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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. I'm just reading this now Nancy and am so glad she's on the mend.
  2. Do you know what routine she had at her foster home or prison? We had an extremely timid greyhound, so we stuck to a strict routine, e.g. early morning walks, walk at lunch, walk after work, walk before bed, fed twice at day at the same time 7 days a week to try and help her acclimatize to home life. Most greyhounds I know thrive on routine which is why I suggest this. There's lots of things you can do in the future once she gets more comfortable, but for now just relax because if you are anxious, she may pick up on it. Honestly, when we adopted the next 3 greyhounds, I always felt a bit guilty or sorry for them initially, even though I knew within a few weeks everything would be fine and that's after 10 years of greyhound ownership, so I can empathize.
  3. Awwww Kebo...hope you can get this solved soon. Poor boy has been through so much.
  4. the sentence sums it up...I'm so sorry for your loss of Haka.
  5. Mary, I'm so so sorry. I can't begin to imagine how painful this is for you. How lucky he was to end up with you because no one could have loved him or cared for him like you.
  6. Is the wrist a common area for OS? Ben's wrist is quite swollen and he's not putting much weight on it. We have a vet appt. this afternoon.
  7. Perhaps you need to clear a space in your yard free from snow and ice and train him to poop there.
  8. This is a very old thread...Mazy went to the bridge in 2012. but now they have adopted Ringo, a young energetic grey, and failed foster, who has fit in very well.
  9. Giselle or JJing can probably chime in her, but I know there is a type of conditioning or reinforcement when you are inconsistent. I skim read the other responses, and did not see any mention of it, so forgive me if it has been mentioned. You mentioned he would growl, and you would scold him but were inconsistent. If you didn't make him leave the sofa each time, you reinforced the negative behaviour. Someone also mentioned not to scold when he growled and I wonder if that contributed to his lack of bite inhibition in this instance. Unless you meant getting him off the sofa as punishment, not stopping him from growling. I can understand your feelings. We often attribute human emotions to our dogs and you may feel he betrayed you, doesn't like you, etc. etc. Another GTer had her ear bitten off and learned to love and trust again. I hope the same for you, whatever your decision. eta: I agree with learning about signals...some good books were mentioned and I'd read them asap.
  10. Without pictures, vet bills, etc., she doesn't have any proof. Even if her dog has a scar, it's unlikely she can prove your dog did it unless there were eyewitnesses. It's also been a week so I would think the longer she waits, the less of an issue it will become with AC. Honestly, if it were me, I would let it go if AC doesn't contact you and continue your training. I would contact the Lexus project and ask for advice and include every little detail. You need to have your dog under control at all times so you are at fault, even if her dog stared at your dog first which is an aggressive behaviour in the dog world. If AC does contact you Robin or Rich can advise you about this. Personally, at this point I would never agree to a bite without proof. But it's unlikely AC will take JJ from you for something that can't be proven, however you may get a warning. Although I don't know what or if JJ has issues with bite inhibition, one of the dog's provoked the other. It probably happened very quickly but you did see them stare at each other. There were probably other signs, but I don't know for sure since I wasn't there. You need to very diligent and relax so JJ doesn't pick up on your anxiousness now. Some people on our street made negative comments about our first greyhound after she bit their dog after they dropped the leash and she bit it badly enough that it required stitches. And no, we did not pay the vet bill since their dog was not under their control. btw, no one believed them because they only saw her gentle nature. If JJ always displays calm, relaxed body language, that will speak for itself. I would ignore her comments. Perhaps she's waiting for an apology, it's hard to know what she's thinking. I can't imagine AC wanting to take your dog from you without proof, but it may depend on what you admit to. eta: I see other people have suggested you talk to her directly. I would talk to Robin and Rich first since talking to her may suggest guilt on your part... just my
  11. Ducky, I'm so sorry it was time for Tessa to leave you. I hope you find comfort knowing her last years with you were the best years.
  12. greytpups


  13. greytpups

    DSC 0004

    From the album: Greytpups

  14. Good-bye sweet Molly. Molly and my Ben share the same birthday, so this really triggers tears. I am so sorry for your loss.
  15. There are always 3 sides to every story...we only heard one. I wasn't going to respond, but without knowing the OP, perhaps encouraging her to adopt another greyhound isn't in anyone's best interests. The adoption group is in the best position to judge this, not us who have never met the OP. Ami is doing greyt in her foster home (update on fb) and that's all that really matters. We know greyhound people are the best and respond to posts with good intentions. But I sense the group is still perceived as the "bad guy" in this situation and that may not be true at all. jmho
  16. I'm just reading this now and am so sorry for your loss.
  17. My apologies, I'm not sure either. And I am the one who didn't read very carefully. You did not deserve this and I am sorry.
  18. Alicia, lots of warm wishes for an uneventful surgery and quick recovery. It's always sad to hear about OS, but especially heartbreaking when they are so young.
  19. I'm so sorry for your loss of Lucas...your tribute is beautiful and brought tears to my eyes as I read about the loved shared by all.
  20. I just read each post carefully and did not see one that indicated a greyhound was thrown in the water to teach it to swim. I would love for you to point it out to me, because obviously, one of us can't read. btw, this pic was taken close to shore, if the canoe tipped, I was right beside it in a kayak, ready to save Brooke if necessary since the water was only waist high for me. I wasn't going to explain myself but so many assumed the worse. No, DH would not take her out in deep water, he stayed by the shore. We have 2 lifejackets for the pups, just didn't feel it was necessary and just wanted a pic of Brooke in the canoe and they were only in the canoe for a few moments. It was obviously not a problem to get her in the canoe, if she refused we wouldn't have forced her, Ben won't go in so we don't force him. I was able to place her in the middle of it and DH got in without tipping it. Mind you he has been canoeing for well over 50 years and knows a little bit about canoe tipping. Like I said earlier, when our greys fell into the water, they immediately started swimming towards shore, shook themselves and went on with their day like nothing happened. Brooke still regularly goes into the lake for a drink of water without fear. Plus the lake wasn't fenced in like a dog park, I'm surprised no one mentioned that too
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