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Stealing Stuff....

Guest Isabella

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Guest Isabella

I have caught Izzy a couple of times now stealing things off the end tables and coffee table. Weird things, like a tape measure, a CD case, my gloves etc, she doesn't chew on them just puts them in her bed. Does anyone else have this problem ? She hasn't counter surfed at all and none of the things she has taken are food related. I just find it odd !

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Yes! Our new boy, Toley, has started this. I have a little basket by the table by the front door, with all sorts of things in it - hand lotion tubes, antibacterial lotion tubes, plastic bag of earplugs, stuff like that. Toley has decided to take the things out and scatter them around the living room, or place them on his bed. Yesterday he de-stuffed (and ruined) a decorative pillow I have. This was my fault because it was on the floor, and we are trying to get him to understand he has his own toys , and they are always on the floor. Opie never took anything, so this is a new behavior for me. We muzzle him whenever we leave now.

Mom to Toley (Astascocita Toley) DOB 1/12/09, and Bridge Angel Opie (Wine Sips Away) 3/14/03-12/29/12

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Guest RooMcClanahan

Awww, Izzy's a classic hoarder! So is our lurcher, Seamus. He -- literally -- takes our/our guests' coats downstairs when we come home or have visitors. We call him our welcome committee! He doesn't chew or destroy, just moves things around. People either think it's charming or...not. :)


He also loves to drag down to the basement brand-new clothes, stinky clothes and basically anything that needs to be washed. Lucky for us, that's where the washer and dryer is!


I bet you'll get some great stories/pics from other GTers with hoarders...




ETA: Here's a pic of Seamus earlier today trying to take my coat downstairs, even though the basement door was closed. Bonus Open the door, lady stinkeye.

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Guest Scouts_mom

My Henry steals shoes and books. If I can't find the mate to one of my shoes, I just go look on his bed. Luckily he never chews them--he just carries them to his bed. Now books he will chew--I've had to explain to the library a couple times why their book has bite marks on it.


Then there is my cat Sophie's bed. She liked it placed under the kitchen table where she could watch what is going on and not risk getting stepped on by dogs or people. Henry, however, had different ideas. He clearly felt the bed belonged in the living room. I often caught him trying to sneak by with the bed in his mouth, taking it to where he thought it belonged. We have finally reached a compromise--the bed now lives in my entry area--half in the living room and half in the kitchen. Both Sophie and Henry seem to accept that.

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I don't consider it a "problem" so much as an adorable quirk. Both Lucy and my bridge angel Gabe did it for a few weeks, just until they were fully relaxed and settled in. Cash still does it, but really only with socks. Sometimes he'll carry off other clothes, but he is OBSESSED with socks.

Valerie w/ Cash (CashforClunkers) & Lucy (Racing School Dropout)
Missing our gorgeous Miss
Diamond (Shorty's Diamond), sweet boy Gabe (Zared) and Holly (ByGollyItsHolly), who never made it home.

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Guest Isabella



I don't consider it a "problem" so much as an adorable quirk. Both Lucy and my bridge angel Gabe did it for a few weeks, just until they were fully relaxed and settled in. Cash still does it, but really only with socks. Sometimes he'll carry off other clothes, but he is OBSESSED with socks.

You're right, it's not a problem, I actually find it hilarious to watch her "sneak up" to the table , carefully take the item and saunter over to her dog bed to deposit it! Is hoarding common with sighthounds? I have had many dogs over the years but she is the first to do this ( I've had dogs that steal items but so they can chew them up !)

Awww, Izzy's a classic hoarder! So is our lurcher, Seamus. He -- literally -- takes our/our guests' coats downstairs when we come home or have visitors. We call him our welcome committee! He doesn't chew or destroy, just moves things around. People either think it's charming or...not. :)


He also loves to drag down to the basement brand-new clothes, stinky clothes and basically anything that needs to be washed. Lucky for us, that's where the washer and dryer is!


I bet you'll get some great stories/pics from other GTers with hoarders...




ETA: Here's a pic of Seamus earlier today trying to take my coat downstairs, even though the basement door was closed. Bonus Open the door, lady stinkeye.

That is so funny !

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My foster, Tuffy, would bring all my shoes upstairs then come hang out downstairs with us. He also tried to bring the dust buster on walks with us. Same with the lint roller.





Michelle...forever missing her girls, Holly 5/22/99-9/13/10 and Bailey 8/1/93-7/11/05

Religion is the smile on a dog...Edie Brickell

Wag more, bark less :-)

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Jujube used to empty the closet of shoes to her bed. She also transferred an entire bin of recycling to same bed. She stopped doing it after about 6 months. Only an occasional object is taken now. I miss the big collections. I found it adorable.

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It's a well documented "greyhound thing."


You might find she stops at some point. My dog did. When I first got him, he used to take my clothes to his bed all the time. After a few months he stopped. I'm not sure why.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest DeniseL

Miami does this! It can be very cute, I think. He takes mainly my shoes and collects them on his bed. The problem with him is that sometimes he actually eats stuff, so we have to be very careful what we leave around.

