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Everything posted by fritofeet

  1. More prayers coming for Alan and you guys.
  2. If it isn't attached, I'd bet a fatty deposit. (lipoma) Lucy has one on her sternum and the vet has his eye on it, but she has had it for a couple years now. Prayers Ripple's is nothing.
  3. I had a foster dog that had a lump on his knee that was boney. I took him to the vet and had him checked and xrayed, and it was determined that it was calcification to the joint due to injury and arthritis. Nothing really to do for it but love him and give him joint supplements, so I hope your result is the same.
  4. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  5. More prayers for Clark and big hugs for you. If I can help, let me know.
  6. Run free sweet boy. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  7. My heart sunk when I saw your post locked in H&M. I just hung the picture of your kids up from a past SS many years ago, and was thinking about you guys. I am so sorry for your loss. Jed is very loved.
  8. Thanks guys, She slept a lot last night and is still pretty meek and quiet. She has graduated from the tail tip wag to the tick tock wag. It's not her normal helicopter, but I'll take it. She's doing the old lady trot, but we are all grateful she is home. All 3 dogs were standing in the doorway watching me get ready for work, and Lucy was leaning on Diesel until he saw I noticed. He even gave her ear and face sniffs when she came home, so I know he likes her-even though he doesn't want us to know. I'm going to sneak out at lunch and check on them, but she is much better today. Thanks for all your prayers for my girl.
  9. So we are home and settled. The vet still is uncertain what happened, but he did say when I brought her in this morning she was in such bad shape that he really didn't think she would make it through the day and thought she was a tough spunky girl. Her bloodwork again looks great, her UA came back fine, her kidney values look great, her films looked normal. But, he put her on antibiotics and a steriod plus IV fluids, and sent antibiotics home with her. She isn't supposed to exert herself for the next couple of days. The closest diagnoses he was willing to give was a Transient Ischemic Attack, and that her vision is still not that great, and it was definately something with the central nervous system. I'm not sure if that fits all her symptoms, since she didn't eat dinner last night but otherwise seemed fine. We talked about the possibility of poison, but with good blood values and no vomiting or big d, it doesn't seem likely. So whether it is TIA or an infection, she is home and I am so grateful. Thank you for all your prayers, they obviously worked.
  10. No new news. She is pretty stoic, except for when she gets her nails done. Then she screams like I'm amputating toes... Even when she was attacked by another dog about 4 years ago, she never made a peep-but she did bite me. She can bite me all she wants, I just want her to feel better. I don't think she got into anything, I would think poison would make her blood values weird. Ms. Lucyfur will be 11 next month, and I think she ate dinner but will have to check with DS. There was no food in the dishes when I went to feed this morning. She seemed ok last night, and we had a great game of chase me yesterday morning. DH pointed out she was quiet on the dog bed last night which is not unusal for her, this lady likes her beauty sleep. He did say she didn't pester him for cookies when he got home and that isn't normal. Came to see him, said hey and then laid down. I wasn't feeling well, so I went to bed and DS did the last turn out before bed and he is at school... She does have a temp of 104, but the vet didn't seem overly concerned by that at this time-but I would think it would mean infection. I want to go camp out at the vet's office, but I don't know if that will help any.
  11. I'm glad to hear she is getting back to being her naughty self.
  12. The receptionist I talked to wasn't extremely helpful and said they really didn't have any news yet. Current bloodwork is normal, and lithographs didn't show anything odd. She did say she is moving her ears and will sometimes lift her head, so I think that's positive.
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