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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Oh, Judy, what a devastating loss. I can't imagine how empty your heart and home are without him. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Saint.
  2. What a huge empty space he has left in your life. I'm so sorry you lost your precious gentleman Stormy.
  3. Me too. Thinking about you both, and hoping he gets better and better.
  4. Oh, Janet, I can't imagine how stressful this continues to be for you and Peanut. I've been thinking about you both, hoping for some answers, and steady improvement. Sending many prayers and good thoughts.
  5. It's clear that he was precisely where he was meant to be. How you loved him! I'm so sorry you lost your precious JJ.
  6. How well you loved and understood him. I'm so sorry you lost your wonderful old gentleman.
  7. The picture of Ladybug and and her brother is especially lovely. I'm so sorry you lost your brave and beautiful lady.
  8. Elsie, you gotta be okay---your Mom loves you so! Sending lots of good thoughts out to you both.
  9. queenwinniesmom


    Oh, Jewell, I'm so sorry your humans stopped caring about you. I'm grateful that you knew you were safe and loved at the end. Run free, sweet girl.
  10. You knew him best and loved him unconditionally. Though that was the hardest decision, it was made out of love for your sweet old man. I'm so sorry.
  11. How heartbreaking. The ones who never make it to their forever homes haunt me. So unfair. I'm so sorry.
  12. What a heartbreaking loss. I'm so, so sorry. Sending white light for strength during this sad and painful time to you and your family and Bella.
  13. It's so hard waiting for the diagnosis, but the clear lungs are good news. I'm glad the surgery went well. Hope he is home soon, and will be sending lots of good thoughts out to him.
  14. You "had to teach him a bad habit"---that is so sweet. I'm so sorry you lost your perfect boy.
  15. He was meant to be with you! How blessed you are to have shared your life with a true heart dog, but how overwhelming his absence will be. Your husband's wedding ring transfer made me smile through tears, as did the pictures of his sweet silver face (and the ears!). I'm so sorry you lost your precious Hunter.
  16. I wish Josie could have stayed with you longer. I'm so sorry you lost your perfect girl.
  17. It's good to see that you have gotten so much good info and advice. Great advice from Greysmom about watching Bella around Angel. This could very well be a "one-off" for Angel, and hopefully, it is. I would imagine Bella is picking up on your anxiety level. Not only is her sister not there, but Mom is upset. I know it's not easy, but try and be as calm as you can around her. I've never had a Grey with seizures, but have had 3 cats who had them. Oh, my gosh, I understand how scary they are, especially the first time you see your baby so out of control. But they came out of them without complications, and due to the infrequency, they didn't have to be on any meds. If they are put on meds too soon, you can't really know if the seizures are controlled because of the meds, or if they just aren't having any on a frequent basis. Best to give them the benefit of the doubt, especially when dealing with meds that could have unwanted side effects. We're all thinking about you and Angel, and sending out lots of good thoughts. Hope she can come home soon. Please let us know how she's doing.
  18. Lazer has been doing SO exceptionally well that I just can't imagine anything other than great news. He's a brave boy. But as his Mom, you were his angel, and the guiding force that kept both of you always moving forward. Many, many good thoughts going out to both of you!
  19. Because you understood her so well, you were able to perfectly capture her unique spirit in your lovely tribute. I think we can all feel as if we knew your precious girl, and can share the pain of your enormous loss. Sometimes the stars that burn so briefly shine the brightest of all. These are words I put on the sympathy cards I make, and they seem to fit Lily perfectly: If we measure lives not in time, but in grace, in the joy with which they are lived, and in the love they leave behind, then we have much we can learn from our Greyhounds. I'm so sorry you lost your beloved Lily.
  20. How heartbreaking that he didn't make it to his forever home. I'm so sorry. I hope your pain will ease with time.
  21. When they have been with you through so much, that bond is strong, and the love so deep, but the emptiness is overwhelming. How blessed you were to have shared your life with such a wonderful dog. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Emma.
  22. What a lovely silver face! I'm so sorry you lost your precious Marissa.
  23. What an exceptional dog he must have been. No wonder your house seems so empty. I'm so sorry you lost your quirky, stubborn, wonderful old gentleman.
  24. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Rocky---a sudden loss is especially devastating.
  25. Oh, Pam, I'm so sorry. She was a unique and special lady.
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