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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. Robin, I'm so sorry to hear about sweet Sasha. Please send my condolences to your mom and let her know I'm thinking of her during this sad time...she must be devastated.
  2. Hi Martha I'm not sure if you remember me from NCR days but I used to hang out with Linda, Ace and Abby a lot on Saturday mornings. Did you adopt Nik and Raz?
  3. Happy 1st gotcha day Freddy...hope you have many many more
  4. My vet won't write out a Rx. legally, do they have to if you ask here in Ontario?
  5. wtg Kebo...please keep us posted on his progress. sending good thoughts for Kebo
  6. Poor Kebo...I hope it's nothing serious this time...he really deserves a break from his medical issues
  7. Before I apply anything topically, I always start with stroking Ben from his head to his tail for a few minutes. Then I apply the meds during the stroking session. He doesn't like to have anything "different" done to him and we only use heartworm meds for 6 months of the year, so I suspect he's wary because he's not used to it. Willis' reaction seems to have some discomfort attached to it.
  8. I'm very sorry to hear about Sequoia.
  9. When I pill the pups, I stroke their neck which causes them to swallow. I didn't know about blowing in their nostrils but I do know throat stroking works for us. Don't be afraid to stick you fingers way down their throat. It's the only way that pill is going down.
  10. I'm so sorry for your loss. You and Jesse were very lucky to have found each other and share such a wonderful life. I love the last line of your beautiful tribute to him.
  11. I'm so sorry...she sounded like a real life changer for you over the years.
  12. Perry, oh I have an awful feeling... I haven't seen anything in remembrance.
  13. Is there a particular reason you want to crate Willis? I know lots of people say they should be comfortable in a crate so that if they have to go in a crate, they'll be ok. Ben has been with us almost 9 years and has never needed to be in a crate. Willis doesn't seem to be destructive or a marker. I'd suggest leaving the crate up with the door open and see if he goes in the crate on his own or sleeps on his pillow. It sounds like he doesn't need to be crated.
  14. When I saw Shannon's name, I was hoping it wasn't your Shannon. I'm so sorry.
  15. Brooke was diagnosed with Pannus and I put drops in her eyes everyday and will have to for her entire life so she doesn't go blind. Is the recheck just to see how the meds are working? Pannus can be treated but not cured.
  16. Ben did incredibly well when the vet did cold laser treatments with him. He had 5 treatments over 3 weeks and the swelling subsided and he's back to normal. Hope it works for Aston. It's worrisome when they hurt and we can't or don't know what to do.
  17. You may want to read some articles in the meantime as well. Here's one to start with by Turid Rugaas, and she has many many more. http://en.turid-rugaas.no/calming-signals---the-art-of-survival.html And try and keep calm too so he doesn't pick up on your anxiousness which you mentioned in your last post.
  18. Nancy, can you just put some towels down on the steps to help with the slipperiness, assuming that's the problem.
  19. I'm reading Inside of a Dog by Alexandra Horowitz. She teaches psychology, canine behaviour and canine cognition at Columbia. Although the book isn't a training guide, it is very insightful if you are interesting in learning more about dog behaviours.
  20. I go to the US to purchase a probiotic from TSC that has the same ingredient as Fortiflora, it's a lot less expensive though. I can't find it in TSC stores here though, just in the US.
  21. I'm so sorry to hear about Mork...tears of sadness for you. It's so painful and heartbreaking when we have to say goodbye, no matter how long they've been with us, how much we loved them, or what a greyt life we have with them. Rest well sweet Mork.
  22. It's also the most loving thing you can do please accept my heartfelt condolences and wish for a peaceful passing
  23. Maggie, have you visited Rick Quinn, the veterinary ophthalmologist? If not, I highly recommend him.
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