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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. What an absolutely devastating loss! I lost my Nick suddenly at the same age. I'm so sorry.
  2. Ah, the sweet old man---he knew exactly where he wanted to be. I'm so sorry your family lost your precious Rocky.
  3. Ah, Mo, I'm so sorry. It will seem so strange not to see him holding court , always with you while you vend. What a special guy he was. Your pictures are great, and show what a full, wonderful life he had. I love the last 4 pics especially, and the one where he is "accompanying" your son is perfect in so many ways.
  4. Oh, my gosh, I'm just seeing this. Poor baby. Thankfully it was no worse, though the wound sounds plenty bad. Good thoughts for a quick and uneventful recovery.
  5. Well, that's great news! She is a beauty---and very rightfully spoiled.
  6. We will be keeping your precious girl in our prayers too. Your love and concern are so clear. If she needs the spleen out, everything else sounds positive---no lung mets, it didn't burst, etc. Many dogs have lived long lives without their spleens. Please keep us updated.
  7. I get so angry, and baffled, when I see that another dog has been attacked. A loose dog-reactive dog in the front yard? What was she thinking? Anyway, the wound does look like it will heal nicely, and I hope poor Lila has a quick recovery. I'm so sorry that you all had to be subjected to this.
  8. Laura, that was a really beautiful tribute! It's clear that Faye Oops was exactly where she was meant to be---if only she could have stayed longer. But living in the moment as they do, she knew she was loved unconditionally till the very end. What a courageous and stubborn lady she was, a perfect example of a dog who wanted nothing more than to just be with her family. The pictures of the two of you, and your family portrait will remain some of my favorites, because the love you shared shines through so brightly. I'm so sorry you lost your brave and beautiful Faye Oops. Please give a hug to sweet Celeste. What a loving, gentle soul she is. And your DH sounds pretty amazing too.
  9. Oh, Melissa, even though I knew I would see Rascal's name here today, reading your lovely tribute and actually seeing her in Remembrance, brought a very real ache in my heart. Not only was she perfect, she was your first, and that loss feels like much more is ending. She started you on a journey that was to bring so much happiness and fulfillment, and she couldn't have been a more excellent traveling companion, or have brought you more comfort when you needed it most. It's sweet of you to remember us in her tribute, but I can honestly say that she didn't need a whole lot of our help on the road to perfection. I've always thought this, and probably have said it a lot---but just knowing that this wonderful dog got to spend her life with you and Eric and her brothers and sisters (both hound and human), is something Doug and I will always be grateful for. I understand how hard this is for you. Please know that you and Eric and Emily are in our thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Rascal. Rascal, sweetie, I know your star is shining bright, and you will be watching over your family. Let them know you are safe with your sister, your brother, and your beloved Elizabeth.
  10. It's great to see some positive updates. Continued prayers for your sweet girl to have a quick and uneventful recovery.
  11. Oh, Lazer, you are stunningly beautiful! I'm so glad your Mom put some pictures up so we can see just how great you look. I'm thrilled that you like your necklace---it sure looks perfect on you. Of course, I'm just the elf helping your Santa out---I'll never reveal secrets! You are such a brave boy, and your Mom and Dad sure love you. Merry Christmas, sweetie.
  12. queenwinniesmom


    How devastating for you! A sudden loss seems so surreal that it's hard to wrap your mind around it. And so soon after losing another precious hound.... What a stunning boy he was. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Malibu.
  13. queenwinniesmom


    What a gorgeous guy he was! Copper needed you as much as you needed him, and it's clear that he found the perfect family. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Copper.
  14. Oh, Deb, how very sad and unfair that she had a wonderful family waiting for her, and it wasn't to be. Though it was heartbreaking for you, thank-you for being there for her, and with her, and loving her, so that's what she knew at the end. Thinking of you with much sympathy.
  15. What a truly lovely gentleman he was! I know your heart must be breaking---it's doubly hard when it's sudden. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Dollar.
  16. Oh, no! Lisa and Steve, I'm so shocked and sad to see your precious boy's name here. I'm so sorry. If you need anything, or there's anything Doug and I can do, please let me know. Sending hugs and much sympathy to you.
  17. Oh, Christine, I'm crying with you for the loss of your sweet princess. Since the shock of her diagnosis, I've thought of you both often, and so wished that she would have more time with you. Though you were both blessed to have shared so much happiness, it just never seems like it's long enough. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Hailey.
  18. At Polly's last visit, the vet confirmed what I knew, that she needs a dental. Her teeth are bad. Our wonderful vet has always been on the low end of just about everything, and I asked if she could write me up an estimate. It was about $330, including the pre-surgical bloodwork. They do not charge by the extraction---it will be the same if she needs a bunch of extractions or no extractions. But the vet was certain that she would need quite a few removed. We had her on antibiotics but had to stop because they upset her stomach. I've been putting off doing this, and I really need to make an appointment. I always worry so much about this stuff, but I know the mouth has got to be worse than the dental. We love our vet. She is very Grey savvy, having had several of her own. She amputated her own dog's leg when she was diagnosed with osteo. This is the vet who charged us $200 for Winnie's amputation!
  19. If ever a hound and human were meant to be together, it was you and Muffy. The love you shared shines through in every word of your beautiful tribute. I'm so sorry you and your DH lost your precious Muffy.
  20. Oh, Judy and Heather, I'm so, so sorry for the sudden loss of two precious girls. Your hearts must be breaking. Please know that we share your sadness, and that you are in many thoughts and prayers.
  21. I loved Joe's report of his OSU visit! It just re-enforces my belief that they are doing such wonderful, important work. And yay for clear lungs, or as Dude used to say, your "chestal hexrays are kleer"! Joe, you are a sweet, precious boy, and your Mom loves you very much. Please continue to post these kind of updates---we need to hear them!
  22. Sounds like he's doing great! I know you will all be glad to get him home, and that you'll have some time to spend with him. Looking forward to more positive updates.
  23. What a lovely, fearless, quirky, exceptional little girl she was! The pictures are wonderful. No wonder you will miss her---she was a huge spirit in a tiny body. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Tila.
  24. What a long, wonderful life he had with you. I'm sorry your home and heart are so empty with Ranger's passing.
  25. I remember your beautiful tribute in the original post like it was yesterday. It's hard to believe that it's been a year, but maybe, knowing what you've told us about her, it's not that hard to believe after all. You loved each other so much that she wanted to stay with you for as long as she could. Even knowing in your heart that this sad day would come, doesn't ease the pain of her loss, or prepare you for that overwhelming emptiness. You've had so much heartbreak in such a short time. Please know that you are in many prayers, as we share your sadness. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Haley.
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