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What Words Does Your Hound Know?

Guest Jacks_Human

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Guest Jacks_Human

I realised that over the brief time I've had Jack (just 5 months next week), he's learned a lot of words and phrases. It seems like dogs understand more human-speak than we give them credit for :flip

As of now, Jack understands:


Need out?

Leave it

Come here




Fishies (tinned pilchards in tomato sauce)


Ice cream

Up-up (to climb stairs, etc)

Give hug (wraps himself around my legs, or his neck around my upper arm)

Give kissies

Be brave (for walking past scary stuff)


Ok go (crossing the street)



Tribble (one of his favourite toys)

Lie down


Dog park

Dr. House (I watched the show with him to help him get over his fear of yelling voices, and it worked)


....from this you can probably tell his favourite activities.


What words do your hounds know?

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Guest ShanYu

That's impressive! Smart hound!

Nike's words are quite similar... he knows: come, wait, toothbrush, breakfast, dinner, pee-pees, zooms, kiss, shake a paw, shake the other paw, sit, down , treat, walkies, stay close, leave it, no, ok, out, up, cuddles, foot ( to lift it so I can wipe the mud when we come home), yoghurt, chicken foot, mom (me!), daddyman, bang ( ie play dead), spin, finish ( he walks around me then sits directly in front), pill (likes to get his fish pill in the morning)..


That's impressive! Smart hound!

Nike's words are quite similar... he knows: come, wait, toothbrush, breakfast, dinner, pee-pees, zooms, kiss, shake a paw, shake the other paw, sit, down , treat, walkies, stay close, leave it, no, ok, out, up, cuddles, foot ( to lift it so I can wipe the mud when we come home), yoghurt, chicken foot, mom (me!), daddyman, bang ( ie play dead), spin, finish ( he walks around me then sits directly in front), pill (likes to get his fish pill in the morning)..

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Oh gosh, Luna picks up on words way too quickly for her own good (and for mine!), and I have a bad feeling that my list is endless.


She knows a lot of the typical commands like "no" "sit" "stay" "come" "lay down" "on your pillow" "kennel up" "leave it" "yuck" (for when she's sniffing at something gross outside) "walk" and "ride". She will go to the window when I say "go see."


She also knows a lot of food related words like "snack" "treat" "cookie" "kibbles" "are you hungry?" and "water"


Then there're the others like "bunny" "kitty cat" "deer" "squirrel" (for when we are wandering around my rural neighborhood) "Clark" (her best friend, a Border Collie mix) "yogurt" "blanket" "necklace" (she'll go to where her collar and leash are hanging to have it put on) "bedtime" "kisses" "box" (she LOVES getting packages) "I'm gonna get you" and "I have your tail" (always inspires wild playtime) and of course "go get a toy"


I know there are more, but that's all I have for now. I have to say, she picks up on things quite a bit quicker than my bridge boy ever did!

Laura, mom to Luna (Boc's Duchess) and Nova (Atascocita Venus).
Forever in my heart, Phantom (Tequila Nights) and Zippy (Iruska Monte).

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Treasure knows her name, stay, treat and outside.


Iker knows his name...I think :lol

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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Peggy knows: "Good bye" when AOL turns off means time for a walk :-)

These are also known: Dinner, Drink, Walk, Squirrel, Cat, 'Who's That!?', come, stay (doesn't bother), Up!, Bed, In The Car!, Out!, Off! (the bed when it's time), Go to see (family member's names). In the Sea! (go into the water on the beach or a river). Find it. Get the Ball. Anyone saying "See ya later' gets her going to the door.

They are definitely able to understand a lot more than we think and pick up even more from our body language.

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I'm sure Des understands much more than I give him credit for, but his every-single-time-never-fails-to-respond are the simple things in life:


Walk....Breakfast.....Load up.....Lunch......Dinner......Go Potty......Bed.


Those are the simple, yet most important things in HIS life.

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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Oo! Picking up some good ideas for new ones here! :)


Of my three, Pogo seems to know the most words. Brilly may just be ignoring the ones he's not interested in. ;) Katie (my rescued borzoi, with us since December) is picking things up more slowly. We're not sure just how bright she is, or if she's hampered by having to translate from Korean (she's from S. Korea). :P


Pogo knows at least these, both from verbal and hand cues:



way down (on his side)

roll over





double shake (both paws)



high five

up (can be just "get up here", or put both front paws on whatever I'm holding out, e.g. my knee)





go around (both ways, cued by hand)


go potty (go pee-pee, go poopy)


feed the kitties



go to bed

have some water

where's your toy? and Get your toy!

