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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. This was a lovely tribute. She must have been a wonderful, if a bit quirky , lady. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Shelby.
  2. Ah, I had a leaner too. And I so understand that connection they are able to make with everyone they meet. They just make people feel special, don't they? He sounds like a wonderful dog, and I'm so sorry you lost your precious Sprinkles.
  3. Oh, no! Still hoping for the best. Let us know what the vet says.
  4. Ah, I'm so sorry. It just doesn't seem fair. I hope you have many more precious days of Jane cuddled up next to you, knowing that she's safe and loved.
  5. I love this---"Running around the back yard, leaping like gazelles". His joy is contagious. :beatheart
  6. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Diego. Too much sadness. Thinking of you with much sympathy.
  7. I'm so sorry that your heart is still hurting, and that you're still missing your precious boy. Sometimes, even when we think we're getting to be okay, that sadness sneaks up on us and washes over us like a waterfall. And the holidays are especially hard. Sending hugs.
  8. Thanks for the advice! I've been keeping her with me more, and not letting her have access to her favorite places. That has helped somewhat. And she's still going out about every hour and a half to 2 hours. But we're still having accidents. She'll go for a day or 2, then it will happen again. And if we're gone for more than 2 hours..... I'm thinking I should try to crate her when we're gone. I haven't crated any of my Galgos, but Laila was crated sometimes in the foster home---I've talked to her foster Mom---and did okay. I'll start out with short times, and work up. She is hardly ever alone more than 2-3 hours, so we should be able to get this under control. We re-checked her urine quite a while after the first time, and it was fine.
  9. I feel like we're doing pretty much all we can, but I wanted to put this out there in case someone has any other suggestions, info, etc. Because I am so frustrated! I've never had a hard time housebreaking any of my Greyhounds, and I'm sure their schedule/crate situation helps. But I guess Galgos are different. All of my girls were in Scooby for at least 4 months, and during that time, of course, they can pee and poop wherever-whenever they want. Right before they leave, they are in quarantine, where there is only a concrete option. So I knew we might have more problems, and it could take a longer time. Angie was great! She just had a few accidents, and was housebroken within a month. Kiva came home June 20th, and was/is a bit more difficult. Since she's afraid of Doug, it's been harder to get her to go out, and once out, harder to make sure that she's actually gone. But she's getting a lot better. She's less scared of Doug, and though she will have the occasional accident, I think she's got the program. And she actually goes when she's out now, so we can tell that it's Laila and not her going in the house. Kiva and Laila are both 3. But Laila.....she will pee and poop in the house all the time! She came the end of August. We started by letting her out really often, like about every 2 hours. She still had accidents. So she went to the vet, got a check-up, and had her urine checked. She did have some bacteria, so she was on meds for a while. A re-check of the urine showed no infection. She adores people, so we praise her highly every time she goes outside. Then I decided that since she is so food oriented, that I'd reward her outside, right after she goes. And she LOVES that! Sometimes, she will squat and pee right in front of me, and look at me for a treat, which of course, she gets immediately. Every time. We're letting her out sometimes about every hour and a half! And after she eats, and if she's playing a lot, and of course, several times in the morning. There just doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason. Sometimes she can hold it---like over-night----and sometimes she can't hold it for an hour and a half! She's been scolded when we catch her in the act, as we have done several times. She likes to go on the rug in the family room, or worse, in the upstairs hall, where there is carpet. And sometimes it doesn't show up there, so we're always checking for a wet spot. And often, we find them. So I think we'll have to start baby gating the upstairs off. I was hoping not to have to do this, because all the dogs love to go upstairs and get on the beds. I'm wondering if our outside steps might have anything to do with this. As a lot of you know, there are a LOT of them. But she will dash up and down them all the time, sometimes 2 or 3 times when she goes out. Also, they aren't walked as much when it's cold. She has no problem peeing on a leash, but usually only goes once on a walk. Any suggestions? Something I'm missing? She is such a sweet, lovely dog, but this is hard to deal with.
