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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. greytpups


    Ducky, I'm so so sorry it was time for Pudge to leave. I wish I had words of comfort to help you with all of the losses. Hopefully Mazy will bring some comfort to you.
  2. I wouldn't put up a fence like this simply because a greyhound once got it's collar caught on a fence and strangled himself. Although our greyhounds don't wear their martingales outside in the yard unless I'm taking photos, I'll never forget this tragedy.
  3. Why are you crating him if crating him causes anxiety?
  4. What a lovely tribute to handsome Matt. How lucky you both were to find each other. I'm so sorry for your loss
  5. I've only skim read the replies, but bloody diarrhea concerns me. I'm assuming your pup came from a US track. We adopted Katie from Arkansas and she was wormed monthly while at the breeders farm. However, she still picked up hook worms, albeit Arkansas is the hook worm capital of the world which is I why I wonder which state he raced in His symptoms sound very much like Katie's initially and our vet had not seen a case of hooks in over 30 years. she got really sick and we ended up at OVC. The problem with hooks is that they don't always appear in fecal samples. The adults die off which allows the younguns to be more active (very simplified version), so you made need to take 3 fecal exams in one week for them to show up. We've been treating our pups monthly since September to make sure they all get killed even though none have symptoms. Our vet said it's better to over treat rather than under treat hook worms. I'm not diagnosing here, just relating what we went through and maybe this might be something to check again. We feed "Now Fresh", a strictly Canadian product (hopefully), since I don't even trust US manufacturers with all of the recalls. Orijen and Acana are also 2 other Canadian manufactured kibble. There was a really interesting thread recently about probiotics, and one person recommended yogurt over OTC probiotics and explained the differences. You should be able to do a search for probiotics on GT for more information. I agree that it can take a long time to find a product which suits your pup. The trick is to narrow down what works best by not adding anything to his food, then slowly add one at a time to see if something triggers the diarrhea or makes it worse. Has your vet suggested a bland diet until his GI tract settles. I wonder why your vet is not concerned about bloody diarrhea
  6. I had difficulty too after not having issues for many years. What works for me is to click on the icon about the "B" used to add bold to a font.
  7. Steve, I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am for your loss of sweet Sadie...so soon after losing Bug too. My thoughts are with you, Gayle and Rachel during this painful time.
  8. Jay, I'm so sorry for your loss of Pinky. Your tribute to her is beautiful.
  9. Do all yougurts contain this much or just home made? I've often wondered about it.
  10. I'm so sorry for your loss of sweet Woody.
  11. What a handsome pup, sounds like he has the best home ever! Welcome!
  12. I wish I had some words of comfort Toni...still hard to believe he's gone. You gave him a good life, he was such a good boy. Even though you can't see or touch him, he will always have a special place in your heart.
  13. Oh Toni, my heart sank when I saw this. I can't believe Get Em, sweetest pirate ever, is gone. You must be so heartbroken.
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss...how heartbreaking this must be for you.
  15. I know ahead of time that my dogs don't like to be mounted because they've growled in the past which is why I get the other dog off right away, rather than risk anything more than a growl. If I'm not quick enough though, I will let them work it out on their own...but some dogs don't get the message. Anyone know why? Are they just so aroused that corrections don't phase them? There's a lab we often meet on our walks who is very persistent and can be a real pita.
  16. Hi Hope to meet you at GIG if we go this year.
  17. Katie gets a gurgly stomach a lot. We use Pepcid. She will also vomit bile if she doesn't get a bit of food prior to bedtime. Not sure if this will help though since his medical problems seem more serious.
  18. You sound overwhelmed which is understandable. What else is understandable is everyone's reaction to your comment to put him down. You sound very defensive when people are suggesting you need help from your adoption group. I'm assuming you posted so you could get advice.
  19. I'm so sorry to hear Binx crossed the bridge, but I'm sure she was surrounded by love. My condolences to those who knew and loved her.
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