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Dog Park Mishap

Guest JackieJormpJomp

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Guest JackieJormpJomp

Sonic loooooooves the dog park. She loves getting to run and romp with the other dogs and do zoomies to her heart's content. She's been very good with other dogs, even the itty bitty fluffy ones. We were at the big grassy dog park yesterday and she was loving it. She scared the bajeesus out of a dachshund when she zoomed past it, but other than that she was getting along fantastic with everyone. Then a woman showed up with a little Pomeranian. She set her dog down and of course all the other dogs gathered around to sniff it. The pom immediately started screaming like someone had bit it (no one had) and the screeching got the big dogs riled up. They all started jumping on the pom, which mad it scream even more. Sonic heard the action from across the park and came barreling in before I could get a hold of her. She had the same look on her face that she gets when she sees a rabbit running on our walks. She got her mouth around the pom's neck but didn't do any damage. I managed to pull her off and after checking with the owner of the little dog to make sure it was ok we leashed up and left right then. The woman with the Pomeranian tried to set it down several more times and the same thing happened. Apparently it doesn't like other dogs and screams when dogs try to sniff it. I feel awful that Sonic tried to basically eat another dog - I don't know if it was pure instinct (small fluffy thing making prey noises!) or aggression.


It really freaked me out and I'm so terrified of the damage she could've done to that little dog. It's such a bummer that the only dog park near me with separate big and small dog areas is all wood chips and Sonic won't run on wood chips. I think I'll try the grassy one at odd times and only go in if there's no dogs or one or two friendly big dogs - anything else and we're out of there. I live in an apartment without a fenced yard so the dog park is really her only opportunity to romp.

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Yikes! Glad it didn't turn out worse! We lived in a townhouse without a fenced yard until a few months ago and took Sweep to a fenced baseball field. She ran like crazy and we never had to worry about other dogs. Is that an option for you?


Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
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That pomeranian owner is an idiot to have let her tiny dog loose in a play area with a bunch of riled up larger dogs. Yes, I'm sure technically she did nothing against park rules, but she clearly violated common freaking sense.


I'm glad none of the dogs actually hurt the poor thing. Sounds like the owner didn't even learn a lesson, unfortunately, so her dog is probably doomed to be injured or killed due to her inability to use her head.


If I were you, I would be very vigilant for similar situations, and it'd be annoying, but I'd leash up and leave if a tiny fluffy dog was let loose in the play area again. It's for your own dog's safety as well, because if the tiny fluffy got injured or killed, you know the owner would go after you and your dog.

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Sorry, but that lady is an idiot. That is a tragedy in the making. That poor little thing is going to get hurt or worse. Please try to find somewhere else to take Sonic for a run. If you are on Allies yahoo group, post something there to get together. We sometimes go to a school baseball diamond in Hudsonville, or the park on Covel St. If you are free this Saturday come out to Younkers at Rivertown for the meet and greet and you could follow me home to let her run there.

<p>Mom to Kyle (Diehard Kyle) & Angel Gracie (KB's Sankey) Foster Mom for AFG

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Guest JackieJormpJomp

Yikes! Glad it didn't turn out worse! We lived in a townhouse without a fenced yard until a few months ago and took Sweep to a fenced baseball field. She ran like crazy and we never had to worry about other dogs. Is that an option for you?


I've been on the lookout for baseball fields that are totally enclosed (they all have two or three open areas in the fence instead of gated entrances) but so far I haven't had any luck finding one in the city - but I'll try looking in neighboring areas.


That pomeranian owner is an idiot to have let her tiny dog loose in a play area with a bunch of riled up larger dogs. Yes, I'm sure technically she did nothing against park rules, but she clearly violated common freaking sense.


I'm glad none of the dogs actually hurt the poor thing. Sounds like the owner didn't even learn a lesson, unfortunately, so her dog is probably doomed to be injured or killed due to her inability to use her head.


If I were you, I would be very vigilant for similar situations, and it'd be annoying, but I'd leash up and leave if a tiny fluffy dog was let loose in the play area again. It's for your own dog's safety as well, because if the tiny fluffy got injured or killed, you know the owner would go after you and your dog.


