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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. My vet had us get Artemix which can only be bought at one place. http://www.hepalin.com/artemix.htm It's not cheap, but what can you do!
  2. Poor baby- prayers for a quick recovery.
  3. That is just totally 100%-- wonderful--- fantabulous---- news!!!!!!!
  4. Why with the chemo are there so many variations of duration? 5 times, 13 times, Kristin said 9 MONTHS- OMG.. does that depend on the type of cancer? Polli, like Ember had Osteosarcoma and I believe Ember will also undergo 5 treatments, a little different than Polli's but 5 treatments.
  5. She actually ate a HUGE boiled and shredded chicken breast and a bunch of cookies - THANK G-D and to you all for your prayers.
  6. Not eating everything in bowl??!!!! Bowl? Polli wants to know what that is!!! Polli will only eat while laying down with her food on a towel. And that is when she is feeling greyt!!! Why? I have no idea, that's just what works and when something works, I don't change it. Did your grey who ha 5 rounds last year have carboplatin? It does make sense for it to be worse as it accumulates in their bodies which is probably why the vet originally said to me Polli will have 5 chemos IF she can tolerate it, if not 4, but we would like to have 5. And yes, she is so so worth it.
  7. Thanks Kerry AND everyone else... you know, I looked at her from afar on Sunday. She was running in the backyard trying to get into the game that Teddy and Chloe were playing. She was demanding and rooing and eating and happy and the light in her eyes shone. And as Sunday came to a close, I knew what was in store the following day. I held her close and told her how sorry I was that she would be feeling yucky, but sometims you have to feel yucky before you can feel greyt again. How I wish she understood. We will get there. I know the only way to get over it is to go through it. I just wish it were easier on her. Seeing her look less Polli-like (how's that for a word!?) breaks my heart. It will take a bit of time, but you are right, my Polli girl is strong, she is determined and she is loved.
  8. I figured. Sigh. She is hungry and just stated eating some dried chicken strips, so I quickly put down the shredded chicken which she started to eat. All of a sudden she ran down the stairs to the back door to go out and prob poop. DH wis waiting to bring her in and up. Hopefully, she will continue. I'm scared to think of the 4th and 5th chemo. My poor baby. Her good days are sooooooooooooooooo amazingly good and the bad days suck.
  9. I should have asked my vet this, but I didn't. Does the reaction from chemo gets worse as it goes on? Does it build in the system so everytime there is more and more? If so, I shudder to think how chemo # 4 and 5 will be. Poll is 1 day post chemo. So far she has had 2 zukes today. They are the size of a triscuit cracker. I offered shredded chicky, she licked it and moved to another bed. What that is telling me is that she is nauseous. She had the shot of cerenia yesterday and a pill of cerenia today. I will later, but I am wondering if there is a buildup in their system. Anyone know?
  10. How cute is he! Many prayer for a fast and painless recovery.
  11. Good thoughts and prayers for Alan.
  12. well, Polli has other plans for me rather than rest!!! So far today, she has had several zukes, several chicken jerky, one or 2 liver treats, several bijacs and 3/4 nature granola bar but that's it. I have a cup of shredded chicken that I put out in front of her 5 minutes ago, but she is lying down, not interested. We will continue to try until 11ish, but this is pretty much what happened last time so hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. Thank you for the continued support and well wishes. I tell Polli all the time that she is a very special girl that so many people care about.
  13. I am so sorry. She is a beautiful girl.
  14. Monty Monty Monty~ 5 stitches and that was while having fun!!! I have no idea what the lump is but I'm sure it's nothing and hope it goes away in it's own. Finder's crossed.
  15. Poor babies, do you know who did it and if there is stomach upset going on?
  16. Chloe was tested for hypothyoid at 2 years 3 months and it was 0.2 Very low clinically and she was suffering many symptons. Does you vet treat a lot of greys? **Please make sure he is doing a full panel, not just the T4. They keep the blood for a while so it's not too late if he hasn't ordered that. Tomorrow is not too late either.
  17. RobinM

    Red Tiger Power

    Pat- my heart sank when I read something in EEG and you referred to tiger power in the past tense. I immediately came here to find this. I wish I had something wise and comforting to say to you. i don't. I am so sorry. Hugs.
  18. Lots of prayers and good thoughts for sweet Callie. Please update when you can.
  19. You really don't need the extra large. i get the medium and they are quite big!
  20. I've heard that too. Chloe gets brand name of Soloxine and for the pennies it cost- its not really a big deal. Glad to know Rudy is getting checked soon! Please update when you can.
  21. I was turned onto these by Dr. Bill Feeman. I HATE rawhide but I allow Beau to use them. Actually if Beau, does, they all do. But because Beau will not let me brush his teeth, I do. THey work. There is an enzyme in there that gets relased as they chew and they love them. I get them for 12.99 for 30 chews and I usually order enough that the shipping is free. Do an online search for the best prices.
  22. you hit the nail on the head. I tend to usually look at the glass as half full. I am a very grateful person for so many reasons.
  23. We are home. Her bloods were "beautiful" prior and she is up to 53.4 Almost .5 in 3 weeks. So with all the craziness, she did manage to make up for it when she was feeling better and I can attest to the fact that carrying her up the 3 flights of steps several times a day-- she has not lost weight!!!!! She is resting and happy to be home. I will start on things for thanksgiving since it's at my house. Will update later. Thanks everyone!
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