt memories of my pup Rocky who died there( non greyhound). This is a very good evet. I am just having a hard time waiting to hear something.
  18. Why would they tell Rich about 1/2 hour for x-rays?
  19. Just got text from Rich. Physical showed nothing. Now, taking x-rays. I have 4 dogs in my house. My house is empty without my Ollie who's claim to fame is that you don't even know he's here. Guess I was wrong. He is almost 95 pounds of svelteness, kindness , the gentlest dog I have ever known. Just scared.
  20. Nothing unsual except he skarfs his food and I am always worried about hiim swallowing bones. But they are not huge pieces. We use a meat cleaver to cut the duck into pieces. But still, it's a bone. He has not eaten or drank since he ate. I heard what sounded like him trying to cough something up after he ate. Nothing came up. I went out, came back to find him panting. Then laying on my closet floor ( not unusal) breathing heavy. Won't take ANYTHING. Highly unusal. Tail not wagging. Highly unusal. ETA Rich is taking him to evet. he is lethargic.
  21. Ollie eats raw. Tonight after dinner, he was acting like something was stuck in his throat but not overly so. He walked but has not taken anything to eat since. I went out for a couple of hours. came home and noticed he was panting. I just went to get everyone's nightly duck necks and Ollie is usuallu waiting at the steps for his. He is always first in line. he wasn;t there. I found him roaching in my closet. (he uses it as a condo) Rich said he has a little wheezing (it's not really wheezing more like heavy breathing) going on but is not in distress. Rich put his fingers all the way down his throat, nothing is there. He tried heimlich but will try again if we are told we should. E vet? ETA- he ate at 5:15
  22. I'd take her in before she dehydrates.
  23. When I got the email from Jen regarding Platty, I cried and cried. I was so upset it happened and so relieved she was OK. I KNOW how much this girl means to her and to everyone in the GAA family. I can't wait to see you guys this weekend. Thanks for posting this.
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