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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. RobinM


    Oh no. I am so sorry.
  2. Bodie has been such an inspiration. He will be missed by so many people. I am heartbroken with you. God Speed Bodie.
  3. I'm very sorry Mary- you were very lucky to have a daddy you adored.
  4. Chloe, my once spook is now a maniac in the privacy of her home, but reserved in the public. DH used to have to crawl across the floor on all 4s to make contact with her. Now, she is all over him!
  5. I wouldn't overdo the opiates as that is an issue in itself but do what you can to keep her comfortable. With the opiates they need to be weaned off as well.
  6. Just checking in on Ember and you Tom to see how Ember is doing? Last we heard, she was handling the chemo GREYT. I wish I Could say the same for Polli but now, at 1 week post Chemo, she is back to being Polli. It took 6 days. Hope Ember is doing greyt. Hugs to you both. Robin & Polli
  7. I completely understand BUT it will be OK. You have grey savvy vets? you trust them? It's like flying- accidents do happen but considering how often a plane takes off and lands, it's so very rare. Beau has been "under" 6 times in the last 2 years. Polli has been under 4x in the last year. Ask them to go a little light on the gas as the gas is the one that they are hung over from. Your baby will be fine and IF she really needs the dental, she really should have it. We are all here to hold your hand during it.
  8. Well, I couldn't post this last night but we did not have a good night last night. Recap: Took Polli to the vet for lab work to see if there was anything going on. WBC was 300 which was OK for after chemo- liver was good too. She ate a ton of cookies Saturday and 2 FULL cups of chicken Saturday night. Sunday- she ate A LOT and I mean A LOT of cookies. Then we went to FreddyGirls house for a play date. She was happy, running in the yard and very vocal. We saw that twinkle in her eyes. It was wonderful BUT she was sooooooooooo tired when we got home even though we only stayed there 1.5 hours, she slept all night and would not eat. We tried from 8pm to 12AM. Nothing. So, today is another day and we have tried but no interest. She otherwise seems greyt! As far as a pet tab goes, she won't eat them and I don't want to shove them down her throat.
  9. That's exactly what she and everyone from GT is saying, I'm not overly concerned especially with the nice amount of protein she is getting. Now, if we can only get her evo kibble in her!!!!
  10. As most of you know I have not had an easy time feeding Polli since chemo and she wasn't an easy pup to feed prior but I fgiured out what worked. Today she got a shot at the vet of the cerenia as oppossed to me giving it to her orally. I noticed she was perkier today and happier and ate a WHOLE BUNCH of cookies. So many. However, dinner time was the same nonsence. I had an array of choices which she turned her nose up at everything. Just 10 minutes ago, I tried just plain chicken breast again. I had tried chicken breast with kibble before. No good. She just finished 2 FULL cups of shredded chicken breast. That was A LOT of chicken! Nutrionally, is she getting enough? I know her calorie intake is OK which I am thrilled about. What about Nutrional. I'd like to give her pet tab vitamins but I hate to have to shove those down her throat, they are large and she won't take them. Thoughts on the nutrional end?
  11. He really is such a sweet and happy looking boy. Continued prayers for Lee and his mom.
  12. I'm sorry I don't have any advice, just good thoughts and prayer for your girl. Have you done a search her on greytalk to see if there is a similar thread? Hope someone can shed some light on this for you.
  13. Oh no. I am so sorry to hear that. I hope she is ok. Prayers for your sweet girl.
  14. Somehow this thread managed to slip by me. I am sorry things are not going well with sweet Gumby. Yes, it sux that they get old, but at least we are with them through that journey together. We can and do make it the most comfortable we possibly can for as long as we can. Knowing that we can and do make such a difference in their lives is a wonderful feeling. But, yes, it would be wonderful if they did not have to face the challanges of getting old, especialy because they can not convey what they are feeling or thinking. Prayers for you and Gumby.
  15. RobinM

    Thank You

    I am sorry to hear this.
  16. There is a thread under H&M with alll the info, prob page 2.
  17. Thank you. Fluid intake has not been a problem, she is drinking plenty of water. We just got back from the vet. She had blood drawn, just in case... Chloe had her T4 done too. It was the girls morning out! She is holding at 53 pounds since Monday, somehow!!! YAY. She got a shot of cerenia and we are going to take it one day at a time. When we got home she ate 4 chicken jerky strips. Batmom- I actually bought the granola bars for her!!! No tripett for me! It's enough I have to sleep with it ground into my sheets!!!! The things we do for love..... Day 5......
  18. OK- we have an update. Let me tell you all what happened. I was starting to clean up and went down to the fridge to start putting everything away. I opened the fridge and one of the side shelves somehow fell out and hit the floor taking with it... a full jar of spagetti sauce, a full bottle of wheat germ (bought tonight) a full jar of chopped garlic, plus other tasty things. It all broke. First of all, my house keeper was her today. 2ndly, my tile floor as much as I love it, I hate it. It has 1/2 inch grooves so things like the wheat germ mixed with the sauce and garlic was a real joy to get out of there. I wanted to throw myself in the canal (out back). But I didn't! While I was cleaning this disaster and I do mean disaster, guess who decided to eat? Her menu for tonight (Batmom will appreciate this) 3.5 quaker bars about a cup of chicken breast 4 chicken jerky. I am happy she has something in her. I am still taking her in tomorrow which I hate to do to her because it is so very very stressful for her but I need to be sure all is OK with her.
  19. no she is interested in anything we have ever eaten and she is getting 2 walks a day. .5 each time. She goes out back the rest of the time. Have 10 jars of baby food. not interested. Off to the vet tomrrow.
  20. Right now she is sitting with a granola bar, a towel of shredded chicken, a towel of tripe and a towel of fat balls. There is a zuke in the middle. She is looking in the opposite direction. This is all on MY BED. Nice, huh? The other 3 wouldn't think about taking her food. Well, they probably think about it but won't. i don't know whether I want to cry or put my fist through the wall. The frustration is mind boggling. Yet, we are still singing to her. Tonight's song is Hello Polli to the tune of... Hello Dolly.
  21. She will be fine, she will be fine, she will be fine... White healing lights and prayers for Misty and hugs for mom.
  22. Dh went out at 11:45 the other night to get McD for her. She was not interested. We don't eat that stuff, nor the spaghettios!!!! never have! I don't eat anything that comes out of a can except MAYBE tuna!!! She has never shown interest in anything I have eaten except for a quakers- natur valley granola bar- peanut butter.
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