Wanna play your game? (lure pole)

Leave it (sort of!)

Drop it (when he feels like it!)

go on (translation: get away, I'm not interested in your happy water bucket drool in my dinner, thank you very much!)

Okay (the universal release)

Do you want to go in the yard?

Do you want to go potty?

Do you need your muzzle? (he gets too wound up sometimes, and this really helps him get a grip)

A totally visual cue: hands on hips, head tilted, non-nonsense look on face = you heard me, young man! I will not repeat myself, and the good thing doesn't happen until you do what I said. ;)


Probably more, but that's all I can think of at the moment. That's 36 (I keep thinking of more! :lol Not too shabby. :) He totally understands if we're asking or telling, so we have to be clear in our own minds before we say something to him.


Brilly knows about half those, when he feels like it. :P Katie (or "Towelly", as we sometimes call her


;) ) only knows sit, down, shake, wait, bow, and that when we wave our arms in a given direction, she's supposed to follow it. :wub:

Edited by Xan


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Not too many. Strange, I taught my previous dogs to within an inch of their lives but Summer? I just don't have the desire for training. Maybe I'm all trained out? Or maybe she's just so perfect that I really don't need to? :beatheart So as I made the list, I realized she knows more words than I thought!


So she knows:

- Summer

- Come

- Sit

- Lay down

- Get down

- In (into the van)

- Out (out of the van)

- Walk (as in, "walk on")

- Heel

- Treat

- Cookie

- Dinner

- Breakfast

- Go pee

- Wanna go out?

- Daddy's home!

- Bed

- Nap with Mum


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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We have 'simple' dogs too.


Brucie and Bumper know these words ONLY when THEY feel like it:




Be good boys (they think it means they are not coming with us)



go pee, go poop

stay (for about 2.5 seconds)



That's about it.


Come to think of it, Squirt and Omie don't know too many more, though they are both much more responsive.


Like I said, simple dogs!

Doe's Bruciebaby Doe's Bumper


Follow my Ironman journeys and life with dogs, cats and busy kids: A long road

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felix knows;





leave it



back(backs up)


kennel up







nacho(when you mention a name, even if the person isn't there he will look and yodell for them)

go inside





get in the car

hup(to get into the truck)

knock it off






wanna treat?






leave it

hup or in

knock it off


and they both know go pee and walkies!

Edited by cleptogrey
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Guest GreyFan09

Comet knows his name, "Stay," "Leave it," "Who's there" (someone at the door), "Treat," "Move," "Go Outside," "Go Inside," (Go for a) "Walk," (Go for a) "Ride," "Dinner," "Breakfast," "Up and Down" (in and out of the vehicles), "In your crate," "Nighty-Nite" (go up to your bed), "paw" (he will raise each paw to be cleaned off when coming in from outside) and "NO" among others.


We have taken to spelling out W-A-L-K and R-I-D-E, when they don't pertain to him, because if we accidently use them in a sentence for something else, he instantly goes into his "Insane Lunatic Hound Mode" and starts acting all crazy with excitement, bouncing up and down like a Tigger and rooing; thinking he's going out for a walk or a ride in the car. However, we are now afraid that he is learning how to spell, as the other day I spelled out R-I-D-E to my wife, and he jumped up and ran to the door all excited. OY!

Edited by GreyFan09
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Guest dragontearz

Comet knows his name, "Stay," "Leave it," "Who's there" (someone at the door), "Treat," "Move," "Go Outside," "Go Inside," (Go for a) "Walk," (Go for a) "Ride," "Dinner," "Breakfast," "Up and Down" (in and out of the vehicles), "In your crate," "Nighty-Nite" (go up to your bed), "paw" (he will raise each paw to be cleaned off when coming in from outside) and "NO" among others.


We have taken to spelling out W-A-L-K and R-I-D-E, when they don't pertain to him, because if we accidently use them in a sentence for something else, he instantly goes into his "Insane Lunatic Hound Mode" and starts acting all crazy with excitement, bouncing up and down like a Tigger and rooing; thinking he's going out for a walk or a ride in the car. However, we are now afraid that he is learning how to spell, as the other day I spelled out R-I-D-E to my wife, and he jumped up and ran to the door all excited. OY!



