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Update On Twister

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Oh Jane I'm sorry. Did they suggest you can try the pred route?


She has been getting prednisone for the last month. OSU now recommends doing a tapering course of prednisone for the first month along with the Wisconsin CHOP protocol. She got her last pred last month. I would guess that they wouldn't want to continue it until and if her immune system is back to normal after the chemo.




When Scout was in end-stage kidney failure, we gave him Azodyl, a probiotic that helps filter out uremic toxins from the bloodstream. It lowered his creatinine significantly for a few months, and I hope made him feel better. Ideally, we would have given it earlier in his disease process, but I think it helped his quality of life for the time he had.



Jane, I might be able to take the labs for awhile.


I will mention this to my doctor at OSU. She is an oncologist but I know she checked with the internal medicine department about what else to do. But it can't hurt asking about it.. Thanks for the suggestion.




This is so sad. I'm very sorry for your girl. I've had two pets with renal failure. For my dog I found it it's splitting up the sub-q fluids into morning and evening sessions seem to be more effective than just one daily session. Though of course if the dog finds this procedure quite stressful then quality-of-life may win out over what is most effective. High omega 3 fish oil, CoQ10 and injectable fortified B- complex, which is very high in vitamin B12, were things that helped my dog tremendously. I used very small gauge needle for the vitamin injections and he did not even seem to feel it.


Whatever you choose to do or not to do it sounds like you're taking the correct approach. May her remaining days he as many and as good as possible.

She is now getting 500 ml in the morning and 500 ml in the evening. She ate well this weekend but didn't want to eat this morning. I am going to call her doctor about upping it to 500 ml three times a day. She tolerates it very well. The only thing that bothers her at all is the initial needle stick. Otherwise she gets petted, hand fed treats and has time with me all alone. I will also ask my vet about the supplements you mentioned.




I am feeling guilty about something I am doing to help an acquaintance out. This person is actually a friend of a very good friend whom I have met a half dozen times or so. She and her family were suddenly evicted from a house they were renting. Long story but simplified version is they were renting from someone who didn't pay the mortguage and lost the house. They came home one day and the locks were changed and their dogs were taken to the pound. They were able to find a month to month apartment on short notice that would allow 3 of the six dogs. She called my friend in tears yesterday while we were out together saying that the remaining 3 dogs were going to be euthanized if she didn't pick them up by 5:30 yesterday. Well, I couldn't have that. My friend also lives in an apartment and can't have any more dogs so I have taken in the 3 labradors until their owner can find a house to rent. This isn't what I wanted for Twister's last weeks with me but I know I wouldn't be able to live with myself if these dogs were killed and I could have done something. At least they are older (7 1/2, 10 and 12) so they don't have that much energy.


So now I am feeling guilty about my Twistie. She deserves her last weeks to be calm with me doting on her. I know these dogs will settle in (it has been less than 24 hours after all) but I still feel like maybe I did the wrong thing. But if I didn't, these dogs would be dead.


I so wish life was easier and it was crystal clear what I should do.



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Now that they are safe, can the people contact lab rescue to see if there are any long term fosters available to help out? I guess I'm just thinking of the greyhound community that comes to the rescue whenever a grey's in trouble including long term fostering or babysitting, whatever you want to call it.


That way, you can have your alone time with Twistie and the labs remain safe.

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Guest Lillysmom

Jane, you are such an amazing person! :inlove Do you have contact with the owner of these labs? I know they are going through a lot right now, but I'm sure they would understand if you explain to them what you and Twister are going through and do what they can to find a different home for them to stay in for the time being. I wish with all my heart that I was closer and could shoulder some of this for you. If there is anything I can do for you (calling rescue groups in you area, talking with the family, etc.), please let me know. :kiss2

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Now that they are safe, can the people contact lab rescue to see if there are any long term fosters available to help out? I guess I'm just thinking of the greyhound community that comes to the rescue whenever a grey's in trouble including long term fostering or babysitting, whatever you want to call it.


That way, you can have your alone time with Twistie and the labs remain safe.


One of the dogs came from a group that rescues puppy mill brood mama's. She called them and the local lab rescue groups when she was locked out on Thursday. No-one got back to her until today. She got a call from the puppy mill rescue place and they will take that dog back. My guess is they will re-home her instead of fostering until my friend can take her back. This dog will stay with me until they can contact their foster homes to find one that can take her. No word from lab rescue yet. I don't know how many there are to contact or how many she has been able to call. I will talk with her more about it in a few days. The yellow lab is just 7 1/2 and is the most adoptable -- but he is her heartdog. The other girl is a 12 year old black lab with urinary incontinence that is well controlled with Proin. I would love to be able to keep her heartdog for her, but that might not be possible for me. She is just very thankful that I was able to take them in to save them from death.