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Truman is a cleptomaniac. He steals anything and everything, then takes it out the dog door. An incomplete list includes: shoes, undergarments, electronics, bed pillows, tupperware, utensils, oven mits, remote controls, magazines, the mail, bags of flour, toilet paper, cardboard boxes, DBF's retainer, K-Cups, banana peels, toothpaste, cat toys... the list goes on and on.

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Guest amethyst

When I first adopted Fly she would take shoes to her bed. Now it's usually soft items like clothing along with an assortment of toys. She's really interested in anything in plastic bags too. She'll take the whole bag to her bed and leave it there unopened.

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We've had Bonnie for 3 months, and have found that her stealing has dwindled from everything she could wrap her teeth around, to just the occasional item. She's never destroyed anything except a couple of days ago, when she fancied my favourite belt that was on our bed. I found it in her bed, chewed in half. :POed

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Forever Home on December 20, 2012
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
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Guest Isabella

Truman is a cleptomaniac. He steals anything and everything, then takes it out the dog door. An incomplete list includes: shoes, undergarments, electronics, bed pillows, tupperware, utensils, oven mits, remote controls, magazines, the mail, bags of flour, toilet paper, cardboard boxes, DBF's retainer, K-Cups, banana peels, toothpaste, cat toys... the list goes on and on.

That is too funny ! I have now started watching what I put on the tables, definitely going to stop putting my glasses on there ! A bag of flour ..... that could be a disaster :)


From most of your posts I am getting that this may be a temporary adjustment period thing, I really wish I could read their minds, I find it very interesting that so many of them do this !

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Guest RMarie

My foster, Tuffy, would bring all my shoes upstairs then come hang out downstairs with us. He also tried to bring the dust buster on walks with us. Same with the lint roller.


HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! There is an old golden retriever that lives in a high-rise in downtown Pittsburgh. We see it out for its morning walk quite often. It (no clue if it's male or female) almost always has a teddy bear in its mouth. It will even hold onto it while doing its business. It's so adorable! We call it the teddy bear dog.

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Our grey girl Darcy was a hoarder when we first got her. It did stop after about a year. Our favorite was when she peeled the carpet treads off our stairs and put them in her dog bed.





Laura with Celeste (ICU Celeste) and Galgos Beatrix and Encarna
The Horse - Gracie (MD Grace E)
Bridge Angels Faye Oops (Santa Fe Oops), Bonny (
Bonny Drive), Darcy (D's Zipperfoot)



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Our Miles is the cleaning man, Rowdy brings the toys outside and leaves them dragging in the yard.. Miles goes out and brings them all back in, on his bed, makes me laugh all the time


Miles October 4 2002-Novembre 19 2013 Mommy loves you big boy

Tatum December 1 2004-January 23 2015 Love you Miss SiSi Bums

Rowdy October 26 2001 -November 5 2015 Miss you Bébé Lou

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Guest Wasserbuffel

Mine is a thief too. She is obsessed with a door stop from the basement, dish towels, and the like. She really likes to take stuff when we're bringing in the groceries. She'll make off with a box of soap or a bag of potatoes. Not to eat, she just wants them.

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Yes! Our new boy, Toley, has started this. I have a little basket by the table by the front door, with all sorts of things in it - hand lotion tubes, antibacterial lotion tubes, plastic bag of earplugs, stuff like that. Toley has decided to take the things out and scatter them around the living room, or place them on his bed. Yesterday he de-stuffed (and ruined) a decorative pillow I have. This was my fault because it was on the floor, and we are trying to get him to understand he has his own toys , and they are always on the floor. Opie never took anything, so this is a new behavior for me. We muzzle him whenever we leave now.

I've seen posts here previously indicating that many greys love to eat hand lotion. I would remove any type of lotion that you have out of their reach as a precaution.


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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Guest ShanYu

Nike was a thief when we first got him. It was December so he would un-decorate the Christmas tree and take the items he had liberated to his bed. Never destroyed anything. His klepto tendencies didn't last long - a couple of months and that was it. Just part of settling in I guess.

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Ben used to take shoes and gloves...it was so endearing because he only took mine :wub: No problem, if one was missing I knew exactly where to find it. he never destroyed it, just took it to his bed. He stopped shortly after we adopted him.


Brooke will take stuffies outside, drop it, pee, pick it back up and bring it back in the house. I'm not sure if it's hoarding, but it sure is cute. :wub:

Jan with precious pups Emmy (Stormin J Flag) and Simon (Nitro Si) and Abbey Field.  Missing my angels: Bailey Buffetbobleclair 11/11/98-17/12/09; Ben Task Rapid Wave 5/5/02-2/11/15; Brooke Glo's Destroyer 7/09/06-21/06/16 and Katie Crazykatiebug 12/11/06 -21/08/21. My blog about grief The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not get over the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor would you want to. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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Guest Isabella

Our grey girl Darcy was a hoarder when we first got her. It did stop after about a year. Our favorite was when she peeled the carpet treads off our stairs and put them in her dog bed.





LOL, Izzy tried to grab the GIANT area rug I have under the coffee table and drag it to her bed, until she realized it wasn't going anywhere because the coffee table was on it!

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