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Everything posted by fritofeet

  1. I see them! That is really cool! I'm excited for you and ready for outside piccies now too!
  2. Some adoption groups will not adopt out puppies unless they are spayed before they release them. Not sure what your adoption groups contract is, but you might not have an option if you want this girl.
  3. Lucy and Sally are hotties. Diesel always needs pj's.
  4. and sending more prayers from here as well...
  5. Yay Black Jack! Now Mr. Major-maybe you missed the memo! Your Momma likes grey hounds, not grey hair! Get better soon big guy. I feel your pain, B.J. If it's not one hound, it's the other.
  6. Vet Wrap, and e-collar, muzzle and straight jacket....
  7. I use Wounded Warrior and prefer it to EMT gel. I use it dry on booboos, but it is great under bandaging. Wounded Warrior If you can't find it locally, I can ship some to you.
  8. Our friends grey took about a week before he started putting any weight on his booboo foot after he got his splint off. 2 weeks later, he's still favoring it-but is putting some weight on it now. He starts hobbling again when he's had too much fun but he's slowly getting better. It's kind of like physical therapy, they have to take it slow just like we do.
  9. Yay! I'm so glad he's feeling better.
  10. I know exactly what you mean, but at least you KNOW your vet is competent. Another idea is a portable water pic. I can't remember which GTer uses it with her senior girl, but they said they had great results. You just have to do it outside because it's gross. Lucy just had her dental, and I'm going to go pick one up and try it. Her gums have pockets on the outside that always fill up with crud no matter what, so I figure rinsing couldn't hurt. Diesel also got the vote for 6 month dentals, but that is a no way jose thing as he does very poorly with anesthesia too. Our new vet and I talked about it in great detail, and he also said it was most likely the injectable that was causing the issue, so he would be conservative with that one. I'm still not ready though, after Sally's spay, Lucy's dental and a round of shots for every one, I'd rather water pic and denta treat for a little while yet.
  11. Oh Carol, I'm so sorry. Nevada is a truely special girl. I'm so sorry for your loss, and know I'm crying with you. Sue
  12. I just changed my directions to send a support ticket from a special page Been getting backed up the last few days, lots of stuff going on. Just got all the tickets caught up including yours Thanks! You rock!
  13. Oh yeah, you sent me a PM a few days ago. I get a lot of PMs and emails as well, that is why I put up the support ticket site, that way things don't get lost. I'm bad about replying to PMs and emails. Once I open them and they are marked read, consider them gone lol Best to open a ticket, that way I have to actively close the ticket I'll try to get to your account later, if I don't reply back to you tonight, then open a ticket Have more on my plate at the moment before I get to updating accounts... Sorry Jeff, I know you are busy. (Not like you are getting ready to move or anything...) I figured you get a few PMs, but was trying to follow directions in the other thread. I'll do the ticket route. Thanks!
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