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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Diane, I'm so sorry you lost your precious Pablo.
  2. Well, those are 2 words that you REALLY want to hear---no cancer! Those feet can be a pain till everything is cleared up. Our Nick had so many ups and downs when his 2 middle toes were amputated (due to injury, not cancer), but once he healed, he was great. Sending lots of good thoughts out to your sweet boy.
  3. Sending prayers out to beautiful Cali. I'm so glad she got to see her family tonight. That's good medicine.
  4. I'm so sorry that Star has gotten this terrible diagnosis. But I'm so glad that you found GT. Hopefully, you will check out Circle Of Grey as well. It sounds as if, otherwise, you wouldn't have that much support, and I commend you for being persistent in finding out what needs to be done, and what is best for your girl. Please remember that this is an extremely personal decision---no one here will tell you what is right or wrong. We are all doing what we think is best for our Greys because we love them. So try not to second guess yourself. Remember that your Star lives in the NOW, only aware that she is safe and loved, and not afraid of any sadness to come, whenever that might be. It is important to try and keep her pain managed as well as you possibly can, and make the most of each day that you are blessed to share. It doesn't sound as if the vets in your area, though well-meaning, are as knowledgeable about Greys and osteo as they could be. OSU will be invaluable in their expertise, not to mention if you need chemo, cost-wise. Too many of us here have experienced what you're going through, so please don't ever feel hesitant to ask questions, or come here for support. Star is so young! Osteo is a monster whenever it rears it's ugly head, but it is doubly heartbreaking when it affects such a young dog. Given her age, I would probably lean towards the amputation too (Winnie, the lovely lady in my avatar, was 8 when her right hind leg was amputated), but as others have said, there are many factors to consider---her temperment, if the cancer has spread, etc. We were lucky enough to have Winnie for 3 1/2 years after her amp. While she was a true inspiration, I hesitate to give others hope that they would have that long, as it is the exception, rather than the rule. But would I do it again, even knowing that we would have less time? Yes, I would. Would I feel the same way about any of the 3 Greys I have now? Not necessarily. They are all very different, and I would have to proceed according to what my heart told me. You just do what you can, and hope for the best. This is such a difficult time while you are struggling with a decision. I would say that when you make a decision, your purpose becomes clearer, and you can move forward. There will continue to be ups and downs, of course, but you will continue to have support. Please know that you're not alone. You and Star are in our prayers.
  5. Sending prayers out to you and Lexi, and hoping that there will be good news tomorrow. Please, Lexi, please eat!
  6. Oh, my goodness! Sending lots of good thoughts, and wondering how they are doing.
  7. Thank-you for sharing Cora with us in your wonderful tribute and heart-breakingly lovely, tender and complex pictures. I think she was perfection! And she was so lucky to find her perfect forever family. However short the time, she knew that she was exactly where she was supposed to be. I'm so sorry you lost your precious little lady. An angel's star is shining brightly in the heavens today.
  8. This is great news! It sounds like you are doing everything with much consideration and responsibility. Keep up the good work, Tigger---we want to hear lots more good news.
  9. Patricia, I'm just seeing this. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Cowboy, your very special guy.
  10. What an exceptional dog she was! I'm so sorry you lost your precious Zoey.
  11. So much sadness.... Thank-you for sharing your beautiful girl with us---how she was loved. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Sahra.
  12. How tragic that he didn't have more time with his forever family. My sympathy to those who loved this special boy.
  13. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy. How beautiful he was.
  14. Oh, Pam. I don't have any advice, but just wanted to tell you how sorry I am that you and Cody are going through this. I know how much you did together, and how it must be breaking your heart to have to limit him so. I would vote for giving acupuncture a try too. Sending continued prayers and white light.
  15. Beth, I'm just catching up on everything I missed, and have been reading about Smiley. How you love that boy! And how beautiful he looks (Peanut too, the little sweetie). It's good to see that he's doing so well, and good that your vet moved so quickly. You and your sweet boy are in my prayers.
  16. I'm sorry I'd missed this. Sending lots of good thoughts out to you and Chase.
  17. Has it changed size since you noticed it? Sounds like a cyst, or maybe a wart to me, especially since it's moveable. Good luck on Wednesday---let us know.
  18. Our angel Nick had the 2 middle toes of his right hind leg amputated when he came off the track at 2 1/2. He'd badly injured that foot, and it healed so badly twisted that the vet decided to amputate when he had his neuter. I won't say it went smoothly at first---those middle toes provided cushion for his foot, and he got some sores. There were a few ups and downs, but we kept working at it, and it did heal. He never had any problems with that foot for the 7 1/2 years we had him. He walked normally most of the time, only holding that foot up occasionally. I think that was partly because he'd had so much pain for so long before the amputation, and was used to limping on it. But he did fine, and it added to his charm---the ladies loved it. He had a Therapaw for that leg, and if he was going to be walking a lot, he wore it. Hope things go well with your girl.
  19. Oh, Drake, the ladies send their love to you too! You and your sister are so lovely. How's he doing on the Metacam?
  20. I'm so, so sorry for your loss of Twiggy. Please don't beat yourself up about this. We tend to trust our doctors, and dogs as well as humans react very differently to drugs. I had known that there could be side effects with Proin (years ago). But Winnie was on it for years for spay incontinence, with no problems. But you are right to make people aware of the risks. The suddenness of her loss has undoubtedly filled you with anger and pain, and that is understandable. It adds another level to your grief that you have to work through. I hope the sadness that you and Brandy are feeling will be eased by looking into Morgan's eyes. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  21. Oh, he was beautiful! And he found the perfect home. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Otis.
  22. I was in Dewey when I heard of Cosmo's passing, and am only reading this now. Thank-you for sharing so much of her history with us in your beautiful, insightful and humorous tribute. I guess she wasn't really on my radar as much until we all began the journey with her when she was diagnosed. I was not aware of how far she'd come within the safety and understanding of her perfect home, and how much she'd changed and grown. She was a complex little girl, wasn't she? But how well you navigated and even celebrated those quirks, knowing that each facet, even if at times puzzling or frustrating, was just a part of the lovely gem that she had become. Could she have happened upon a better Mom and Dad? Impossible. That is clear in every word---your love and deep connection and understanding shine through, and let us smile even as we share your sadness. Tracey, I'm so, so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  23. How you loved your funny old gentleman hound. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Trevor.
  24. What a lovely, noble, sensitive face. Those eyes---you could get lost in them. How blessed you were to have a true heart dog like Felicity. I know your heart must now feel as if it is missing a piece. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  25. I'm so glad his surgery is over and that mass is out! Continued prayers for a fast and uneventful recovery---and a good night's sleep for everyone!
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