  10. How you will miss this precious little lady! I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Noelle.
  11. Sending you and your wife much sympathy in this saddest of times. Your pain and anguish and heartbreak are palpable, and I hope it helps even just a little bit to know that so many are sharing that sorrow. Your precious memories honor her, and keep your special bond alive in your heart, to share with us as well as the sadness. I'm so glad you are open to listening when Leia is telling you that she is with you and watching over you. She is, you know.
  12. Wow, that is a wonderful picture! So glad she had such a long and happy life in a forever home where she was understood so well, and loved unconditionally. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet old lady Birdie.
  13. That is just the loveliest, sweetest, most heartwarming picture. He's smiling.
  14. What a lovely dog he was---thank you for sharing your precious Fenway with us. I'm so sorry you lost your beloved forever puppy.
  15. Oh, the precious lady....she sounds so stubborn. Not a bad quality when trying to kick osteo's butt. Sending lots of white light for a quick, uneventful recovery.
  16. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet gentleman Kahn.
  17. The way you said goodbye to Dexter says much about the wonderful life you shared. How you loved him, and how well you understood him. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  18. Run free, sweet Sadie. You were very loved. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  19. Oh, no! Your Mom and Marco in the same day---I can't imagine your pain. I'm so very sorry.
  20. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Manley. It's doubly heartbreaking that he was only 8.
  21. Of course, we remember! What a very sad time you've had. I know well how hard it is to lose 3 in a short time, and I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious Lizzie, Stella, Hitchie and House.
  22. Oh, my gosh, you certainly didn't sound bitchy about an absolutely horrible and unfair situation. You are pushed to your limits as it is, just dealing with the difficult decisions, and the guilt and second guessing (which of course, aren't productive, but are totally normal and to be expected). I know there is not one of us who got through this ordeal without agonizing about what we were going to do, and then doubting that we did indeed do the right thing. Whatever decision you make, and have made, is because you know your girl better than anyone, and love her unconditionally. That said, I think we also have to deal with not only the terrible realities, but the uncertainty of the hope (or fantasy) that everything will work out perfectly simply because we made the right decisions, and we did so out of love. The only thing I know for sure about osteo is that it's a crapshoot. Sometimes we beat the monster, sometimes we hold it at bay, and sometimes everything we do just isn't enough. In any case, each day is a gift that we must treasure so as not to let any future sadness steal the beauty and joy from the present. I was lucky and blessed to have Winnie for 3 1/2 precious, and excellent, years after her amp at age 8. Like you, I was wracked with the uncertainty that comes along with the sadness, frustration, and even anger. The times before making any decision were always the hardest---you are thinking of it 24/7. Once you have a plan, you have a purpose. And you just pursue that. Many times, it gets worse, sometimes a LOT worse, before it gets better. But it DOES get better. Sometimes you'll look at your sweet girl and wish with all your heart that she was whole again. We often project our feelings onto animals who probably just want to get on with doing what they want to do. But just remember Dr. Couto's words---The stigma against being handicapped is not recognized in the animal world. And Greyhounds have 3 legs and a spare! We were unable to do chemo because of finances, and because of our own, likely irrational, hesitation. We'd had a heartbreaking experience with our Patsy, starting chemo for lymphoma after several setbacks but with very good prognosis (she'd had her spleen removed successfully), only to have the cancer very quickly spread to her central nervous system. She was only 6, she was supposed to make it, and we ended up having to put her to sleep within months of the diagnosis. Our hearts were broken. With Winnie, we tried diet change (she got a steak every day for 3 years!), pain management (piroxicam), and Artemisinin. I'm not sure what helped---maybe it was just the stubbornness of the old girl, and her refusal to give up. I learned a lot from the Queen. I know everyone's experience, while similar in the big ways, is different. What works for one, might not work for another. But there is so much good info out there (a lot you have seen here) that you can take and use. And there is a lot of support and understanding, which sometimes helps just as much. And please know that there is a lot of white light and "be well" thoughts streaming out to you both!
  23. Oh, Ducky, you were his angel. I'm so glad you found each other and that you shared him with us. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your precious Percy.
  24. I'm so sorry you lost your brave, strong boy.
  25. Oh, no! A sudden loss is even more devastating, and I can understand why your family is so heartbroken. She was the perfect dog for you, and she will leave a huge empty space. I'm so very sorry you lost your precious Corinna.
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