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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Oh, Darlene, I wish I had some advice for you. I'm so sorry that Santannah is going through this. Doug and I are sending you lots of prayers and good thoughts, and hoping for a positive update.
  2. Oh, Liz, I wish I could hug you in person (Doug sends cyber hugs too). You know you are in our thoughts and prayers. Dante was so beautiful, inside and out. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  3. How you love her! And she knows that. You and Bijou will be in my prayers during this very sad time.
  4. Ah, Nan, I'm so sorry. I'll be sending lots of good thoughts out to you and Da Vid, and hoping for a positive update.
  5. Oh, no! I hope that knowing you are in many thoughts and prayers at this sad time will help to heal your broken heart. I'm so sorry you lost your lovely little Gracie.
  6. How blessed you were to have shared such a deep bond, and love that was a constant through so many changes. Even in the lovely pictures, her spirit does indeed shine like the sun. Hold those memories close to your heart---she is with you always. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Hanna.
  7. What a stunningly beautiful dog he was, clearly as beautiful inside as out. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Rousty.
  8. Aw, what precious memories you have. And I believe he did let you know he's okay, and watching over you. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet and quiet gentleman.
  9. Please come back and write more when you can. Sometimes it helps. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Bod.
  10. Fancy words? Maybe not. But loving, tender, sensitive and heartbreaking. The strong bond you shared shines through in every word, and it's clear that Macho was meant to be with you. I'm so, so sorry that you didn't have more time together.
  11. I don't think I've ever seen a more heartwarming picture than the last one of Zeke and his sister. How they loved each other. And how you loved them! I'm so sorry you lost your precious Zeke.
  12. Oh, I'm so sorry you lost your precious Star, especially in such an unexpected way. Your home and hearts must feel so empty.
  13. Oh, Beth, your tribute WAS eloquent. The love and heartbreak are there in every word, and we share your sadness, as you shared your precious Patrick with us. We feel that pain of the sudden loss as well, and send you prayers and white light for strength during this difficult time, as you are missing him so much. I'm so very sorry you lost your sweet boy.
  14. Thanks, guys. She is absolutely fine! Now I know that there could be something underlying that could re-surface, and I will get her in for an exam just to see, but she is acting like her same old self for the last 2 days. This scared me so much, though, I guess because the girl IS almost 12. I looked at her in the sunlight yesterday, and noticed how silver she is in the rest of her coat, not only on her lovely face. She is thinner in that "older dog" way, nothing extreme, but just a gradual loss of the muscle tone that a dog in their prime has. She doesn't ACT like she is almost 12. If you see pictures of her, she always looks so happy to be there---wherever she is! Lydia has that unexplainable "joie de vivre" that makes her so very unique and precious, not only to me, but to everyone who meets her. I will be watching her closely, and cherishing every day.
  15. I will NEVER tire of hearing Lazer's story, or getting these wonderful updates, or seeing pictures of the gorgeous boy. I could be predjudiced, but I especially like the one of him wearing the pretty necklace I made for him. You are both perfect examples what love, dedication, stubbornness and a little divine intervention can do! How amazing (in the true sense of the word) that you met the woman who introduced you to the essential oils! Keep doing what you're doing. We love you, Lazer!
  16. Oh, Judy....when I wrote about being so finely atuned to Lydia, I know you understood exactly what I was talking about. Sweet Bruiser.... I know of that chemo fog, in humans. My late friend Elaine experienced it. At best, she tended to overlook or forget about things she didn't deem important---like parking tickets! ! She wasn't very responsible sometimes, but after she started chemo, it got much worse. She would misplace paperwork, forget meds, not put things away, etc. It was so sad and frustrating. It does sound like Bruiser is experiencing some of the same symptoms. But it also sounds like his good moments far outweigh the bad, and you are doing such a good job at maintaining that kind of excellent quality. You know, that confusion sounds so similar to what Lydia was doing the other day, so I can relate to how it makes you feel---even though she's not sick (she's acting fine today as well--please let Nadir know ) . I know it must have made you sad when he didn't want to get in the car, especially since those rides were giving him so much pleasure. I do think that the confusion will probably come and go, and he will be happy to go for rides again. Please give him a bunch of hugs for us, and save a couple for Nadir and yourself!
