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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. The suddenness of such a loss leaves a huge hole in your heart that will take time to heal. I can't imagine how devastated you must feel. I'm so sorry you lost your beautiful Roo.
  2. What a lovely idea the collage was---it clearly shows how well she was loved. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Gigi.
  3. I'm thinking of you and Twistmas today, and sending good thoughts for a peaceful passing. I know that she has been brave throughout this journey, and at the end, will be safe within your love. We lost Winnie to kidney failure too, even though she'd beaten the monster osteo, and it was so clear when it was time. Sending sympathy during this sad time.
  4. Oh, no! What a very sad day. I hope that knowing she is running with her brother helps to ease your pain just a little. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Dot.
  5. Diane, how you loved your sweet spook. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Tony.
  6. Ah, what a lovely, gentle little face. Thank-you for making sure that her last year was so filled with love. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Sophie.
  7. My heart broke each day as I followed Minny's story, and wondered how you could bear such pain. But now I know---because this exceptional dog had blessed you so greatly that it was natural and necessary and foremost in your mind to return that gift to the best of your ability. And you did. You know he will be with you always, in memory and in spirit, watching over you. My words can't begin to compare with the eloquence of your tribute, but please know that we are honored to have shared him with you in this small way, and we share your sadness as well. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Minny.
  8. I was thinking that too. On the other hand, do you think he could possibly be picking up on YOUR worry? The two of you are so finely attuned. I may be off base, but could it be a vicious circle? I hope getting him off the Flagyl does make a difference.
  9. Oh, my gosh, your tribute was exceptional---just like the lady herself. Such a lady. How blessed you were to have found each other. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Cash.
  10. How you loved her! It's clear that Heart found the perfect family. I'm so sorry you lost your precious lady.
  11. I wish I had some advice to give you. It does sound like you have done your research, and though the diagnosis is heartbreaking, you will do what is best for your sweet girl. You understand her so well, and love her unconditionally---you will know when it is time. This is really, really hard. I'm so sorry. You and Ava are in my prayers.
  12. Oh, the poor girl. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts, and hoping for a positive update.
  13. I have had tears in my eyes throughout all of your posts. I can't imagine the pain, anger and frustration you are feeling. It is so unfair, especially when what is foremost in your mind is just doing what is best for your sweet boy, and giving him as much love and comfort as you can. Though it is very difficult, it's clear that you you are not wasting your time focusing on the negativity and incompetance that epitomizes that vet hospital. Don't let their hatefulness steal precious time away from you and Minny now, though there indeed may be aspects of his treatment that you might want to address with whoever you need to at some point. Thank goodnes you found each other again. You were meant to be together, especially at this time of his life. So difficult for you, but obviously, you would never expect to do less. Bless you. You and Minny are in our prayers.
  14. How horrible it must be to deal with so much at once. After putting your precious Trooper to sleep, you really do need some time to grieve, but the stress continues. Please know that you and Milo and your kitties are in lots of thoughts and prayers!
  15. Judy, I thought of a supplement that we had Winnie on which I usually forget to mention. After the amp for osteo, she was on a low carb, high protein diet, using a commercial dog food, Chicken Soup For The Dog Lover's Soul (corny name, pretty good food). She also got a steak for breakfast almost every day, and fresh veggies like Dude. The 2 supplements I gave her were artemisinin, which is discussed a lot, and pycnogenol, another immune system booster for humans that I got at Vitamin World. We could have been just immensely lucky, but Winnie had 3 1/2 great years! On the opposite end of the spectrum, we lost our sweet Patsy to lymphosarcoma, even after removing her spleen, and starting her on chemo. I'm sorry I've forgotten just what type. This was back before I was on Greytalk, and had acesss to the wealth of knowledge here.
  16. Ah, the precious boy....You are both in my prayers.
  17. What a long, rich, wonderful life she had. It is clear from your beautiful pictures that she had a gift for bringing much happiness into so many lives. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Billie Jean.
  18. Hold on to those wonderful memories. Even now, they bring you much comfort, and in time, there will be more smiles than tears. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Dixie.
  19. Oh, Diane, she was meant to be with you! I'm so sorry you lost your precious little lady.
  20. Lorinda, we'll take any good news, any news that he's feeling better. I hope that he continues to improve. Still sending prayers and white light, and suited up for your beautiful boy.
  21. Oh, no! I just saw this. It's gotta be awful to see your tough little girl feeling so bad. I know that everyone on GT adores her and can't bear the thought of her being sick. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts, and hoping for a positive update.
  22. Oh, no! My heart sank when I saw his name. Though I didn't know him well, I've always thought of Turbo as larger than life---in his beauty, his joy, in the love the two of you shared. I know your heart is breaking, and we are sharing your sadness. I'm so, so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  23. She was a force to be reckoned with! What an awesome little soul. I'm so sorry you lost you precious little Gretta.
  24. Your tribute was lovely and heartbreaking. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Spy.
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