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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Yeah, she had a some chicken breast last night but nothing but 9 zuke cookies and 1/2 milkbone today. I bought rotisierre chicken- no interest. I made "fat balls" - no interest Burpdog biscuits- no interest. OVer the last 4 days and beyond I have tried EVERYTHING in the world. Being that when things were greyt, the only thing she would ever eat was her kibble with tripe, Purina one wet or chicken. Now is not the time where she is going to change the menu. I am going to have to bring her into the vet tomorrow for blood work to make sure her WBC and kidneys are OK with the chemo. Sigh.
  2. Is should be OK but there could be residual "issues" later on. But all of mine have some sort of leg issues and non of their legs were broken as a pup.
  3. Chloe does it, but not to the extent Dude does it. Someone had mentioned a possible allergy. Keep a log to record when, what and where.
  4. Got the "low" fat balls in the oven. She's not eating anything but zukes.
  5. How big of an oatmeal were you referring to for the 5 pounds.? there is a large one and supersized one which is what I normally have. If I am using 1 pound of meat, how much oatmeal??
  6. I'd love nothing more than to have to recook the whole thing because she loved it. She is sound asleep no where near ready to eat. i hate this.
  7. I'll try, but like 1/4 of the recipe since I am pretty sure when I make it, I'll be throwing it out. I am not being negative, just realistic. It's worth trying though. DH is out running an errand, I'll have him pick up ingredients. Thanks.
  8. I just offered Polli the rotissere chicken that we went out to buy. I wish you could see her lying next to the food. The other dogs and cat are interested. It's too early for her. So far today she had 9 zuke cookies, 1/2 milk bone and 4 chicken jerkys. Here we go again.... Stay tuned.
  9. Hugs, love & peace to you during this most difficult time. I know there are just no words. Just know that you are and have been in so many prayers and good wishes for so long. God Speed Bodie.
  10. How wonderful to hear a true success story. Hugs to you both.
  11. You would do just fine. We have too as there is no time for poor "me" when all about "them". Somehow, someway we get through it and having GT behind is is something I am forever grateful for. I don't know how I could have done it without everyone's encouragement and support. I hope that you NEVER have to go through it but know that no matter what- you won't be alone.
  12. She wound up eating all the chicken which was a large boiled chicken breast shredded up. She also in the course of the day ate a handful of dried chicken tenders, a handful of zukes, a handful of peanut butter cookies and severl other cookies. She apparenty likes the hard crunchie things, but not kibble. So all in all, she did eat, but how we got there was a bit s frustrating. We are on day 4 and I expect some changes today. You hear that Ms. Polli!
  13. Thanks everyone. You are all amazing. The support is overwhelming. Tonight was a rough one. Beau was non stop ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOing for attention, a walk, a kiss, something. I took him alone which got me out of the house and Beau got a walk. Mind you, he had had close to a mile 2 hours earlier. He LIVES for walks. DH had night court this evening so I was on my own and it just all got to me. My cat boxes were overloade... and it just wasn't a good night. I will see if Ms. PITA wants the rest of the chicken, if not, I am going to call it a night. Thank you all again. I didn't realize the tone of my posts, but you all sure did. I'm OK, because I have to be.
  14. We sorta ate. Shredded chicken. At least a cup. A load of cookies today (which could be why she is nauseous!!!). I guess I should get her a vitamin cuz she is not getting the nurtrients from the kibble. Chicken is better than nothing. I am emotinally wiped beyond belief and I look like something the cat dragged in. Literally.
  15. She isn't having a problem keeping anything down, thank goodness. She's just not interested in eating. I'm not having a good night.
  16. She's not eating enough of this either. I'm getting so beyond frustrated. I'm gonna give it all a rest until 10ish because I think we are both on overload. By the time I clean up all the cans, jars, plates, towels and bed, it will be time to start again.
  17. Just got back from the supermarket where I bought 10 jars of chicken and rice baby food. My kids never ate jarred food, it is pretty nasty looking!!) and she is not interested. I just don't know anymore. I really don't. i think i have a recipe from COG for fat balls. do you have that? maybe you could sub chicken for the beef Why don't you give me that. I could give it a try. I hope I have the ingredients. i don't cook so I am limited in the kitchen products. Let me know, and I'll give it a try.
  18. That's the normal way to do it here. She is not eating. Nodda. not interested.
  19. Thinking, wishing and hoping, praying.....
  20. Lynne- is the Nutro high energy wet or dry? EmillyAnne- she had something the day of her chemo (monday for nausea) and then yesterday, I gave her the 1st pill but that should work right away since it's meant for car sickness. And, she doesn't like venison. She likes: chicken, cookies, some wet food and peanut butter. That is IT. I mix chicken and / or wet food in with her kibble normally. It seems like ages ago that that went down here. We are consumed with "did she eat"??? Have I mentioned how much this sucks???
  21. YAY Ember, have a couple of bites for your girlfriend, Polls.
  22. I'm not looking for suggestions, as they have all been exhusted. She will only eat what she likes and she doesn't like a lot of food. I did speak to my vet who said she is concerned, not very. But she is. IF she doesn't start eating by Saturday, she will have to go into the vet for more bloods to make sure her WBC and kidneys are OK after the chemo. The only thing she is eating is dried chicken tenders and other cookies. No food or kibble. Not good. I feel like pulling my hair out. I still think she is nauseous even after the anti nausea pill.
  23. I am so sorry you and Soul are going through this. It WILL get better. It has to.
  24. I would opt for x-rays and possibly acupunture.
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