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Everything posted by fritofeet

  1. I'd discontinue the Temaril. When new medication and new behaviors happen at the same time...I think they are connected. That is way too scary for me as well. Call the vet that greytmonty suggested and get a second opinion too, and ask about other topical products plus antihistamines for dogs-there has to be one that you haven't tried. Poor Alan needs some relief. From what you have described with his itching now, I'm assuming it is a dermatitis type reaction-so I'd start with a process of elimination for everything that currently touches him. I'd start with laundry and wash everything you can that Alan lays on without soap, (run the inside of his dog beds through the dryer without a softener sheet incase it is dust mites or something left in his bed) then rinse the heck out of him even if it is just with a spray bottle and a towel. You could put some tea-tree oil in the water to help with skin irritation as well. Where is he itching? Legs, ears belly bum? Where is he chewing? Any new foods? Any new travels? Long grass? It seems kind of silly, but if you can go back to when this started and provide as many details as possible (even though they may seem irrelevant) it would help us with allergy experience come up with some better ideas for you. Hogan was even allergic to the fillers that they put IN the pills, so you never really know what the trigger is until you work through and eliminate all kinds of things.
  2. I was going to mention eyesight as well. If I don't turn the light on, Diesel won't come down the stairs. I started him on DGP a couple of months ago and he started going up and down again, but if the area rugs aren't there-he won't go down either. He avoids shiney floors like the plague. He has some hind end weakness and LS symptoms as well and this has been the only thing that seems to help him. He still has bad days once in awhile, but he willingly takes the stuff like he knows it helps. He will be 11 in Dec. DGP The company will give you about a week's worth when you request a sample.
  3. Oh Heather, I'm so sorry. He had a life well lived.
  4. Was it prescribed by the vet? I don't have any experience with that medication, but I would be inclined to trust my vet. Here is a link I found a while back that was really useful for me, learning about demodex. linky
  5. Kisses for Jams! I hope she is back to her spunky self today!
  6. Your pic looks like Diesel's corn only smaller. It is on the edge of his pad too. I'd send you a pic, but I just "hulled" him last night again.
  7. Not unless horse pills are made from horse...
  8. Poor girl. I thought staph too when I saw her belly. PM me your addy, I may have some stuff I can send you. It can't hurt...
  9. If you guys need a care package with Petasic or something stronger-I can send you something. I think it was Odormute we used for the skunk dogs and on carpet. I can always check with our freight shippers on a quote if you need something bigger(like a garage). I've sent a few tractors up your way lately, so a quote might not be too bad. Costco has sheds.... Seriously-let me know if I can help. It would break the monotony at work... I liked Alaska, but we were on vacation and it was only 2 weeks. I know I would need all the help I could get if I had to live there....
  10. It should be just fine unless it smells sour or rancid. I don't even keep mine in the fridge, but I do keep it in a cool cupboard (above the dog food bin).
  11. Jurrasic Dogs! Those are my favorite kind of pics and dog days. Just got to make the most of those good days.
  12. Diesel does that too, and it doesn't matter what temperature the water is. Usually I get in the tub with him, and pretty much stuff his back end between my knees so that if he does collapse he won't get injured. I end up soapy, and he is always the last one to get a bath because it is more work to bathe him. I use bath wipes and a "dry" spray shampoo in between to get the grungies off.
  13. Wow! She looks 200x better than Stutler did when they zippered her back. I am so glad Mazie is doing great. The hard part looks like it's going to be keeping her quiet. That 3rd pic she looks like she's been hanging out with Towlie.
  14. Yay for bionic FrankenMoose! I know that scream all too well.... "I want my MOMMA!"
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