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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Osteo is the worst kind of emotional roller coaster there is, isn't it? It's clear that you loved your sweet little broodie very much. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Meadow.
  2. I know how hard it is not to worry about this. Keeping you both in our prayers.
  3. This is such sad news. Faye Oops reminds me a lot of my angel Winnie. Laura, I'm so sorry---you and your sweet girl are in my prayers.
  4. Oh, no! I remember meeting him last year in his stingray collar and thinking what a magnificent guy he was. How you loved him. I'm so, so sorry for his sudden and devastating loss.
  5. Reading all of the posts, seeing how deeply Bee Wiseman touched so many people, made me think of these words. It may be a little corny---I get that way sometimes when I'm emotional---but it expresses the way I think Bee made us feel. We use words like love and hope and joy a lot, and have to know without proof that they really exist. But sometimes that proof is there for all to see, and on Greytalk, it is in the pictures of Bee Wiseman. If you ever thought that love didn't matter, that it was a concept too fragile to hold, let go of the doubt that clouds your eyes, and it will appear, much brighter than gold. It's power will strengthen as it expands, like ripples across a lake. But if in your heart there still is a question, just think of the difference that one dog can make.
  6. Oh, Tricia, I'm so, so sorry. All of us who knew Bee Wiseman, whether we'd met her in person, or were simply in awe of her in your beautiful photos, are crying with you and Burke now. You were able to find the perfect words in your eloquent tribute because you knew her so well, loved her and understood her best. She embodied the joy of a dog who was precisely where she was meant to be. And if love alone was enough to keep her with you, there would be no good-byes. I know how much pain and sadness you're feeling right now, but that love is what will truly keep her in your hearts forever. Because you shared her so unselfishly, she will live in the hearts of her many friends as well. You and Burke are in my thoughts and prayers during this very sad time---sending love and sympathy for the loss of your precious girl.
  7. Oh, Chris, my heart sank when I saw Dorie's name. You tried so hard to keep her with you, and she tried so hard to stay. Having had the pleasure of meeting you, Dennis, Dorie, Dude, Copper, Toni and Cash, I can say with certainty that she couldn't have had a more loving, caring, unselfish family. How happy she was with you, and how you loved her! I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl. Dorie, Dude and Cash greeting me from their lovely yard.
  8. Oh, yes, she knew she was home! I'm so sorry you had to say good-bye to such a precious little lady.
  9. Willie, you gotta be okay! Sending prayers.
  10. What a very special history he had with your family, through many changes, always with so much love. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Iceman.
  11. Oh, Holly, I've been thinking about you so much---I just got home (no internet access for me in Dewey), and just wanted to tell you how sorry I am that you lost your precious girl so suddenly. Thank-you for saying something when you came to shop on Saturday. Otherwise I wouldn't have known who you were, and I'm glad I at least got to give you a hug. I can't imagine the shock and pain you must be feeling, and I'm hoping you are okay, Sweet little lady...I'm sure she has found Tanner, and will send you sign.
  12. I'm so sorry. Sometimes it does seem too much to bear, doesn't it. You and Rainy will be in my thoughts tomorrow.
  13. That was a really lovely tribute. And I think it might help your heart heal a little to express those thoughts. How blessed you were to have found each other. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Pistol.
  14. Oh, Linda, I'm so sorry you lost your precious Molly. It makes that empty space in your heart and home even more enormous when the loss is so sudden.
  15. Oh, I'm so sorry. The love that you and your precious Ronan shared will always be with you in your wonderful memories.
  16. Your post of her passing brought tears to my eyes. How well you understood her, and how blessed you were to have shared each other's lives. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Ivy.
  17. It's clear that she was as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside. I can't imagine how devastated you must be to lose her so suddenly. Please know that you are in many, many thoughts---much white light being sent out for strength during this very sad time. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Piaget.
  18. He looks so beautiful! I know this has been an incredibly difficult time for you both, and so many have had you in our prayers. SO, SO happy to see this update.
  19. I'm glad to hear a more positive update. We are all hoping that she continues to make progress and get better and better. We're still "sooted" up for you, sweet girl!
  20. He does sound like a lovely gentleman who will surely send you a sign. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Traveler.
  21. If ever a tribute made me smile through tears, it was yours. He was exceptional, wasn't he? Dogs like Harrison leave a huge empty space with their passing. I hope in time, that space will be filled with your wonderful memories. You have a lot of them. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Harrison.
  22. Oh, Chris, that sounds horrible. I wish I had some advice as well, but can only offer lots of good thoughts and white light for Dorie, and hugs for you both. Please keep us updated.
  23. Thanks for the replies---and sympathy! We are feeling totally overwhelmed, but I think we're at least making a dent. We will basically try anything and everything. The yard is the main order of business right now. Judy, we have some Adams shampoo. We LOVE Adams products. We used them all the time in Florida, and they worked on Florida's industrial strength bugs! Doug is getting some spray as we speak. We've bombed, but the vet at work said the bombs don't do that much good because they go UP, and you need something that goes down into crevices and under furniture. I thought bombs DID that. Well, I don't think they hurt, and we have seen less on Calvin since we bombed. We are a work in progress. Sigh. It's a good thing Doug made some money last week-end selling at a flea market (pun unintended). We're spending it all on ticks.
  24. As the others have said, you are not alone. I think we all understand those feelings of guilt, emptiness, unbearable sadness. There are stages of grief that we all must go through, and just knowing that what you are experiencing is normal may help a little. Let yourself go through those stages, and grieve according to your own time frame. In time, when the pain is not so overpowering, you will realize that you are finding comfort in the memories of Baker that can never be taken away. It's clear that you loved him very much, and that his welfare was always foremost in your mind. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Baker.
  25. The broodies are so special, aren't they? I'm so sorry you lost your precious Vera.
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