Yeah, I'm officially swearing off the park if there's a little dog in it. She does fine with small dogs on leash but I think the sound of a scared/injured one is too similar to her squeaky toys. Yikes. If I had a small dog there's no way I'd let it run in a big area without a fenced off small dog spot - even before this incident it made me nervous to see tiny dogs romping with huskies and other big dogs. All it takes is one clumsy giant paw to do some damage.


Sorry, but that lady is an idiot. That is a tragedy in the making. That poor little thing is going to get hurt or worse. Please try to find somewhere else to take Sonic for a run. If you are on Allies yahoo group, post something there to get together. We sometimes go to a school baseball diamond in Hudsonville, or the park on Covel St. If you are free this Saturday come out to Younkers at Rivertown for the meet and greet and you could follow me home to let her run there.


That would be awesome! I just sent a request to join the Allies group this morning with the intent of asking if anyone knew of any open fenced areas for her to run in. Sonic looooves to run with other dogs but she gets confused as to why the labs and border collies can't keep up with her. :)

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Yes...the woman is a total idiot if she has a dog that screams when other dogs sniff it. The problem is that if Sonic had punctured the dog, you would be now fighting to save Sonic from the courts depending on your local laws. While it's not fair, I strongly recommend not letting your hound romp with little dogs....it is not worth the risk for you.


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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How scary, but it's definitely not the risk. You need to walk away if there is sqeaky little one. I don't think you can muzzle if the other dogs aren't also muzzled as that upsets a pack too.

It is pack behaviour to join in on a bullying session on a small fluffy squeaky dog that goes down and screams. Had it just been your dog I don't think it would have happened. My last dog was fine with my cat until one day a relaitve visited with 2 little dogs who chased it and she then joined in.

The owner of that dog needs to retrain it so that it can use normal behaviour and submit before riling other dogs.


Are there any horse people with fenced yards near where you live? It might pay to ask and even pay them something so your dog can run free.

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Guest SaltiDawg

The owner of the small dog doesn't sound too swift.


Now let me display my ignorance.


I have just applied to a local group here in MD to adopt our first Greyhound - in other words I have zero experience.


I thought I had read that frequently when allowing the dog to run loose with other dogs in an enclosed area that a muzzle is worn? Is this only done when Greyhounds are running with other Greyhounds?


I am not suggesting that I think you should have muzzled your dog, just would like to understand when it is called for.

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Yes, muzzles are for greyhound play groups when off-leash. Muzzles won't allow them to protect themselves if another breed attacked them.

Jan with precious pups Emmy (Stormin J Flag) and Simon (Nitro Si) and Abbey Field.  Missing my angels: Bailey Buffetbobleclair 11/11/98-17/12/09; Ben Task Rapid Wave 5/5/02-2/11/15; Brooke Glo's Destroyer 7/09/06-21/06/16 and Katie Crazykatiebug 12/11/06 -21/08/21. My blog about grief The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not get over the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor would you want to. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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I muzzle whenever in doubt....however, all dogs must be muzzled so no one can attack and leave someone else defenseless. Whenever a new grey comes in to our home, or any visiting dog hound or otherwise.


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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Thanks, Greytpups, I'm coming from the (English) Bulldog world and have zero experience with muzzles... no nose... lol


If one dog is muzzled, they should all be muzzled. Which is why it usually only happens with groups of greyhounds. Your group should supply a plastic kennel muzzle with your dog.


To the OP, it's fortunate the Pom wasn't hurt. It doesn't seem to matter who starts an "encounter" between a larger dog and smaller dog, but who finishes it. Unfortunately, that means the larger dog get the brunt of the blame. That woman is an idiot.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Guest SaltiDawg

Sometime down the road, if my wife and I are approved and get our first Greyhound, how would my dog and the neighbors dog - dog and people friendly Lab be introduced?


Outdoors on lead and my guy muzzled or not? I have a fenced yard, would the initial closely supervised off-lead meeting be with or without muzzle.


If I have more questions, I'll start a new thread. I think I'm headed toward hijacking this great thread and apologize right now!

