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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. I'm so sorry to hear Binx crossed the bridge, but I'm sure she was surrounded by love. My condolences to those who knew and loved her.
  2. Usually puppy treats are smaller. I wouldn't return them. I often split up adult size treats anyway.
  3. The amount of testosterone they receive is miniscule. If that were true all female dogs would be mounted by males. Dogs have tried to mount my 3 greys and all 3 of them growled and let them know if wasn't appropriate. I also grabbed the dog off. If she's been spayed recently, perhaps you could wait for a few weeks before going back to the park. Many dogs at dog parks behave badly due to their owners' neglect and let them run uncontrolled. I only go to dog parks during times when there are few others there. If dogs are there that behave badly, the pups and I stand still and just wait until the owner collects their dog (usually, I either step in between or will grab their collar. This usually works and the owner gets the message and leaves us alone. If the owner replies that their dog just wants to say hi, I will tell them this behaviour is aggressive in a dog's world and they risk getting into a dog fight if the behaviour continues. Most just blow me off, but I don't care. Sometimes you can't fix stupid.
  4. I always smile when I read this title because I keep thinking, "I don't like any kibble actually, but my dogs love..."
  5. I'm so sorry you have another loss in your life so soon.
  6. I'm so sorry...I wish I had words of comfort....You loved him and made every decision based on that love...no one will ever fault you for that.
  7. His behaviour is perfectly normal greyhound behaviour. they sleep a lot. he may play more as he gets more comfortable with his new life....then again he may never be a greyhound that plays with toys. they really are low maintenance.
  8. Mary, all I can suggest is sending a pm to tbhounds, jjung or krissy to see if they have suggestions. If you're on FB, I'd also post to the pro greyhound forum because of the vets that frequent it. Have you contacted the breeder? I can't imagine how scary this is so soon after your loss of Rickie. I hope he gets well soon.
  9. Another baby lost to this horrible disease...I'm so sorry.
  10. You may question this honeymoon phase, but it's not unusual to have the perfect greyhound. People post more about issues when they need help than those of us with perfect greyhounds, so you may think perfection is an anomaly rather than the norm. Welcome to the wonderful world of greyhounds! this best part, in my opinion, is the bond with them, something I have never experienced quite as much with other breeds (and I grew up with dogs, mostly mutts who were very sweet dogs) as I have with a greyhound...or two...wait, we're up to three now
  11. Kristie, you are very good at what you do so stop selling yourself short. I admit I skim read it and got a weird feeling reading about the cans...now I know why, so thanks for pointing this out. Kathryn Gilley owned greyhounds for a long time and so some of her methods are out of date, but she does have some articles that make sense, i.e. greyhounds in a new home. It's important to share opinions so we all continue to learn.
  12. Willis isn't the problem here. Another suggestion I have is to work on your "perfectionist" issues, at least with dog ownership. Be fair to Willis and prepare for pee, poop, diarrhea, vomit, lack of appetite and other dog stuff that will happen and you can't control it, but Willis will sense your frustration. You stated many issues yourself, including the responsibility part. If I were in this situation, the BF's dog would not be staying in my home until he did some behavioural work with a specialist. Willis is still learning to be part of a new environment and has a lot thrown at him at the moment. Think of how you would feel if you moved to Mars and then badly behaved aliens moved in a short time later while you were adjusting.
  13. Once the bad teeth are extracted her health should improve immensely. There's lots of harmful bacteria associated with periodontal disease. Our first grey lost most of her teeth and never had a problem with eating. I imagine her gums hardened up a bit and that helped. Six teeth is very minor assuming they're not canines.
  14. He may be picking up on your anxiety. I wonder if you feel stressed because of your first return and are sensitized to any little issue. Was there a change in routine at all in terms of when he goes on walks, etc.? When a new pup comes into our home we are extremely prudent about routines to help them feel comfortable. We also do that when pet sitting. Do you have him on the same schedule you'll be on when you go back to work. Have you done any alone training with Willis? Are there other issues because this seems so minor in the grand scheme of things imo? The only advice I have is to relax a bit, although it is unusual to pee on a bed. I'm assuming he doesn't have any medical problems.
  15. Congrats on the new boy...he's very handsome
  16. Robin, I'm so sorry to hear about sweet Sasha. Please send my condolences to your mom and let her know I'm thinking of her during this sad time...she must be devastated.
  17. Hi Martha I'm not sure if you remember me from NCR days but I used to hang out with Linda, Ace and Abby a lot on Saturday mornings. Did you adopt Nik and Raz?
  18. Happy 1st gotcha day Freddy...hope you have many many more
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