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Everything posted by fritofeet

  1. Poor Hannah. I bet turkey soup would make her happy. Arnica tablets can sometimes help with the soreness and speed healing too.
  2. Ask your vet if Brody can use a Clorxylenol shampoo. I have some that is 2% that I used on Hogan all the time, and I can send it in Brody's package tomorrow.
  3. Kelly, I don't know how I missed this thread, but pm me your addy agasin. I have some goodies for the boys. Sue
  4. I wouldn't do a thyroid test run without the full panel results to support the need for it. My previous vet told me that nothing bad could happen to my non-greyhound by running a drug trial on him. My new vet thinks that it is very likely that the medication contributed to the series of strokes that he had, since he was not hypothyroid, but had cancer. I can't remember the lab, (MSU?) that runs the full thyroid panel-but if you need that information for your vet, I'm sure another GTer will chime in with it, or I can look it up when I get home. I had a bad experience, and am a little jaded-but there can be bad side effects with ANY drug. Vets tell us that Rimadyl is completely safe, and yet there are dogs that have passed from adverse reactions to it as well. Again, the cases that I know about had contributing undiagnosed health issues, but it has happened. I'm not saying that your dog is not hypothyroid or that he doesn't need medication-I'm just saying that I personally would make sure that the need is there before doing a "trial."
  5. I agree that you baby is sending you a message. He wants you to know he is a lucky boy to have shared your life and your love.
  6. Patricia, I am so sorry! My heart aches for you. Finnula was very blessed to have your love. Sue
  7. I'm so sorry. Run free sweet angel.
  8. fritofeet


    I'm so sorry. I'm glad he found you.
  9. Good girl Tootsie! Keep getting better sweetheart. We are praying for you.
  10. fritofeet


    Thank you all very very much.
  11. I use cut up maxi pads slathered in antibiotic ointment during the day, (Animax from the vet) and a good wash and soak and air time at night when I can supervise. Bitter Yuck or Bitter Aplle spray on the vet wrap helps keep them out of it when you aren't there unless they are determined.
  12. More prayers, and a big hug for you. I'm glad she ate. That is a good sign.
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