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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. What a terrible shock to have her leave you so suddenly. But you are right---and wise to realize---she was safe and happy and very much loved right until the very end. What an absolutely breathtaking picture Riley's Legacy posted. Her beauty and elegance seem timeless. I'm so sorry you lost your precious lady True.
  2. What a lovely post, very eloquently said, and very true, and I can only echo Maxine's words. I just saw the news of Bee Wiseman's diagnosis, and I am stunned. Given the blind randomness of this monster, I guess nothing should surprise us anymore. But Bee? Tricia, you've shared her with us so generously---her beauty, her humor, her pure joy (the pictures of her leaping straight up into the air are some of my very favorites)---it's so hard to comprehend. I have a favorite quote about lives measured not in time, but in grace, and the joy with which they are lived, and love they leave behind, and that so perfectly fits Bee. Tricia, I know that her time with you and Burke will be filled with that love for as many days or weeks or years that you have together. Sending hugs to you and your precious girl.
  3. Okay, sitting here at my desk crying, not sad tears, happy tears. My co-workers are used to it (I'm on GT at lunch time), but even if they weren't, I don't care. Everything about your update is hopeful. I realize there is reason to still be very cautiously optimistic, but like you said, Lorinda, Lazer is HERE, he is present, he is happy to be with you and his family. And that is what counts. Kudos to you for instinctively feeling that there are other options to try. Hey, whatever works, and if the holistic things work, go for it! I know you're thinking of quality, but if you can get quality as well as extra time, how awesome is that? Lazer, we love you, sweet boy! High beams on!
  4. Thank-you for posting that wonderful tribute, and sharing your special princess with us. Yes, I think she was a "smiling through tears" kinda girl. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Nikki.
  5. Yep, that's the way it goes---one day at a time. And if he's feeling okay, then he could keep being your miracle boy for quite a while. We'll keep those High Beams on! Hugs to you and your sweet boy, and gentle nose kisses from his "frends".
  6. Ah, Lorinda, I can't tell you how sorry I am that it's not a different outcome for your precious boy. Please know that we are sharing your sadness and frustration---sometimes everything we do is not enough to keep them with us. But still we have to try, and that was what you did, of course, and are still doing, his safety and well-being foremost in your mind. You guys are in my prayers!
  7. The love is what matters in the end. I'm so sorry that cancer stole another wonderful hound.
  8. Just checking in to see how Merlin is doing. Was he able to eat anything? Was the Flagyl okay on an empty stomach? The Wizard has to feel better!
  9. Yep, just checking in to see how the precious boy is doing. Hoping for some good news, cautiously optimistic too, and still sending out some Power Rangers High Beams!
  10. We understand how devastating it is to get this terrible diagnosis. Please come here if you need support, or need to vent. I'm so sorry.
  11. I'm so sorry. You're NOT alone. My precious Patsy was only 6 as well when she was diagnosed with lymphoma, and I well understand your devastation. We did decide to try chemo, but had to stop halfway through when the cancer spread to her central nervous system, and we had to let her go. Just love your sweet girl a lot, spoil her, and cherish your time. I do hope you have as many good days as possible together.
  12. Oh, Liz, my heart just sank when I saw her name here. I was so hoping that you'd have more time with her. I know you are devastated. Sending hugs to you and Chauncey---is she missing her sister? I'm so sorry you lost your sweet lady Tess.
  13. I know how difficult it must have been to make that heartbreaking decision. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Bandit.
  14. Your pictures are beautiful---heartbreakingly so. I can understand what a huge empty space she will leave in your heart and home. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Skyy
  15. Oh, no! I was shocked to see Frank's name here. I always loved hearing about his adventures---he seemed larger than life, and it was easy to see that you shared so much love. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  16. Oh, Lorinda, I wish I had some concrete advice, or even some magic! I am scared for you and Lazer, just reading about this, and I'm so sorry you both are going through such stress. You were brave and smart, and are trying to help your sweet boy in every way possible. Sending lots of Power Ranger white light and prayers.
  17. How blessed you were to have found each other. Your love brought out her true potential, and she returned that gift in so many ways. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Asia Li.
  18. Thank-you for sharing your lovely girl with us. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Brandee.
  19. It's devastating to lose a heart dog, especially so suddenly---it adds an extra layer to your grief. But even in your shock and sadness, your heart told you that you could not let him suffer. Such a lovely big guy. I hope in time, your wonderful memories will help fill that empty space left by his passing. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Elton.
  20. What a complex, intuitive, joyful, loving guy he was (as well as being stunningly beautiful). And how blessed you were to have shared your life with him. Your pain and your loss and your love are so clear in your beautiful tribute. And yes, what an enormous empty space he will leave. In time, I hope your many wonderful memories will fill some of those spaces. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Max.
  21. Ah, the precious little guy. It must be heartbreaking for you to see him go through this. I'm so sorry.
  22. Ah, James and Grace.....I missed these sad passings while I was at Grapehounds. It's so hard to know that 2 more of our precious Greys have been lost to the monster. Julia and Roselle, I am so sorry. You were wonderful, caring Moms who knew your Greys so well, and loved them enough to let them go when they told you it was time. My heart is breaking for you. The family walks were the hardest for me. Winnie and I would always be ahead of Doug and the other dogs, my strong and stubborn Queen pulling me down the street, always eager to be moving forward, even on 3 legs. Sending sympathy and hugs.
  23. It is especially heartbreaking when they don't make it to their forever home, but he was very loved. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  24. You were truly blessed to have such a wonderful friend. How you loved her, and how you'll miss her---it's clear that she was one in a million. Your tribute and the beautiful picture made me cry for such a profound loss. Sending sympathy and sharing your sadness. I'm so sorry.
  25. Ah, I'm so sorry. I can understand how difficult this would be for you. You and Ava have such a strong bond, it's almost impossible to think of her not being there for you. Treasure your days---I hope there will be many more good ones---with your precious girl.
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