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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Oh, Alisha, I'm just seeing this. Your gorgeous boy did seem to be filled with the joy of just being alive, as we could tell from his wonderful, expressive pictures. He must have been very special, and a huge part of the inspiration for all the generous things you do for so many hounds. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Iceman.
  2. Oh, Jake, I sure hope your Mom and your vets can find out what's wrong with your legs. It's no fun, and it worries your Mom to death.
  3. I didn't know Augie's story---thank-you for sharing it with us, as well as his pictures. Oh, my gosh, he was stunningly beautiful! And he was absolutely meant to be with you. What a sad and terrible loss. I'm so, so sorry.
  4. Oh, Mo, I'm so sorry. But it's good they got that spleen out now. We'll continue to keep Bailey in our prayers. Please let us know how she's doing, and what the reports show.
  5. Oh, the poor little girl. Sending prayers that you get some answers and she gets better.
  6. That was a lovely tribute. How full of life he was, and how you loved him. I'm so sorry you lost your precious old man.
  7. I can't begin to imagine the pain and shock and devastating sadness of such a tragic loss. Sending prayers to Maris and Yogi's Mom for strength during this horrible time. Precious babies.....I'm so, so sorry.
  8. Yikes! I'm just seeing this. And I somehow missed Rascal's broken tail too. Polly is very miffed at me for not letting her know sooner. I only saw what Claudia had posted in the BDR---thanks, Claudia! In any case, we're so glad that you found a great vet while on vacation, and Polly sends her love and get well thoughts to her sweet Rascal Dascal. So glad that Darbee seems to be doing better as well. When they get to be her age, you can't help but worry. Sweet girl, put one foot in front of the other, and eat some good food for your Mom! Let us know how things go tomorrow. We'll be sending good thoughts out to all of you.
  9. Wow, it's a good thing you noticed that! If there is indeed something going on, you will know sooner rather than later. But of course you'll be worrying about her during your holiday. Sending lots of prayers and positive thoughts to Bailey and to you.
  10. Heartbreaking is the word I have to echo, for your Angel and for you. I'm so, so sorry.
  11. That was a beautiful tribute. And a perfect example of the joy and fulfillment in bringing one of the shy or fearful ones into your home and heart. You were able to celebrate each small victory and to be the most integral part of Hobbes becoming the dog he was meant to be, because of your love. What lessons you both learned, ones that will be the memories you treasure. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  12. Oh, she was meant to be with you! Clearly the time you spent together was the happiest of her life. What a terrible shock to lose her so suddenly. No wonder you are feeling so empty. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Bea.
  13. What a great present for everyone who has fallen for this brave little girl. We would be thrilled to see pictures.
  14. Oh, Jan, I'm so sorry you lost your precious little girl. I remember seeing your family on the beach at Dewey, and she seemed so healthy and happy. I thought then that your dogs were lucky, because it was clear how much you and your husband loved them.
  15. Ah, how you loved him. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Wally.
  16. queenwinniesmom

    My Boy T

    Oh, I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy. The suddenness makes it even harder.
  17. Oh, no! This is so upsetting. I think you are right about her wanting to live. She seems to be such a fighter. Sending many prayers that this precious girl pulls through and gets to go to her forever home---where she can be spoiled for a long, long time.
  18. I'm just seeing this too. Glad he's a little better today, but will send some prayers and "be well" telepathic thoughts out to Llenny. Sweet boy, try not to play too rough with your sister. It worries ALL of us if you limp!
  19. What a complex little lady she was. And how well you understood, indulged, appreciated, and loved her. The last words, especially, of your lovely tribute---and that picture!---brought tears. Thank-you for sharing her special beauty with us. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Happy.
  20. So many wonderful memories of your gorgeous big guy. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Ringo.
  21. My heart is breaking for you. Sending hugs and white light.
  22. Oh, I'm just seeing this (missed GT yesterday!). I'm glad she is doing well after the cleaning. You do worry, especially when they are that age. But you don't have much choice. Bark when you get home, sweet girl. And show us those shining toofers.
  23. Oh, what a lovely old lady hound! You have a kind and tender heart to have given her such a loving and secure home in her last year. And she clearly brought you much joy in return. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Maggie.
  24. I'm so sorry that the cancer is back. But you're right, quality time (and a positive attitude) is what it's all about. However long Tigger has with you---and it could be a long time---that boy knows he is loved.
  25. What a tender, perceptive, and eloquent tribute. Not only did you share your precious Quincy with us, but we feel as if we know your wonderful family as well. Such a profound loss for everyone who loved him. But your Mom....she especially is in my prayers. Do you have any pictures of Quincy? I'd love to see what this special guy looked like.
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