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Would You Find Another Vet After This?

Guest brandi007

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Guest brandi007

Not sure if this should go in this forum or not but....


Well I've got quite a few medical issues with my new girl Hannah Banana so have been to the vet quite often over the last few months (with a few more visits coming up). Hannah was diagnosed with Lyme Disease about a month ago, this isn't a common diagnosis up here in Calgary as I have never actually seen a tick until I found one on Hannah when I got her. I was going to enroll her in the blood donor program when her initial tests came back with the diagnosis. Immediately we did scrambled to find out what Lyme was and what I needed to have done to make her healthy again and get her started on medication ASAP. I had to do some phoning around for my vet to see where we can send the samples of her blood because the place he phoned isn't responding - finally we get her started on medication.


From what I had heard Doxy was a relatively cheap drug and I shouldn't worry too much financially. This is a huge relief as I'm at about $200 in vet bills and we haven't even started her on medication yet. I get the call from my vet and he informs me that he got the blood results back and we can start the Doxy asap. I mosey on over to the Vet and grab my prescription. 140 Tablets - 5 tablets a day until done and then another blood test. All right. The receptionist informs me that there was an extra $17 shipping charge left over from the blood samples and I'm like 'no biggy.' So she's gets the bill ready and hands it to me....


"That'll be $227 dollars please."


My jaw nearly hit the floor! I was not expecting this after all I've heard from everyone. I asked her how it could be so much money and she says it's because Hannah is a 'big dog (she's 49 lbs). They sort of start laughing a bit at how they'll wait until they make more money to get 'big dogs' because of medication costs. I grin, pay the bill and leave. My stomach is just twisting at this point. I have no qualms about paying vet bills when they're expected but this came as a total shock.


I start giving the bean her pills and try to make a follow up post about some odd things Hannah has going on (mainly a bald spot she's been creating http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=194195 ) and mention how much I paid for her meds. People are appalled and suggest I do some digging around. I give a Shoppers Drug Mart a call (which is across the parking lot from the vet) that evening and ask how much they would charge me for 150 - 100 mg tables of Doxy




What?! How the heck can my vet of charged me a full 100% mark up? Combine that with the fact that the pharmacy would only charge me $101 for the 140 tablets. I've always thought my vet was kind of expensive. Sophie cut her pads running in a ball field once so I cleaned them up and wrapped them as best I could. I went to the vet the following Monday to buy some vet gauze from them in order to keep the bandages on better. They took a quick look at her foot, told me I did a great job cleaning and wrapping it and then sort of asked in a "Hey let us do you a favor" kind of tone if I wanted them to wash her paw one more time. Sure! So I go up to the counter to pay for the vet wrap and she charged me $80 to wash Sophie's foot and re-wrap it! What the hell?!


Now this is a greyhound savvy vet that happens to be really close to my house. I'm wondering what you guys think - would this be a good time to try and find another grey savvy vet or am I just overreacting? I made them take the pills back and write me a prescription to fill somewhere else (minus 15) and put the $175 back on my vet account so when I take Hannah back for Blood tests they should be free. I'd finish this round of medication/tests at this vet since I started there - but Sophie's due for shots and I'm wondering if I should just take her somewhere else?


Sorry for the long post - just really kind of frustrated :(


-Brandi & the girls

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Go with your gut. I've had a good vet and a very bad vet.


Call some other vets, get some recommendations from friends and adoption group members, and just talk to some vets.


I like the vets we have now, but I need a less expensive, more personal relationship with them, so I'm looking into different vets at this point.


I don't like getting over charged for anything, and while I don't begrudge the money spent to keep the pups healthy, I don't want to spend double what it *should* cost.

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Well, if you look around and find someone you like and trust, and all things being equal, they are less expensive, yeah, it would be reasonable to change vets. I probably would, but that's just my opinion. I like my vets a lot, but have to admit that the fact that they don't gouge me is a big plus.

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
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Guest DebSzal

When we first got Gracie, we tried the vet recommended by a girl who volunteered at the kennel. She also worked there. They were OK but I didn't feel comfortable with them. I felt less comfortable after Gracie cut her foot and they charged me an office call, a bandaging fee, and all supplies including extra bandages. Now that doesn't necessarily sound unreasonable, but the vet we have used every since I was a kid charged me only an office call and gave me extra bandages when I took her back there for a recheck. That is the service I expect from my vet. Of course it helps that we have been going to them for over 30 years. And I'm lucky they are grey savvy. So ask around, and visit the vet's office if you have the time till you find one you are comfortable with in all aspects. Good Luck!

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My vet does price matching on some things. I go on line and research prices, print out the sheet that shows the price (including the address) and take it to my vet. They've done that on heart worm pills, and the tooth paste my dogs use. I know there are some sites that need prescriptions in order to be able to buy from them. You might check with your vet and see if that is an option. I think my vets would rather get some of the markup on the products I buy rather than me take my business elsewhere. Also, if you let them know you might have to look for another vet because of the prices at his practice, they might work with you. I feel your pain though. With multiple dogs, there's always some emergency or other to suck your bank account dry. Hang in there, and hugs to Hannah Banana.



Waiting at the bridge: Blaze, Rodney, Lady, Spice, Sarahlee, Callie and Baby

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Brandi the vet I spoke with said when I spoke to her about the cost of the doxy "that's what gives us a bad reputation". Close can be a good thing but if you are feeling resentful or hesitant to go in case you get ripped off you may be better off elsewhere.



