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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. We get it from http://www.hare-today.com/index.php?cPath=21&osCsid=55cf0cd327b7c2518d330061405fbd5a The shipping rate is the same for any package up to 48 pounds. (I believe it's 48, it may be a pound or 2 less, but in and around that range. I am due to order next week. It's 48 hour turn around and the food is 95% frozen, packed really well and it can be refrozen. Tracey, the woman who runs it is available to answer your questions.
  2. Yup, that's exactly what I was going to post. You need a boarded internist who does GI issues. My Beau, has IBD so we needed one here in NY.
  3. is happy it's almost Friday and it's always almost Friday! The glass is half full!

  4. To manage apolli's pain after the amp, she got 100mg ever 4-6 as needed plus deramaxx so there is much more room for more. I was reading your threads and kept a silent vigil for you and Patton. I am so sorry to hear this devastating news. We are all here for you in whatever way you need.
  5. My Elsie is 11.5. I adopted her just shy of her 10th birthday. She is a MAJOR panter. I have 5 hounds and I have never heard anything like this. She looks like she is going to have a stroke sometimes. I have had her checked out and she just pants... a lot. Hope yours is just a panter too! And nothing else is going on.
  6. RobinM

    The End Of An Era

    Beautiful girl. I am very sorry.
  7. Sending good thoughts for Gee and her mom.
  8. My Elsie Lou eats 3 cans of Wilderness @ 476 calories a can, a duck neck nightly and many, many, many cookies!!! She looks greyt and has a super fast metabolism. If Chloe ate what Elsie eats, she'd be a moose!!! 3 cups is not a little amount. My 6 year old Chloe gets under 3 cups. Teddy who is 85 pounds gets 3 3/4 cups a day. ETA- My Elsie is 11 years 4 months, but don't tell her. She has no idea.
  9. So glad that things are ok. That must have been so frightening. it is also the reason we NEVER wear martingales in the house unless we are headed out but only break away tag collars.
  10. Since we are a pack unto ourselves, I won't even let my 5 run together. I break it into 3 and 2. Why? Teddy and Ollie. Teddy will single Ollie out and instead of goofing around with his Chloe, Teddy will run right towards Ollie- Elsie will run across the field and cut everyone off and all I see is DANGER DANGER. So, from here on it, it's Teddy, Chloe alone and they can be maniacs together. Beau- who won't even run but will pee on every blade of grass along the perimeter of the field and Ollie and Elsie together. Much safer for all. Hugs to you Kerry and your beautiful boy.
  11. A true hero, never to be forgotten.
  12. Have one IBD dog, and one dog allergic to chicken. So... we have dehydrated chicken breast. We get an automatic delivery on this. Dehydrated duck breast. (automatic delivery) Dehydrated tilapia filets. (we make these and sometimes the chicken) For non protein type of cookies, we give them the peanut butter zukes. On occasion they get INNOVA biscuits (large) or bil jacs. For my non raw eaters (except Beau with the IBD) they each get a raw duck neck 3 x a week.
  13. He is adorable do I see the slightest roman nose??? Love it. Hope you have many, mnay happy and healthy years. Welcome from Long Island and welcome to greytalk.
  14. RobinM


    A very tearful and heartfelt tribute. I am so sorry for the loss of your special girl. God Speed Tuna.
  15. I respectfully disagree with this suggesiton. Speaking to a dog in a soothing voice when he's doing something you don't want him to do will send him the wrong message. I'd work on teaching him "quite" instead, and I wouldn't be saying it in a soothing tone! George used to wake me up at EXACTLY 4:30 AM every day. Once I figured out it wasn't an emergency need to go out, I got firm with him. I start with one "Quiet!" and if that doesn't work, the voice of God comes out, and it's "KNOCK IT OFF!" Suppose it's not 4:30 in the morning; suppose it's during the day and he's trying to communicate with you. Would you still start with "Quiet!," and if he didn't obey, then unleash the voice of God on him? Suppose he whines when he has to go out? Suppose he whines when he's uncomfortable? Suppose he whines when he's injured, or has a tooth ache, or is sick? Same treatment? Just curious whether the rules apply in all contexts. Granted, if he's a PITA at 4:30 a.m. every morning for no good reason, I can't blame you for being stern with him. No disrespect to you either, Dick but I believe Susan made it really clear that she made sure her pup was ok before she sounded stern. I think that's a give in. To the OP, I hope you get to the bottom of this fast! Beau, our first used to wake us with playing with his taking stuffies. Now... we almost have to overturn his bed to get him up and out!!!
  16. Thumbs up to you. Good choice. Get them some chicken, turkey or duck necks. Freeze and give to them raw. I am a vegetarian too. After a while, you won't even notice!
  17. Oh no. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy. Much too young. My hear hurts with and for you.
  18. Please extend my condolences to Patricia. I am so sorry.
  19. Out schedule: 7AM in back breakfast @ 7:15 7:45 AM walk 8:45 last out in back before work 4PM out back Dinner at 5:15 5:30 out back after dinner & walk if not too hot 8:30 out back (and walk if it wasn't taken earlier) 11PM last out for night (possible walk)
  20. How do you think we should handle this? Teddy and Ollie co exist ok together. Teddy is very jealous of the younger, bigger (dare I say cuter) boy with much more hair! But he really is jealous. Ollie will start to play with toys and Teddy will jump off bed and run across room and intercept him. Ollie will immediately drop the toy and lay down. If I am giving Ollie love, Teddy will arise out of a sleep and push him out of the way in order to get the attention. He really has a hard time sharing the mommy's love with Ollie. My concerns are that Ollie can't come into his own with Teddy jumping into the middle of things. It's gotten to the point that the other 4 will hang in the bedroom with us as usual and Olli will hang in another bedroom on another floor. If we gate him into the room with us so he can't go downstairs, he will hang out in my walk in closet. (Elsie uses this as her condo sometimes, there is a dog bed in there and my shoes are now in another closet ) I realize that Ollie and Teddy will never be best friends and that is ok, but I want Ollie to reach his full potential with us. Any ideas of how to help us help Ollie and Teddy? I figured someone else probably has expeienced this before between 2 dogs. I hate that Ollie feels the need to look over his shoulder all the time wondering when Teddy is going to jump out and go BOO.
  21. Oh Heather. This was not what I expected to hear. I am so sorry.
  22. I guess I am extremely lucky. My vet is a general vet and extremely grey savvy. I wouldn't have it any other way.
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