Oh good lord yes! I've made the mistake of saying things like " I was in the CAR" or " I was WALKING across the campus at school" and Obie goes NUTS...I've learned to get MUCH better at spelling recently..if not, Obie goes apesh*t and doesn' t stop until we do the activity I accidentally mentioned...and now I'm afraid to even spell!..lol

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Guest Jacks_Human

Comet knows his name, "Stay," "Leave it," "Who's there" (someone at the door), "Treat," "Move," "Go Outside," "Go Inside," (Go for a) "Walk," (Go for a) "Ride," "Dinner," "Breakfast," "Up and Down" (in and out of the vehicles), "In your crate," "Nighty-Nite" (go up to your bed), "paw" (he will raise each paw to be cleaned off when coming in from outside) and "NO" among others.


We have taken to spelling out W-A-L-K and R-I-D-E, when they don't pertain to him, because if we accidently use them in a sentence for something else, he instantly goes into his "Insane Lunatic Hound Mode" and starts acting all crazy with excitement, bouncing up and down like a Tigger and rooing; thinking he's going out for a walk or a ride in the car. However, we are now afraid that he is learning how to spell, as the other day I spelled out R-I-D-E to my wife, and he jumped up and ran to the door all excited. OY!

Oh good lord yes! I've made the mistake of saying things like " I was in the CAR" or " I was WALKING across the campus at school" and Obie goes NUTS...I've learned to get MUCH better at spelling recently..if not, Obie goes apesh*t and doesn' t stop until we do the activity I accidentally mentioned...and now I'm afraid to even spell!..lol


My mum was on Skype speakerphone the other day, and said the I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M word. Jack leapt up out of his bed and dashed over to the computer, all waggy tail and drooling tongue.

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Leave It

Off (means get down off the couch)

Move (means you can stay, but make room for me on the couch)





Toy (Riley also knows the names of certain special toys, such as Lambie, Mr. Caterpillar, Mousie and Green Dinosaur)

Who wants to go out and play?

Walk (must be spelled out unless you're prepared to immediately follow through)

Vet (must also be spelled out or you'll never catch Raven)

Toenail trimming time (avoid saying this at all costs or you'll never catch either one)

Who wants to go for a ride?

Go potty

Go to bed

Go on (this means give me space/get your nose out of whatever I'm in the middle of)

HEY!!!!! (This word, when screamed at Volume 10 in the Voice of God, has broken up dog fights and sent both dogs running in opposite directions with their tails between their legs. It helps if you can pull off the Medusa expression with red glowing eyes and snakes rustling in your hair, which I've been told I do quite well. medusa.gif )

Knock it off


Did you finish your dinner? (this means cookies will handed out if bowls are clean)

Edited by GreytNut

Kristen with

Penguin (L the Penguin) Flying Penske x L Alysana

Costarring The Fabulous Felines: Squeak, Merlin, Bailey & Mystic


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Guest Trammell

"beep beep" aka get out of the way

Sit (what to do when the people aren't dishing out treats, since it seems to get the treat given started)

Let's go nigh' night

Go lay down



Easy (don't be rough)

Wait (stop jumping and crowding me trying to get the treat)

"hey!" (stop licking, you are missing your paw and getting my couch wet!)

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Guest aowam

English: Sit, (lay) down, come (here), wait, eat, be good, careful, easy, hang on, back (up), stand still, cockroach, bed, out, quiet, bow, toof brush, catch

Vietnamese: gioi, xuong, len, an di


Haha. Working on the bilingual thing.

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Annie Bella of course knows her name as well as a some nicknames, such as Long Dog, Girly Girl, Pretty Girl and probably she thinks Annie Walk! is a nickname. :P Also, in on particular order:


Are ya hungry?

Want breakfast/supper?


Take a nap

Lay down



Hang on (which generally means stop what you're doing and see what I want)


Get it





Pee!! (said in *that* tone of voice when she’s sky gazing but I know she has to go)


Wanna go for a ride?

Towel (I wipe her down after being out in the rain)

Where’s the kitty? (We say “good-bye” to my cat before we go for walks. :P They get along by ignoring one another but I’d like to see them be cuddle friends.)

Kennel up


While she understands these words, and lots more I'm sure, she doesn't always follow those that are instructions. Lay down? Yah, right, Mom, when I've decided I can no longer get any more hugs and pets from you. Wait? Sure, but I'm gonn walk that extra foot or two just to make you wonder if I'm really gonna stop.

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Guest BrianRke

Here are the ones I can think of now:







Feet!! (chicken feet, their favorite word)

Go with

Puss puss

Daddy home


Go outside


go see mawmaw

Fresh Pets

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Guest DragonflyDM

Boomer and I work more with non-verbals and sounds.


So "hup" is come. "Pssht" is stay. "Hey" is leave it.

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