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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. Your tribute collage is beautiful as was Asta...thank you for sharing.
  2. We have two girls and one boy. The girls are the same age and play together. I walk 3 dogs with all leashes in my left hand. You'll be surprised at how well they walk together.
  3. I love this quote and it's sort of applicable here. You can sub "adopt/foster greyhound" at the beginning. "With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose." -- Wayne W. Dyer
  4. I got some for Ben a couple of weeks ago through our vet. Cost was about $50 for 15.
  5. Mary, I am so so sorry to hear about Jaynie, but glad she seems to be doing well. I rarely read this thread (too disheartening) but saw your name as the last post and have read some of the posts. Jaynie is such a sweet girl, I'm truly saddened but hopeful she will continue to heal and beat this. I'm so sorry for all who are dealing with OS. Our first greyhound died from cancerous tumours in her stomach, so even though I've not had to deal with OS, I hate cancer with a passion.
  6. Hope everything turns out ok with Hester...I miss his adventures too! Please don't show pics of your yard please. Our temps are still below normal and we are getting lots of rain this week. I imagine your plants are in bloom and have been for awhile.
  7. ducky, I'm sorry for the loss of your mom, even if it's a blessing.
  8. I'm so sorry for your loss of beautiful Maya.
  9. I'm so sorry for this sudden loss, especially when trying to continue to give her a good life. Rest well sweet Lily, you were loved so much.
  10. Katie also gets frequent stomach upsets. We always feed a little kibble before bed or she will get the gurglies and not eat. then she'll eventually throw up bile, so I have to get it under control with Pepcid tablet. I don't know if frequency is an issue, I hope not because they are the only thing that will make her comfortable since she won't eat anything, even her favourites.
  11. I'm so sorry for your loss of Carl...lovely tribute...your love for him is so strong and beautiful.
  12. If your pup is limping he's in pain and I'd want to know the cause so I could treat it. I'd also want to know if it's OS because I'd be restricting activities such as jumping in and out of cars, or on and off furniture to reduce the risk of breaking the leg.
  13. ...I need to manage the pain
  14. I found the "firsts" very difficult, first Christmas, first birthday, first gotcha day, that took place after I lost my greyhound. In fact I cried for the first 3 anniversary dates after we put Bailey to sleep. I'm glad you have memories and Jimmy to bring you comfort today.
  15. I use this company all of the time I need heartworm or dewormers. The cost is left than half I pay at our vets, but then I live in Ontario where everything is a lot more expensive than the US, so I'm not sure how much you save. I've never had a problem ordering from Australia and my order always arrives in less than a week.
  16. I'm so sorry for your loss of Egon.
  17. Sweet memories now of your sweet Charlie.
  18. After reading your tribute I see that Seamie was ready to go, even if you or anyone else wasn't...I hope this brings some comfort, Jan
  19. I live in Canada but purchase my heartworm products (Revolution) from Australia from http://www.bestvaluepetsupplies.com because they are less than half the price I pay here. They carry dewormers too.
  20. Welcome from Ontario. Looking forward to more pics and stories about Leo.
  21. I wonder if the shelter told you to feed him twice daily and this is the "total" amount of food. How much food to feed can be trial and error and so can the type of food. I have a 60 lb. female who eats 4 cups of food per day plus treats and is definitely not overweight while my 68 lb girl eats the same amount and I have to be careful because she tends to gain weight. In other words, it depends on the dog. My 60 lb. girl eats as much as some 80 lb. males. I does sound like he's getting too much food simply by the "output" and needs to be dewormed. Good luck!
  22. I'm so sorry for your loss of Queen...she sounds very special.
  23. no, no, no....this is so hard to type through tears. My hearts breaks for you Jan. Rest well sweet Seamie...you were loved a lot and will be missed.
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