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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. What a lovely little lady. What a shock her loss must be, when she had just stayed with you. I'm so sorry.
  2. I'm so sorry you lost your Mom. I understand how heartbreaking it is to lose them day by day, as I lost my Mom to that horrible disease as well.
  3. You were her perfect Mom! The two of you filled her too short retirement with so much joy. What absolutely beautiful pictures, even though they made me cry. She looks SO much like my Lydia. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Piper.
  4. My heart sank to my feet when I saw Smiley's name here. As much as everyone who was pulling for him is feeling such shock and sadness, I can't imagine the pain you are in right now. That emotional roller coaster you've been on---the anguish of that most horrible diagnosis, the uncertainty of what could be a life or death decision, the joy of the prospect of more quality time together,the celebration of each small victory, and always, hope. You did everything you possibly could, and your hope for Smiley was so natural---like a parent's for a child---so heartfelt and unselfish, and to have that stolen away from you is absolutely devastating. Beth, my heart is breaking for you and Pete, and I wish there was something I could do to ease your pain. I hope it helps just a little to know that so many understand, and are sharing your sadness. What a wonderful gentleman he was, and how you loved him. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Smiley.
  5. I know it's hard not to have him home with you, but I'm sure it's for the best, especially if you and Pete are not rested. Well, you're not going to be COMPLETELY rested, no matter when he comes home, but get as much sleep now as you can. I think it's kinda scary having them home real soon after the amp. There are so many things going on while their systems process the anesthesia and acclimate to the pain meds. It's a normal process, but something that is disconcerting to the ones who love them so much. You're so attuned to every little sound or behavior. So if he can adjust as much as possible where he's in the best of hands, that's a plus. It sounds like things are moving along just right. Great work on the ramp! Pete is a talented guy. We'll be thinking about you and Smiley, and sending lots of prayers and white light.
  6. I was thinking about Star the other day, and had a feeling that she was doing well. I'm so glad to hear that she is! She sounds like a real trooper, and you've done everything right. I remember when Winnie fell a few times. Once, she wiped out on our kitchen floor, and after that, she never went into the kitchen again. She was so stubborn. She'd do two flights of steps on 3 legs, but we couldn't convince her that the kitchen floor wouldn't make her fall. We'd love to see pics of Star when you can. Give her a gentle hug, and tell she has lots of fans.
  7. Mary Pat, you have been through so much. You're doing everything you possibly can to keep Pearl safe and healthy, and I so hope you get as much time together as possible. I know Beth really appreciated that you were there too, as they played the "waiting game." You and Pearl are in my prayers.
  8. has not set their status

  9. Big hugs to Smiley! They are so amazingly resilient---he will be your inspiration throughout this journey. The Greyhound community in general, and OSU and GT in particular, are so supportive. How great that you got to hang out with fellow GT'ers who knew exactly what you were going through. Hoping for a smooth homecoming and recovery for Smiley. Lydia is sending gentle telepathic nose kisses!
  10. Oh, she was stunning! Such a lovely, gentle, sensitive face. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Honey.
  11. I can't post from work, and I've been thinking about Smiley off and on all day. Wondering how the sweet boy is doing. Sending lots of prayers, and hoping for a good update. Beth, when you get home, it might get worse before it gets better. But it WILL get better. Just remember that the pain from the osteo is gone. Come here and vent if you need to. And ask us anything.
  12. Hey, Donna, I hope you were able to enjoy New Orleans. It's good to get away, but I know you were glad to get back and see that he was doing well. Let's hope that trend continues! Please let us know what Dr. Couto thinks if you get in touch.
