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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. If you are referring to chattering, yes, perfectly normal. Both my Beau and his momma are master chatterers!!!!! Happy, stressed or just excited- they chatter!
  2. Prayers for an answer and solution QUICKLY.
  3. If she can tolerate it well, she will get 5. The third one is the charm so yes, this one should be better!
  4. YAY. So glad she is doing OK- we've been waiting for the update.
  5. I agree. Nothing to add but glucosomine if you are not already and plenty of TLC!!!
  6. Yes, they do and they give me the pills too. Absolutely! No options!!
  7. After Polli's chemo # 2, she felt yucky for several days and didn't eat too much of anything, but compared to some others, she ate greyt! I kept a journel so I can compare one time to another. We are going for # 3 tomorrow. After this one, we will have 2 more to go, but who's counting. I will be taking 1/2 day so that as soon as she is done, she will be out of there. I should have her home by 12. Please keep Polli in your thoughts and prayers for an uneventful chemo session and a quick bounce back to feeling as good as she has been lately. Thanks.
  8. Just saw this. So glad it'snot anything serious and something easily treatable. OK, Misty... enough now girlie.
  9. I am so glad to hear he is eating, he scared me too and I was sitting here at home wracking my brains on what could entice him!
  10. I am so sorry for your loss. She was such a beautiful girl.
  11. RobinM

    My Jack

    I can barely see through my tears. He was a very special boy and will be missed by many. I am so sorry. God Speed Jack.
  12. OMG I JUST SAW THIS Thread and I have been meaning to get back to you from your VM of last week. PLEASE update when you cahn, Tania will be majorly in my prayers.
  13. I started a thread in soap box several months back " dog on leash, loose owner", it too was about a non friendly boxer and his insanely nasty owner. Sorry you both had to go through that.
  14. Thank GOD. I have been thinking about him constantly. Keep it up Stormy.
  15. Wearing her pretty pink "diamond" bling from Aunt Lori and Mystee! Thanks again!
  16. I've posted on this thread a few years back. What I wanted to add to those who feel they are not real drs. Try diagnosing without the subject being able to communicate in telling the doctor what is wrong. Does this hurt. nothing. does that hurt. blank stare. We all know how frustrating it is trying to figure out what is wrong when we know our dogs/cats/ whatever are off, and they belong to us. imagine trying to diagnose and getting it right the first time which they usually do. Kudos to all the vets.
  17. So glad to hear she is home. She will do much better now, I just know it!
  18. She is healing beautifully, they did such a greyt job. There was only a teeny scab in one area (where she was constantly licking!) They used desolvable stitches. She has an amazingly thick coat- so that is starting to fill in. We are just so happy and I do remember feeling a completely different way. Oh what a difference the days make! Please don't expect me to look up at you ans smile Mom- I'm eating my cookies.
  19. This is the generic for Remeron. I know that a few have had success with this drug, but research shows that is has been more successful with increasing appetite in humans than in dogs. But I sure would see what the vet thinks about it. Several people have had faster results with the NY than with Remeron. I also have to admit that I don't trust the mfg of this drug. Keeping Stormy in my prayers Out of desperation, I mentioned it to my vet as well and she said she didn't know enough about it to feel comfortable prescribing it. She was more comfortable with the cerenis but said after 3 - 5 days, the nausea should have passed. Could Stromy have a gastrointestinal on top of this?
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