She is keeping her two Saint Bernards with her since they are somewhat difficult to deal with and would be very hard to place due to their age and illnesses. She is also keeping the labrador that is her son's heartdog.


I found out why she was locked out. It is illegal to lock out a tenant with a lease. Even when the bank takes over the property they have to follow eviction laws. When the bank foreclosed and realized someone was still living in the house, the woman who defaulted told the bank that my friend and her family were trespassing (i.e. "squatting"). My friend thinks that the woman was probably afraid she would get in legal trouble if the bank discovered that she had leased the house during the forclosure procedings. So the police have charged my friend's entire family with trespassing and so far they have not been allowed back into the house. Of course the lease documents are in the house so until they are allowed back in they can't prove that they were legally allowed to be there. What a mess -- at least her dogs weren't killed.

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Jane, you are such an amazing person! :inlove Do you have contact with the owner of these labs? I know they are going through a lot right now, but I'm sure they would understand if you explain to them what you and Twister are going through and do what they can to find a different home for them to stay in for the time being. I wish with all my heart that I was closer and could shoulder some of this for you. If there is anything I can do for you (calling rescue groups in you area, talking with the family, etc.), please let me know. :kiss2


Thank you so much Amanda. Yes I am in contact with the owner. She is a very nice person caught up in a crazy situation. She understands about Twistmas and is trying to find other homes for her dogs. When I posted earlier I was especially tired and feeling overwhelmed. When her oldest lab was in the pound they didn't give her any Proin. So I spent most of last night and this morning cleaning up puddles and washing urine off of the dog (I put her in a crate overnight and she was still leaking so ended up getting it on her fur). Also, the youngest dog had managed to eat a bar of soap during the few hours he was with his owner between the pound and my house. He had never eaten soap before but decided that a whole new bar of Irish Spring was irresistable. So he spent the night vomiting soapy, bloody, mucus filled vomit. I spent the night cleaning it up and giving him carafate and pepcid and bread. Thankfully he is doing better today. When I told his owner about it she asked if I wanted her to come over and take care of him but by then the worst was over. She said she is going to come over and clean all my floors for me.


All of these dogs are really sweethearts. Now that the Proin is working for the black lab and the soap is out of the system of the yellow lab, we are starting to settle into a routine. Also, they have already learned that they are not allowed up on the bed in my house. That right is reserved for Twister and Shelby.



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I so wish life was easier and it was crystal clear what I should do.


I do, too. In a way it was clear. The dogs did not deserve what was about to happen. You did what you had to in order to save them & help your friend. If some people along the way had not made some similar hard decisions many of us would not have our own beloved Greys or other pets. I hope other foster homes are found very soon. Glad things are calming down in the mean time.

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The azodyl is a good option. You don't have to wait till the end stage to get it.

It's a probiotic and can't hurt. Dr Urie gave it to Shilo.

I gave it to Aggie too along with Epikatin. I believe they helped.

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I'm glad you were able to help out with the poor dogs. Good karma going to you.


The azodyl (and epatikin, too, IIRC) there is actually some published research showing helpful results. Of course, most of the research was done by the company that manufactures it, but still ...

Edited by EllenEveBaz


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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Twistmas is now on Azodyl. I drove into OSU to pick some up this evening. It is a bit more expensive than ordering it online but I could get it immediately. Thank you to all who suggested it. Her phosphorus is fine so they don't feel she needs a phosphorus binder like Epatikin.


She has decided that she feels like eating wheat products this week. Last week she was into steak and only steak, the week before it was only liver. So she is finally eating a better kidney diet although it is in the form of pasta, bread and pizza. She still won't eat any real dog food. If she had nothing else she might eventually eat it but I can't afford to have her lose any more weight.


She continues to enjoy life.



Edited by joejoesmom
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Jane, more good thoughts for Twister and you. You are a saint for taking in those three additional pups.

Edited by Charlies_Dad

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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My thoughts are with you! You have done what you have to do to save the other dogs.....and I'm sure that Twister still feels all your love despite the presence of the others in the home.


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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