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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Pinky, you are amazing! It's great to hear such positive updates. You've both been in my prayers---and will continue to be.
  2. Ah, your poor baby girl. Thank goodness she is doing better. I've had her in my prayers.
  3. She's awesome! We'll look forward to many more positive updates. Keep strong, sweet girl, you are in our prayers!
  4. Oh, Marc, how you loved her---and no wonder! Her beauty and sensitivity shone through in your tribute. Thank-you for posting it. Some of the pictures took my breath away. Hugs to you and Nadia and Kara and Cleo. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Honey.
  5. Oh, precious girl, we will keep you in our prayers---good thoughts for the best possible outcome tomorrow. Kristin, try and get some sleep tonight---you will need it. Are you comfortable with her coming home on Tuesday? I only say this because she may have a few rough nights because of the anesthesia and pain meds. Please know that it DOES get better. She is a brave and strong girl---she will do great!
  6. How very sad that the Greyhound community has lost such a wonderful person who truly made a difference. Sending much sympathy to her friends and family.
  7. This beautiful sentence says everything about the wonderful life you gave Stella, and the love you shared. You truly were the perfect family for her. Though the last few weeks have been frustrating and sad, you are right to remember how she blossomed into the whole and happy dog she was, safe within the circle of your love. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Stella.
  8. Aw, it's the end of an era. When a beloved pet who pre-dates important people in our life and is a constant through many changes leaves us, it is such a profound loss. What an exceptional cat he was, a one in a million kind of gentleman who was clearly just as beautiful inside as he was outside. I couldn't agree more that it is vital not to compromise their dignity when they need us to understand. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Aggadore.
  9. It is beyond sad, and so unfair, that you should have so many losses in such a short time. Yukon was meant to be with you, and I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  10. I didn't know you'd had her since she was a puppy. What a wonderful life she had with you, and she sure spread that happiness around. I'm so sorry you lost your precious little lady.
  11. Kayla's and your story is so lovely, and so poignant. It is always gratifying to hear about a dog who was not wanted for no fault of her own, but who found the perfect family, if even for too short a time. I cried when you told of her devotion to Vernon, and hope he will be okay without his angel sister. What a kind and gentle and loving soul she was. And thank goodness she found someone who loved her and recognized her for the precious jewel that she was. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Kayla.
  12. Aw, Lindsay, you really were her angel. Looking at her pictures, seeing a dog who should not have made it long enough to be part of your family, is just heartbreaking. There are so many reasons she shouldn't have been alive, but she had a few of her own reasons why she wanted to be. To think that all that courage, all that independence and quirky stubbornness could have been in vain, is just to sad to bear. Thank God she found you, and you gave her a reason to live. It's so clear how much you loved her. She knew that, and that's what matters. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Chase.
  13. How unbearably sad and ironic to lose your sweet girl to the monster osteo in the middle of the Miss Nellie auction. Your heart is surely breaking, and we are sharing your sadness. Mary, I'm so sorry you lost your precious Arlie.
  14. I've been thinking about you, Jayne, as I know you've been thinking about and missing your precious Sir D.
  15. Oh, Carrie, I feel as if it's the end of an era. Lilac was one of the first Greyhounds I met, back in the old days of Darcy's Kingdom. She was always her own quirky, stubborn, lovely self, and truly the "Mom" of your bunch, in more ways than one. She sure made your life interesting, and you loved her, indulged her, and understood her so well. Sweet Lilac, I know you have found Treat and Hawk, and maybe some of the old guys who have gone before you, and you're taking names and kicking butt at the Bridge. Carrie and Matt, I'm so sorry you lost your precious little old lady.
  16. Ah, no....It's no wonder that she evolved and blossomed in your wonderful family. She couldn't have had a more loving, patient home. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Gee.
  17. Oh, Chris, even through tears, his pictures take my breath away. Your love, understanding, and deep appreciation for each wonderful, unique facet of his personality shines through in each one. He had a gift, didn't he, of making everyone who knew him feel special. Even though there are many here who weren't as lucky as I was to meet him, just once, we all felt as if we knew him. We felt as if we shared him with you and Dennis because you so perceptively gave his personality a voice, and we could identify with what he embodied---courage, joy, living in the moment and spreading happiness equally among everyone he met. If he hadn't been so silly, so funny, so totally willing to compromise his dignity for the sake of making someone fall in love, I would have been in awe. Well, I WAS in awe. He was a rock star (along with his many other personalities ), a really approachable rock star with a kind and loving spirit. And he was an inspiration to all of us. I could say that you're really lucky that he picked you, but you know that. I do hope you know that he was really lucky that you picked HIM. And we're really lucky that you chose to share him with us. The empty space that he has left in your home and hearts has got to feel enormous. You're still hurting from losing Dorie, and it seems impossible to think of Dude being gone as well. He was the one who should have beat the monster. He fought so hard, and had so much love surrounding him. But if a life well lived until the very end is the best kind of victory, then Dude was truly the biggest winner of all. I'm thinking of you and your family with much sympathy, and sharing your sadness.
  18. Chris and Dennis, our hearts are breaking with yours. I can't find the words to tell you how sorry I am. When you are able to post in Remembrance, please do---I know we all want to share your sadness, your tears and your smiles, to celebrate your wonderful, unique and inspirational Dude.
  19. queenwinniesmom


    Oh, Mariah, you and Lane were Chips' angels. I am glad that your generous and loving spirits can see past the sadness, and cherish the wonderful times you had together, which truly were the best days of his life. You learned a lot from each other, and that knowledge, as well as knowing that you did everything you could for him, will help you through the pain of his loss. I'm so sorry he couldn't have stayed longer.
  20. I've been thinking about your sweet lady, and am glad to see this positive update. I know you'll be glad to get her home.
  21. It's clear that he truly belonged with you and Ken, and was so very loved. I'm so sorry that you lost your precious Prajna.
  22. Oh, Christine, I can't tell you how sorry I am. You have had more than your share of sadness with this horrible disease. You and Hailey and your family are in my prayers.
  23. What could that be, "a foreign object under the skin"? That puzzles me too.
  24. Thanks for the update---glad it was NOT bad news. We've still got you and your boy in our prayers.
  25. Thinking about you both too, and wondering how things went. Hoping for a positive update.
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