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13.5 Yr. Old Greyhound Will Not Eat

Guest lunabelle

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Guest lunabelle

What a beautiful girl. I am so sorry that you haven't been able to get her to eat. You will be in my thoughts as you travel this final path with your girl. I hope you continue to progress from your stroke, too. Many hugs.

Many thanks, Luna has now crossed The Bridge with us and her two whippet sisters at her side here at home. God, how we already miss her unique, gentle, and beauiful self. Luna was one of a kind.


Mary :sad1

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Guest lunabelle

I am crying and my heart aches for you so....Run Free Sweet Girl, Mommy and Daddy love you still and always will. God Bless you all in this very hard time.

Thank you for your empathy here. I don't Luna had any doubt about how much we love and will love her always. As she was passing on tonight, Paul and I were whispering in her ear how much she has been loved and how much we'll miss her. There's already left a huge hole in our great room where she used to lie.




:f_pink :f_pink :f_pink

Thank you so much.It was so hard to let our exquisite Luna :crying go tonight.
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Per Lunabelle: Luna was indeed contented in her life...



We can see from your pictures of Luna that she was indeed a very special girl. She looked like an angel while on earth. I have no doubt she will be an angel for others now.


Godspeed your sweet Luna girl...


It is with tears flowing, that I extend my sympathy for this painful loss. Mary - You and your husband, and Whippets are in our continued thoughts and prayers.

Edited by 3greytjoys
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Indeed there are no words worthy to mark the crossing over of such a special lady. My heart is breaking for you. My deepest synpathy. :grouphug



Another non-grey that had crossed over sent this message back to his person from the bridge. I consider it dog wisdom from above and have always found it comforting and hope you will too: "The love is bigger than the pain. I know your heart is breaking terribly. But I promise you that your pain will subside over time, and our love, our love not only will survive, it will be stronger. Someday the horrible pain will be a memory of deep sadness but our love will still be vibrant and alive. Love is always bigger than pain. When you are hurting, reach for the love and I promise you will feel better." :gh_lay



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Guest lunabelle

Luna was so lovely. I'm so very sorry you have to say goodbye. :grouphug

Thankfully, our baby girl is now in a better place where she doesn't feel hunger or discomfort anymore. And Luna :angel passed here at home with me, my husband, her two whippet sisters. But our hearts are just broken into a million pieces today. I can't believe I'll never again see her sweet face :gh_face .


Mary (living on Xanax today) :brokenheart

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Guest lunabelle

Indeed there are no words worthy to mark the crossing over of such a special lady. My heart is breaking for you. My deepest synpathy. :grouphug



Another non-grey that had crossed over sent this message back to his person from the bridge. I consider it dog wisdom from above and have always found it comforting and hope you will too: "The love is bigger than the pain. I know your heart is breaking terribly. But I promise you that your pain will subside over time, and our love, our love not only will survive, it will be stronger. Someday the horrible pain will be a memory of deep sadness but our love will still be vibrant and alive. Love is always bigger than pain. When you are hurting, reach for the love and I promise you will feel better." :gh_lay

I so appreciate this message of comfort but God, our home is so empty today :crying without our wonderful and irreplacable girl Luna :angelwings .


Mary :sad1:cry1

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Guest lunabelle

I'm so sorry you lost your most stunningly beautiful girl.


I think the one thing God got wrong was giving our beloved babies too short of a life span.


Thank you so much, our Lu :kiss2 was one of a kind. We will not see her like again in this world.


Mary :brokenheart X10


:bighug there are too many of us who know what you are going through :cry1 In time, you will be able to remember the good times with less sadness.

Thank you. I know that day will come but it sure as hell isn't today.


Mary :brokenheart

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I'm so sorry that your precious hound had to go. When I read your post about the hound not wanting to eat at all,

I remembered my beloved Soldi. She started to refuse any kind of meal, even sweet ham, sardines chicken or

whatever tasty meal. She didn't eat for 3 days, then I called the vet who took a blood panel. The result was

horryfying...cancer of the marrow bone, no cure possible. We let her go the same day as she really felt miserable.

She wanted to meet her beloved companion and half brother Ivy at the bridge, which she lost 8 months before.


user posted imageuser posted image

Marion, Ivy & Soldi


Perseverance is not a long race...

it is many short races one after another.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest lunabelle

What a stunning girl! Thank you for sharing her picture. Wishing strength and peace to your family. :grouphug

Thank you so much. We miss our beloved Lu so much. For the first week after she died, I cried every time we came home. It was just unbearable not to find her waiting for us. :crying



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Guest lunabelle

I'm so sorry that your precious hound had to go. When I read your post about the hound not wanting to eat at all,

I remembered my beloved Soldi. She started to refuse any kind of meal, even sweet ham, sardines chicken or

whatever tasty meal. She didn't eat for 3 days, then I called the vet who took a blood panel. The result was

horryfying...cancer of the marrow bone, no cure possible. We let her go the same day as she really felt miserable.

She wanted to meet her beloved companion and half brother Ivy at the bridge, which she lost 8 months before.

Oh Lord, Marion, how awful for you and your dear Soldi. :sad1 We'll never know exactly what form of cancer Luna had (it's obviously a moot point now) but even without our vet doing an ultrasound on her, it became painfully obvious this was the disease. Her complete refusal to eat for over a week combined with an absolutely precipitous weight loss and negative results from the whole battery of screening tests our wonderful vet had already done on her forced us to face this fact. We adore our two whippets but miss Luna horribly. :brokenheart


I am so very sorry that your lovely Luna had to go. You clearly gave her a beautiful and well loved life.

Run free, Luna.

Thank you so much but believe me, Luna gave us so much more than we ever gave her. Our white angel had a heart of pure gold.

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