  17. I hate even writing these words, because I can't bear the thought of something being wrong with her, but I just have a feeling that something is "off". You know how you can be so finely atuned with your dog that you are sensitive---probably TOO sensitive---to every little nuance? That's what I'm feeling today. This morning when I let them all out, she was acting funny. They have to go down our outside steps (we live on the second and third floors) to pee. None of them are crazy about going up and down except Tess. They are all getting older. Lydia usually goes down and I have to tell her to pee. The neighbors surely think I'm nuts because I'm always saying, "Go pee, Lydia." She sometimes tries to do a "faux pee" and then come back up. I tell her to pee several times, and she eventually does. Well, this morning, she not only didn't want to pee, she walked around the yard, slightly agitated, back and forth, tried to go up the stairs, changed her mind, then didn't want to go up. She did pee, and after me calling her repeatedly, she came up. She and Calvin usually follow me upstairs to the computer room, which is air conditioned. Calvin lays on his blankets on the floor, and Lydia jumps on the bed. Today, she hesitated to come up the stairs. She started and stopped several times, and finally came up. The she wanted to get on Calvin's blankets. Just not normal behavior for her. She seemed fine this afternoon and evening. I was out, but Doug said she went up and down normally, and ate well. But tonight she was on the bed with Doug, and when I wanted her to get down so everyone could have their last out, she acted like she wanted to jump off the bottom of the bed, which we discourage because there is the wooden bed frame. I had to coax her off the side. When she went out onto the porch, she seemed slightly disoriented, I had to coax her down again, and again she was wandering around the yard. She did pee, but I had to ask her several times to come back up. Then she didn't want to go back up to the bedroom again, or get on the bed. I know this is long, and maybe doesn't seem like much to anyone else, but I'm actually scared. I know her so well, and this is not Lydia. She will be 12 in November, and every day, I can't help but think that I'm going to lose her soon. I don't dwell on this, but realistically, I know that it's possible. She's always been healthy. But she IS close to 12. The only thing different is that she pants more sometimes, but the other dogs do that sometimes too. I can't shake this feeling that something is going wrong. I think I'm having a slight panic attack, thinking that maybe she had a mini stroke or something. I know dogs can get confused as they get older, just like people, but this started today, not something gradual. It's not vestibular disease, I've seen that, and she doesn't have those symptoms. What else could be going on? I know it's hard for someone to speculate, not seeing her, or knowing her well. I guess I just need to voice this fear. I'm trying not to over-react, but it's not working. I just can't imagine losing her.
  18. These are such agonizing decisions, but there are no wrong ones. Now you can concentrate on keeping him comfortable, spoiling him rotten, and loving him. I'm so sorry that you and your precious Havok are going through this. Sending lots of prayers.
  19. I'm thinking about you and Tristan so much today. I know you're frustrated, and understand why you feel that way. But please know that each recovery has it's ups and downs, and at some point, things get worse before they get better. That is when the doubt creeps in and we question our decisions. Don't do it! This is likely your "worse" period, and things WILL improve! In fact, I think an uneventful recovery is the exception rather than the rule. Even though Winnie had very few physical complications, I questioned my decision regularly while she transitioned into life as a tripod. I thought she would NEVER make it up our 23 outside steps, and I had put her through the surgery for my own selfish reasons. But she proved me wrong. It took some time, but she adjusted, and showed me just how resilient these dogs are. We kinda stumble along sometimes when dealing with this monster, but you are armed with a great love and understanding of your boy, and some very helpful advice from people who have travelled this path as well. Keep fighting---you are both strong and brave, and in the prayers of a lot of people!
  20. queenwinniesmom


    Oh, Jen, I knew that I would cry when I read this, because your tributes are so eloquent, perceptive and compassionate. But it just shows so clearly that he had finally found the perfect home where he was understood perfectly and loved unconditionally. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet little old man. So hard whenever it happens, but doubly heartbreaking so soon after your precious Tobey. Sending hugs and much sympathy.
  21. Kim, I've been thinking of you and Nube as well---you are both in my prayers. I didn't put it together that he is the brother of Susan's Noelle till recently! She mentioned that she'd driven to see him with Noelle. I thought that was so wonderful. I know it was comforting to you, and Nube loved seeing his sister.
  22. What a lovely gentleman. He will leave a huge empty space in your home and hearts. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Matt.
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