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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Prayers & Hugs coming your way.
  2. If it arrives correctly from OSU this week, we will get credited the amount from last time and go from there.
  3. Prayers for your Sugar. Everything will be OK.
  4. I know you and i had some pms but did you try it late at night? Everyone suggested all the above to me for polli and I went out and BOUGHT everything only to throw it all out. My Polli on a greyt day will only eat one of 3 things. Trying the new stuff wasn't going to do the trick. 6 days is a long time, no doubt - is he still drinking? can yo uput some chicken broth into the water to entice him to eat chicken? Just a thought. Very scary.
  5. We paid 187.00 each time ----add on 20% as we get a 20% because of greyhound adoption.
  6. Some greys can't be in a crate for long outside of the track. Can I ask why you already have your grey isolated on another floor away from it's family!?
  7. I too would never chance the grey with the bird. It must always be in a cage or at the very least supervised. I too know of a horror story of a grey and bird. Let's just say the grey won. As long as you are close by, things should be OK with a low prey dog.
  8. Healing thoughts and prayers for your boy.
  9. prayers for an uneventful chemo treatment. Hope she handles it well and continues on her healing journey. hugs from Robin & Polli
  10. Just seeing this and reading it through. No advice, just prayers and "Happy" thoughts for you and your pretty girl.
  11. Let the healing continue and only good things from here on in....
  12. Polli like crunchy carbs like granola bars and ritz crackers after chemo. But after 5 days, I would call the vet and let them know what the situation is. major prayers for your Stormy.
  13. RobinM

    Sylvester Boy

    I am so sorry for your loss.
  14. I am so sorry and I can't begin to imagine the pain of what you are going through. You know your girl, you will know when the time is right. Hugs to you and gentle sritches for Bell.
  15. Hope it all turns around fast and you can celebrate the way you had planned on! Hugs to you both.
  16. I too will keep Giselle in my thoughts and prayers...just a soft tissue injury.
  17. THere is the pamplet from Dr. Feeman which is on GT called Greyhound Medical Idosyncrasies. Print that out for yours and the vet's reference. It's very good to have at hand. (if you don't have it!)
  18. That's intersting about the male vs female and weight. I had noticed how many girls at once got it. Polli, Ember, Brooke (Run Free Princess), Jamiaca, Maggie Mae, Cookie- ALL girls diagnosed within a month or so of one another. It's scary to think that there are even more boys with it.
  19. I don't have the facts bu I was told by someone at a track that Beau's brother Jicky Jack, born 5/26/04 died from it under 2. I don't know whether this is true or not, but it's what I was told when I was looking for sibs 2 years ago. And if anyone could find out the real deal, I would like to know.
  20. i can relate. Polli is just about 6 weeks post amp/ she has had 2 chemos, has 3 more to go. It's not easy, but it is doable and you will get through it. Feel free to pick my brain whenever you need to. I will keep you and your baby in my prayers.
  21. Oh that poor baby. I'm not going to ask HOW she fell from a rooftop... Loads of prayers for that sweet baby.
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