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Yes...the woman is a total idiot if she has a dog that screams when other dogs sniff it. The problem is that if Sonic had punctured the dog, you would be now fighting to save Sonic from the courts depending on your local laws. While it's not fair, I strongly recommend not letting your hound romp with little dogs....it is not worth the risk for you.

Agreed, I wouldn't take it as a sign that Sonic is aggressive--plenty of normally placid dogs would have reacted in that situation, but unfortunately she's the one who will be at risk despite the owner's idiocy.

Beth, Petey (8 September 2018- ), and Faith (22 March 2019). Godspeed Patrick (28 April 1999 - 5 August 2012), Murphy (23 June 2004 - 27 July 2013), Leo (1 May 2009 - 27 January 2020), and Henry (10 August 2010 - 7 August 2020), you were loved more than you can know.

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Sometime down the road, if my wife and I are approved and get our first Greyhound, how would my dog and the neighbors dog - dog and people friendly Lab be introduced?


Outdoors on lead and my guy muzzled or not? I have a fenced yard, would the initial closely supervised off-lead meeting be with or without muzzle.


If I have more questions, I'll start a new thread. I think I'm headed toward hijacking this great thread and apologize right now!


I would muzzle both dogs and let them meet off-leash in a neutral territory (ie, not your yard, not his yard, but maybe a kind neighbor's fenced yard if they're willing). If that's not possible, I'd walk the dogs together with your neighbor for a good long tiring brisk walk before letting them play off-leash (and yes, muzzled) in your yard.

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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That pomeranian owner is an idiot to have let her tiny dog loose in a play area with a bunch of riled up larger dogs. Yes, I'm sure technically she did nothing against park rules, but she clearly violated common freaking sense.




Yes...the woman is a total idiot if she has a dog that screams when other dogs sniff it. The problem is that if Sonic had punctured the dog, you would be now fighting to save Sonic from the courts depending on your local laws. While it's not fair, I strongly recommend not letting your hound romp with little dogs....it is not worth the risk for you.



Pomeranian owner is an idiot. IDIOT. She shouldn't take her dog to that dog park.


Yep, yep, and yep. Total idiot - to put her dog down again and again and let the same thing happen? Practically brain-dead. Good grief.


Yes, muzzles are for playdates so no-one gets nicked or ripped in play, which can happen. Muzzle one, muzzle all. :nod


As for the aggression question, I suppose technically it IS aggression, but I certainly wouldn't label her as 'aggressive' in the sense most people mean it. She was acting instinctively - pack behaviour as someone else said. I would be careful around small fluffies in future, but she'll probably be fine with those who don't behave that way. My first greyhound was the same: he'd play with small dogs, and even roll them over by accident then stand back and wait for them to get up and begin playing again, but I remember one time when a pup (flatcoat retriever) threw herself down on the ground in front of him in abject submission, rolling over and showing her belly and doing that high pitched whine that some pups do. I think she wet herself, too. And he went to grab her. He didn't hurt her, just bumped his nose on her and kind of looked bewildered, but then went in again (that's when I managed to get hold of him). It's instinct. He never did it again with any other dog, but we were always cautious after that.


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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We just recently started taking our dog to a dog park and I'm very paranoid about other dogs. Your encounter showed that this woman, as others have stated, is a total idiot. People with very small dogs, especially those with no big dog experience, need to go to dog parks that segregate by size. If her dog behaves like that it will get attacked by small dogs, too, but might be easier to rescue.


Our dog enjoys walking the perimeter of the park and marking everything. He occasionally gets a bit friendly with other dogs but generally loses interest quickly. He's much friendlier with the people there and has become a great ambassador for the breed. Several people ask us all about greyhounds and are surprised by what we tell them - they've considered adopting but didn't have the information. Maybe we've done some good. Our CJ lives with 4 cats and even when walking in the local wetlands he ignores the bunnies. However, I've seen dogs get very aggressive at dog parks for no reason other than I'm assuming they sense submission in a dog and then the pack mentality kicks in. If your grey has any prey drive, I think it's especially scary to go to a dog park that doesn't separate small dogs.

