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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Chloe did absolutely fine with anesthesia. She needed an extraction of a tooth that had been cracked from a racing injury. He will do blood work prior though, right? She was ready to chow down when she got home. SHe was barely affected by it. What you can do is ask him to go a little lighter with the gas. Beau and his Mom need lighter gas. She will be fine. Chloe has WONDERFUL teeth. I hope Lexy does too!
  2. Thinking about you and Jed sending loads of prayers.
  3. Pat- I am so sorry. How lucky you both were to have each other for so long. Run free sweet kitty. I'm sure my Sasha and Blue will show you the way.
  4. I am so sorry for your loss.
  5. RobinM

    Bello Stoops

    I followed his story from the beginning and I am so sorry for the outcome. My heart breaks with you.
  6. I can't believe it's time. It's been 3 weeks and tomorrow will be 3 weeks 4 days. My vet wanted me to bring Polli in when she had hours so she could be there when Polli was having her chemo. I will take 1/2 day of work and get her at whatever time she is finished. She said 2 hours from start to finish and that includes doing her labs prior to the chemo. Please keep Polli in your prayers for an easy chemo and recovery from it.
  7. We use 100% pure glucosomine and MSM from http://wwwgreyhoundgang.com (all proceeds go to the hounds)
  8. Looks like a hot spot but I am not sure.
  9. What about on 1800- pet meds? I am sure I am not paying 3.00 a pill and I have bottles of 100! Get the script from the vet and shop online for the best price.
  10. I, unfortunately, don't have the advice you need. Just know you are in my thoughts and prayers. The vets know that he is unable to get up? If so, how did they suggest you get him up and out? I know there is a harness with a handle but you need something right now. Is there anyone in your immediate area that can help you?
  11. So glad to hear she and you are home. Poor Misty and poor mommy. Its all so frightening.
  12. You have our prayers for nothing more than a sore muscle.
  13. I agree. There has to be another way. agreed. it maybe a major inconvience, but somehow, someway it's workable. ETA to take out what could have PO the OP.
  14. I am so sorry to hear you are all going through this but with a proper diagnosis and treatment, Misty will be on her way. She is in the best of very capable hands with you. Hugs to you and Misty.
  15. Yes we are. I am so sorry. Hoping for THAT miracle. They DO happen.
  16. OH NO. I have no words. Just so sorry to hear this. Hugs to you both.
  17. ya know, I kinda know that too. She doesn't need to stay long and my vet wants her out of there as quickly as possible. She knews how greyhounds stress and she knows my dogs and is very sensitive to the fact that they don't do well while at the vet. Polli has not had the best of things happen to her at the vet. First time there, she lost 17 teeth. Then a few visits of proking and proding and then they took her leg. I can understand why she stresses so much. I talk to her and I even had Tina Hasset, animal communicator talk to her to try and get her to understand what's going on. Polli wanted no part of it. She is a subborn gal!
  18. I wouldn't worry about this. The vet will give you what you need if you need to change the dressing. Polli had a compresson sweater which made it so she did not bruise or ooze. The pads were about 2x2 and like I said the vet gave them to us IF we needed them but we didn't. We changed it just for the he77 of it but she didn't need it.
  19. OMG- I never thought of what my Polli girl might weigh. She was 60 before! I guess it doesn't matter what she weighs in as much as long as she is eating and looks good, that's all that matters!
  20. the only chemo we are doing is the Carboplatin. i'm sure she will be fine. I'm scared. We've come such a long way. And I KNOW just walking into the vet is going to be a major issue. They told me the chemo itself is only 20 minutes. She will have her bloods done first, then chemo, then a pee pee, then Mommy will be coming to take her home. I've already put in for 1/2 day Monday.
  21. The vet gave us the script for the valium. ONLY use as directed. It is a people drug so you will fill it at your pharmacy. 15 pills is like 10 dollars. The gauze was given by the vet and the non stick tape we bought at CVS, Polli wasn't interested in the couch so it was a non issue!
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