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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. That brought tears to my eyes. What a lovely and fitting tribute, and so perfect that he will be next to Loca.
  2. queenwinniesmom


    I had seen her pictures in the osteo thread and thought, this dog is so very loved. And that is even more clear after reading your beautiful tribute. A heart dog changes your life, whether you are together for 10 months or 10 years. I wish you could have had more time together, but I'm so glad you found each other and the last months of her life were filled with love. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Freya.
  3. I am freaking out! When Joey, our last foster, came to us, we did see a few ticks on him, even though he'd been Frontlined, sprayed, bathed, etc. We thought it was under control. Until we started seeing ticks on Calvin, who shared the bedroom with Joey. Then we saw more. And more. We have NEVER had ticks or fleas in the 21 years that we have lived here, and we are feeling pretty stressed. All the dogs and the 3 cats have been Frontlined---the dogs will get another treatment. We have bombed the 2 bedrooms where the dogs sleep, and the family room where their crates are. We've thrown out some bedding and crate pads and washed the rest. We've washed all dog bed covers. We've vacuumed and sprayed the whole rest of the house. We've washed the blankets in the van and sprayed it. We're treating the small yard today---I guess we should have done that sooner. We've found the most ticks on Calvin, but I got a bunch off of Tess, a few off of Lydia, and today, 1 engorged one off of Polly. The amount is decreasing, but the damn things are still showing up! Are we doing something wrong? Are we doing ANYTHING right? What more can we do?
  4. Yay! That is a huge relief to Aunt Nancy and Uncle Doug too. It is reassuring to know that she's not in pain, and has some "spoiled rotten" days ahead. Give her a gentle hug, and know that you both are in our thoughts and prayers.
  5. You fought the good fight together, and loved him unconditionally. I'm so sorry you lost your brave and beautiful boy. Run free, sweet Jamey, whole again at the Bridge.
  6. How beautiful she was! It's clear from the pictures that she was a very happy, well loved kitty. Fifteen years---what a wonderful long life she had with you. Somehow, I think she would want you to get another kitty to love. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Carey.
  7. I told Doug about Rascal, and we both cried. I know that this decision is going to be so very difficult, but I also know that it has been on your mind for some time now, so it will be the right decision for Rascal if indeed the time has come to let her go. How is she acting? Is she eating? You know your precious girl so well. We'll be waiting to hear what happens on Thursday. Remember that you and Rascal will be in so many prayers. Hugs to you and your sweet little lady.
  8. Oh, Chris, I am so thrilled that Dude's "chestal hexrays" are clear! That is wonderful news. Sending him a gentle cyber hug.
  9. Oh, what a tragic loss! Doubly so because she was so young, and you didn't have nearly enough time with her. I think it's even harder, because you've also lost that expectation that you would have her until she grew old, so you are dealing with that feeling of being "cheated" as well. Please remember that they live in the moment, and though our time together is always too short, whether it be months or years, they only know that when they are with you, they are loved. I feel that that love is an energy which is stronger than the physical body. To me, if we cannot reunite with those we've loved, human or animal, it would be too sad to bear. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Harmony.
  10. How you loved your quirky, brave boy! And you took such good care of him. No wonder he was fearless---he knew he was safe within the circle of your love. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Smokey.
  11. This has been so difficult for all of you, we were hoping for a more positive prognosis. You just don't want to be waiting for the other shoe to drop all the time. Poor Lazer, and poor you. I'm so sorry that you are going through all this. Hugs to you and your precious boy, and continued prayers that he will improve.
  12. Your tribute brought tears to my eyes, not only because your pain at losing such a special girl is so heartbreakingly clear, but because I lost a beautiful 6 year old to lymphoma too. We tried everything too, and it just didn't work. It's so sad to lose a heart dog, but when they are so young, it's especially devastating. I'm so sorry you lost your beautiful Gigi.
  13. What a lovely, multi-faceted lady she was. The drama queen picture is just awesome. How you must miss this very special girl. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Jacey-Kasey.
  14. I'm glad that Kidd found such a special forever family who loved him so unselfishly. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  15. What a wonderful tribute to a special kitty who captured your heart. I don't think she could have found a family who understood her and loved her more than yours. I'm so sorry you lost your precious little Mutti.
  16. What a great video! It shows us what happiness can be had from such simple things---a good sand pile, green grass, a lovely day. We can learn something from Sweetie, and find joy in the little, everyday moments that we sometimes take for granted. Knowing that he will be leaving you must be heartwrenching, but his joy will remain in your memory. I'm so sorry you're losing your precious Sweetie.
  17. I wish you could have had more time with your precious boy. I'm so sorry---it's devastating to lose a heart dog.
  18. queenwinniesmom


    I'm so glad you found each other, but wish you had had more time. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Scout.
  19. Oh, Xan, like everyone, I am crying for your quirky, indomitable little girl. It doesn't seem possible that such a bright light and humongous spirit is not with you still (of course, she will always be with you, but I know you must ache to touch her one more time). Anything that we say can't really compare with the lovely, tender words of your tribute. You understood her best, and loved her unconditionally. You are right, she travelled through time and space into the hearts of everyone who knew her, even if it was just on the pages of Greytalk. She will be missed immeasureably. Somehow, the world seems a little grayer, just knowing that she is not out there being Wabi. No one else could ever come close. Thank-you so much for sharing her with us. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Wabi.
  20. What a lovely little face and sweet, gentle eyes. It's easy to see why she stole your heart. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Ruby.
  21. I'm so glad that Lazer is doing better. You are doing such a great job, Lorinda!
  22. Oh, Gil, I'm so sorry you lost your precious gentleman Tanner.
  23. Oh, Melissa, my heart broke when I saw Ruby's name. I knew she'd been having the ongoing problems, and that worry was often lurking in the back of my mind, but I didn't want to think about you losing her. What a wonderful home she had with her sister and her family. Some dogs are lucky enough to find the perfect forever home, precisely where they are meant to be, and Ruby was one of those dogs. How is Rascal doing? Hugs to her, and you and your family. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Ruby.
  24. Not only did you find a beautifully meaningful way to honor their spirits, it must be incredibly comforting to you to know that they are safe, and will always be a part of you.
  25. It's great to hear that Twiggy is progressing so well, so quickly. Continued prayers for an uneventful recovery. We'd love some pictures of your sweet girl. Keep stealing hearts, Bee Wiseman.
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