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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Terry, I just saw this (was at Grapehounds). We'll be sending prayers to Leah--and you! Please let us know how your sweet little girl is doing.
  2. So glad you were able to put his Facebook picture on here. Now we can all share his beauty---inside and out! I think you should consider, when you're ready (and right now, it seems like that day will never come), volunteering. You'll see.... Jan is right, even though Homer can never, will never, be replaced, our hearts have a huge capacity for love.
  3. queenwinniesmom


    How lucky Sugar was to have two Moms who loved her so much! I know when I've let a special foster dog go to their forever home, they've taken a part of my heart with them. But to know that they were happy and cherished is such a gift. Sending much sympathy---I know your hearts are breaking.
  4. Julie, as others have said, you have come back to a place where people truly understand what you are feeling right now. It is so clear that you and Homer shared a very special bond, one that will never be duplicated. In honoring that love and that bond, at some point, you will bring another hound into your family. I can't imagine how empty literally everything must feel, and sometimes sharing your life with another Grey who needs you is the best way to help your heart to heal. But please know that there is no time frame for grief, or for being ready to adopt again. Everyone is so different, and you will know when it is right. Homer may even make that decision for you. The heart dogs often do. I hope that you'll be able to post a picture---we'd love to see him. Sometimes giving in to your grief and letting yourself cry is the best way to move through one stage and into the other in your healing process. I've always cried a LOT. For some people, it might not be the most natural thing to do, but I feel like crying is the best way to get not only the sadness, but the pain, out. I usually do this by myself. I think it would freak out my husband to see me---he would feel helpless that he couldn't comfort me enough. At some point, you realize that you haven't cried that day, or a few days, and down the road, there are more smiles than tears. You have so much to celebrate and to cherish---memories of a wonderful companion can never be taken away. Grief is sneaky though, sometimes you'll think you're doing fine, and it will hit you unexpectedly---maybe you turn around and expect to see him there, or the joy has gone from some simple thing you did together. You're not alone in feeling this as well. I think we just need to realize that it is part of having loved so deeply. Come and talk when you need to---we'll be thinking of you with much sympathy. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Homer.
  5. Oh, Marc! I got tears in my eyes just looking at Remembrance and reading her name there. But opening the thread and seeing her most beautiful pictures....my heart is breaking for you. There are some foster dogs who know WAY before we do that they have actually found their perfect forever home, and Kara was one of those dogs. What a wise man you were to agree. Kara was such a lucky girl to have been a part of your wonderful family. I'm so, so sorry you lost your precious little lady.
  6. How you love your boy! It shows in every picture (and the feeling is obviously mutual) He is stunning, I might add. And you have definitely come to the right place as you take this journey. There is a wealth of knowledge here, as well as support from everyone, especially the ones who have fought osteo too. For you to be uncertain until making your decision is normal---we've gone through that, as well as the sadness, anger and fear. So please come here as often as you need to. So much good advice---I'm in awe of the collective knowledge on GT. I can't add much more, except what I normally say---osteo is a crapshoot. You just do what you can, what you think is right for your precious boy, and know that there is no wrong decision. He is not thinking of the eventual sad finality of this disease, but lives in the moment. There will be adjustments, certainly, but the amp has removed the severe pain of the tumor. And most of them get along just fine on 3 legs. We were lucky to have Winnie ( looking down on you from my avatar) for 3 1/2 years after her amp. I'm recent to the thread and might have skipped a few posts, so I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned artemisinin. We used it, and I'm pretty sure others here have too. Dr. Couto has done lots of studies on it. I would say it's worth a shot. Sending lots of good thoughts and white light out to you and Tristan for a fast and uneventful recovery. So glad he's coming home. And of course, we'll need updates.
  7. I've been thinking good thoughts, and hoping for good news.
  8. The love you shared shines through in every word of your lovely tribute. I can't imagine how much you will miss such an exceptional dog. I'm so sorry you lost your precious gentleman Dante.
  9. Oh, my gosh, wasn't he stunning? I'm so sorry you lost your precious Sully.
  10. What a huge empty space your sweet, stubborn, big hearted boy will leave. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Win.
  11. I can't imagine the shock and pain and sadness you are feeling right now. How incredibly beautiful he was. Please know that you are in so many thoughts and prayers, as we share the loss of your precious Jack
  12. Claudia, it's so clear from the many posts here that Ekko was truly a unique and special soul, one who had a gift for touching people in a profound way, making us laugh even as we shook our heads at her audacity. How blessed you were to have shared each other's lives, just as we were blessed because you chose to share her with us as well. I can't imagine how much you will miss her. I'm so sorry you lost your precious lady.
  13. What a huge part of your life she was. I'm so sorry you lost your beautiful lady.
  14. I'm so sorry you lost your brave and beautiful gentleman Tommy.
  15. Even though they are so brave, and would fight to stay with us, you know in your heart when it is kindest to let them go. It still hurts so much though, doesn't it? I'm so sorry you lost your precious Garry.
  16. I'm so sorry you lost your precious lady Annabelle.
  17. What a truly beautiful, heartfelt tribute. How well you understood her, indulged and encouraged her, and what a precious gift she gave you in return. I'm so sorry you lost your beloved Penny.
  18. So brave and so beautiful. I'm so sorry you had to let your precious boy go.
  19. How incredibly gorgeous he was. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Flame.
  20. Ah, Judy, I'm so sorry! We went through the same thing with our Patsy, even though nothing had ruptured in the spleen. Damn, I hate cancer! Gentle hugs to your precious boy. You're both in my prayers.
  21. Spirit did indeed send you a very precious gift---Rourke was meant to be with you! I'm so sorry you lost your special boy.
  22. How you loved her! She was stunning, clearly as beautiful inside as outside. And such a constant in your life---your lovely tribute shows the deep bond you shared through so many changes. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Daisy.
  23. Oh, Caroline, I know you must be devastated. A lot of us have said she was special, and that is true. There was something so gentle and sweet and endearing about her, just a good, good little lady. No wonder she was such a wonderful therapy dog. With her calm demeanor, she must have put so many people at ease, made them smile, and helped them to remember the dogs they had loved in the past. You and Sabrina touched many lives, and brightened many gray days. Thank goodness she'd found the perfect Mom, who loved her so much, and understood so well what small, every day miracles she was capable of. I'm so sorry you lost your precious little girl. Sending hugs, and sharing your sadness.
  24. Hey, Bruiser---I LOOOOOVE you! I know I have to stand in line with your many other admirers, but I wanted you and your Mom to know that we are all so happy that your surgery went well. And yes, you HAVE to be B9! P.S. Hugs to your Mom and your brother Nadir. Are they okay?
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