  13. I know that my Winnie's story is not the norm, and though she was an inspiration to many, sometimes I hesitate to give people hope that they could have the long term remission that she did. But you asked about success stories, and she is one of several that I know of, both on Greytalk, and the dogs of friends. To be honest, I don't know just why she is a success story. I just know what we did, and that, for whatever reason, it worked. She was 8 when she was diagnosed in her right hind leg. X-rays showed that her lungs were clear of mets, and the biopsy said osteo (I would NOT do that again). We did the amputation within a month. We decided against chemo. I know this is not recommended treatment, but we had several reasons. Instead, we started a low carb, high protein diet, and supplemented with fish oil, pycnogenol, and artemisinin. And we had 3 1/2 quality years with her, years in which she was spoiled, indulged, and very loved. She ate steak every morning, and outran her 4 legged sisters in the dog park (while I held my breath). She went up and down 23 outside steps to get in and out of our house (we live on the second floor), about 5 times a day. She went to work with me, and she travelled to Gettysburg, Grapehounds, and several Deweys pulling me down the beach and into every doorway. She was the only dog we took with us to Statesville NC for my mother's memorial service. Because she LOVED a road trip! Just a few days before Dewey in 2007, she slowed down markedly, and finally, could not make it up the steps. She was in kidney failure, and that is why we lost her, just 1 month shy of her 12th birthday. I'm not sure why we were so blessed, but I treasure that time we had after her diagnosis, when in despair, I wrote her obituary poem. She fooled us all, and she beat the monster. She was a tough old girl, and I miss her like crazy. I believe Barb Heisey's Bosha had at least 3 years (maybe more?), with amp and chemo. And Glynis Berger's Winslow will celebrate 3 years this February. They did amp and chemo as well. My friend Lilian's Grey Pharoah had 3 years post amp, with no chemo.
  14. I'm so sorry. Wow, you've had Burnie for a year as a foster. Bless you for being a long term foster for this sweet senior. I'm sure he assumes that he's in his forever home, and if you can love him, spoil him, and keep him safe and out of pain for as long as possible, that is a wonderful gift.
  15. Oh, Mo, I'm so sorry. I know we were all hoping for a much more positive diagnosis. Bailey is in my prayers---many more snow zoomies, and couch cuddles.
  16. Oh, jeez, Robin, it does put your heart into fibrillation, doesn't it? Lydia did that a few months ago. The field where we take them is huge, but it's slanted. Usually, they don't get going too fast---there is too much to sniff and explore. But Lydia decided to take off, and she skidded, and flipped over on her back too. Scared us, but she was fine. We didn't know till we were getting into the car that she had left her dewclaw (it was one that stuck out and wobbled---should have been removed when she was spayed) somewhere in the field! Even that was okay. We were going to the vet but decided to give it a day, and it healed just fine. I hope Chloe is just fine too.
  17. Oh, the poor boy. He tried so hard, and so did you. At least he had some time with people who loved him, which he obviously didn't have before you let him into your hearts. I'm so sorry he couldn't stay longer.
  18. Oh, no! I'm so sorry for the pain you are going through right now. It hurts so much because you love so deeply. You and Diamond have been so strong in your fight against the monster, and now you have to deal with this horrible diagnosis as well. You and your girls are in my prayers.
  19. She's gotta get better, Mary Pat! Sending many prayers.
  20. Oh, Beth, to say I'm sorry doesn't seem like enough. We all understand your sadness, pain, and all those overwhelming emotions that you have when faced with this horrible disease. It's stolen too many of our precious hounds, and humans too. But if there is anything positive to be gained, it's knowing that we all feel that common bond, and can help each other with knowledge and support. It seems like so little, but it's the most important thing we can do. Please know that you and Smiley are in so many prayers. Let us know how your precious heartboy is doing.
  21. Oh, no, Donna! I'm so, so sorry Apollo's gotten this terrible diagnosis. He's packed a lot of love into the last 2 years, but it's just not long enough. God, I'm sorry you're going through this again---you've had more than your share of sadness from the monster osteo. You and Dave and Apollo will be in my prayers. Have a safe trip (though your hearts will be with your boy), come back and spoil him even more.
  22. How beautiful he was. I'm so sorry you lost your big, gentle guy.
  23. Oh, that is so sad, so unfair. Poor baby boy, I'm so sorry you never found your forever home. Sending much sympathy.
  24. How he loved you! The last picture, especially, brought tears to my eyes. And how lucky he was to have found his true forever family the second time around. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Rico.
  25. Thank you so much for those wonderful pictures. They made us smile, even while sharing your sadness. What joy she must have brought to your life. And it's clear how very much she was loved. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Vixen.
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