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It really freaked me out and I'm so terrified of the damage she could've done to that little dog. It's such a bummer that the only dog park near me with separate big and small dog areas is all wood chips and Sonic won't run on wood chips. I think I'll try the grassy one at odd times and only go in if there's no dogs or one or two friendly big dogs - anything else and we're out of there. I live in an apartment without a fenced yard so the dog park is really her only opportunity to romp.

This is what we do. We go late morning on weekdays once a week weather permitting. The park is only about 7 minutes from my house (driving) so if we get there and there are other dogs there, we just walk in the neighborhood and then head home - not much time lost.


That pomeranian owner is an idiot to have let her tiny dog loose in a play area with a bunch of riled up larger dogs. Yes, I'm sure technically she did nothing against park rules, but she clearly violated common freaking sense.


I'm glad none of the dogs actually hurt the poor thing. Sounds like the owner didn't even learn a lesson, unfortunately, so her dog is probably doomed to be injured or killed due to her inability to use her head.


If I were you, I would be very vigilant for similar situations, and it'd be annoying, but I'd leash up and leave if a tiny fluffy dog was let loose in the play area again. It's for your own dog's safety as well, because if the tiny fluffy got injured or killed, you know the owner would go after you and your dog.



As for the aggression question, I suppose technically it IS aggression, but I certainly wouldn't label her as 'aggressive' in the sense most people mean it.

I just mentioned this in another post. It's predatory behavior, not aggression. I think it's worth making the distinction although in the end, it's the owner's duty to prevent interactions where something like this may happen because the end result can still be the same - an injured dog or worse.


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Guest JackieJormpJomp

Just fifteen minutes before the screechy pom showed Sonic was getting along wonderfully with an even smaller fluffy dog. But if there's screeching and other riled dogs to be had, she's there. I really should have known better. At her other dog park visits (ok so there's only been about two other before this) she's acted interested in joining any scuffles that happen (if other dogs gang up to pick on another dog she wants to join in) but they all involved big dogs and were extremely minor. I'm going to check around the area for a big grassy fenced in area that we can go to with my friend's dog that she gets along with so she can run and play.

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I wish there could be a "greyhound only dog park". that won't happen of course. We took our greys to a grey only event and there were about 50 greys running in a herd and they got along perfectly!! It was quite the sight.

Edited by maria


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I used to be very pro- dog park. In the first two years of his life, I took Truman to the dog park on an almost daily basis. Literally, hundreds of times. The last time we went, he was attacked by a GSD. And while the physical damage wasn't bad, the traumatic experience permanently changed him. I started noticing hints of leash reactivity and fear around other dogs. It rapidly got worse. Now we're to the point where we can't go to dog parks, pet stores, or greyhound events because he has nervous meltdowns. We've tried to work through it with a great deal of training and positive reinforcement, but the damage is done. Before this, Truman had done eight obedience classes and even earned his CGC and Therapy Dog certificates. Now, his behavior is so unpredictable, we struggle just to walk past other dogs on walks. I think he will always have some inherent fear and distrust of other dogs.


I guess my point is, you could go to the dog park a million times, but it only takes ONE time, ONE dog, or ONE bad experience to ruin everything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This thread is extremely interesting to me as I've just been discussing this exact issue with a greyhound obedience specialist. We got our four year old boy Harvey in June. He is extremely poorly socialised around other dogs. He's quite socially anxious and so his way of coping is to run up to other dogs and get in their face. He is in no way aggressive, just ignorant. We are working on teaching him some manners! I was worried that some of his behaviour appeared to be predatory, but the trainer has tested him with other dogs and is sure it isn't. However she did make the comment that any pack of dogs, however well-socialised, can attack a submissive dog, as they are simply weeding out the weak, as they would in the wild. Definitely something to consider for all of us.

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Guest Lillypad

JackieJormpJomp if you are able to find a baseball diamond to use and have not used it because of openings, here is a suggested solution. Our group use a baseball diamond in our neighborhood. The diamond has 4 openings about 5 feet wide. We use plastic snow fence cut to fit and fasten with velcro type fasteners. This is a temporary barrier we put up and take down when we leave. It causes no harm in the regular fencing and we have had no objection from authorities.




Hope you can get the idea from the photo attached.

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