Jack, in my heart forever March 1999-Nov 21, 2008 My Dancing Queen Jilly with me always and forever Aug 12, 2003-Oct 15, 2010

Joshy I will love you always Aug 1, 2004-Feb 22,2013 Jonah my sweetheart May 2000 - Jan 2015

" You will never need to be alone again. I promise this. As your dog, I will sing this promise to you, and whisper it to you at night, every night, with my breath." Stanley Coren

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I'd be inclined to find another vet.

A good vet is priceless, and I'll pay what it costs-but I don't like it when the clinic sees my checkbook before the fact that my pup needs help. A small markup is understandable, but that seems excessive to me.

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Guest LittleGreys

I can't believe the pharmacy would charge you $100 for 150 tablets of doxy.......that is ridiculous. At my vet (where I work), WE pay 7.50 for 150 tabs of 100mg doxy. Our cost for a client to come in and buy it is $29. Yes, we mark it up, that is how we pay our bills. Marking it up to $100 is unreal. Doxy is dirt cheap. I think something might be wrong where you live, LOL! :blink:

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Guest artemiss

Wow, yeah, our vet KNEW that Ezri's Azithromycin for her bartonella would be about $100 more if I bought it from them, so she actuallly recommended we take a script and price-shop the local pharmacies.

I don't mind paying to have my dogs well-cared for, but I also don't think gouging customers is a good practice...what you paid is what we would have paid for the azithromycin..which is about 3x's what doxy would have been...and unless drugs are WAY more expensive up there, that's robbery!!



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Guest ss556

My vet charged me a lot for Alan's medications. I searched around, got prescriptions and now fill them at Costco. The difference is unbelievable!

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Guest Carla

I've been going to my vet since 1993.


Their prices have gone up and it is expensive, but I really like them. One vet I refuse to see -- he's a real jerk - no bedside manner at all and is rather pompous -- but the other two vets are wonderful. My main vet is so nice and she's very upfront with me -- she will tell me when something is going to be expensive and will try to get the costs down for me.


I've recently been having issues with Krier (bloody nose) and have had all sorts of blood work done - the 2nd coagulation test was done free of charge and she didn't charge me for the office visit.


So, I would say get yourself another vet.


Hope Hannah is doing better!



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I work for a vet and that cost is OUTRAGEOUS!!!


Doxycycline is a VERY, VERY cheap drug. At my clinic, 150 tablets of 100 mg. Doxycycline would have cost you $33!!!


I'm glad they took the meds back and gave you credit but I think I would be shopping around for a new vet.


When we first got Gracie, we tried the vet recommended by a girl who volunteered at the kennel. She also worked there. They were OK but I didn't feel comfortable with them. I felt less comfortable after Gracie cut her foot and they charged me an office call, a bandaging fee, and all supplies including extra bandages. Now that doesn't necessarily sound unreasonable, but the vet we have used every since I was a kid charged me only an office call and gave me extra bandages when I took her back there for a recheck. That is the service I expect from my vet. Of course it helps that we have been going to them for over 30 years. And I'm lucky they are grey savvy. So ask around, and visit the vet's office if you have the time till you find one you are comfortable with in all aspects. Good Luck!


I would expect to pay for the bandaging material if my dog needed a bandage. They have to pay for it and it took their time and their staff's time. I don't think that's unreasonable at all.

Elphie, Kulee, Amanda, Harmony, Alex (hound mix), Phantom, Norbet, Willis (dsh), Autumn (Siamese) & Max (OSH) & mama rat, LaLa & baby Poppy! My bridge kids: Crooke & Mouse (always in my heart), Flake, Buzz, Snake, Prince (GSD), Justin & Gentry (Siamese), Belle (Aussie/Dalmatian mix), Rupert (amstaff) and Fred, Sirius, Severus, Albus, George, Hagrid, Hermione, Minerva, Marilyn, Wren, Molly, Luna, Tonks, Fleur, Ginny, Neville, Bill, Percy, Rose & Charlie (rats)

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My vet is a good vet, but they charge OUTRAGEOUS sums for all medications including heartworm. My vet recently changed the heartworm to Iverhart Max (or something) and they said, "That'll be $90." I whipped out a catalog showing the exact same thing for $45. Many vets will match a price--mine won't I said, "Please write me a prescription" and they did, and I ordered it myself.


It really ticks me off, but they are otherwise excellent vets--and typically the clinicians do NOT set the prices charged, and mine certainly doesn't.


For routine things, I will always ask for a written script, and they don't mind. For an emergency, obviously you just take the dang pills and fume about it.


FYI, I NEVER leave the vet with a bill under $250. Unless I get a tech appointment for a blood draw or something. I've spent nearly $3,000 in the first 10 months of having George--and they have yet to find ANY reason for his peeing in the house!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest Javagirl

I agree that you should go with your gut, especially when it comes to health care issues. Not to mention you can let your wallet do the talking and take your business elsewhere.

Something is weird with those meds being so expensive even if Lyme isn't prevalent in your area. Pharmeseuticals are usually available at the drop of a hat so I have a hard time believing it has anything to do with it being a rare malady. I also go to a Costco type store for my Grey's meds and the savings is worth the trip into the mega store strip with mind numbing traffic and crowds. Good luck to you and Hannah whatever your choice.



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Guest michael_roberts

I would be tempted to find another vet. Feeling resentful of your vet is not a good place to be when you need to trust your vet's instinct and judgment regarding diagnosis, treatments, etc. Also, you don't want to have to weigh in your mind whether to take a sick pupper to the vet and risk being ripped off vs not going to the vet. However, having said that, moving to Colorado a few years ago, I was suprised when my vet charged us $25 per dog for nail trims and $65 per dog wellness checks. Back in Alabama, nail trims were done as a courtesy by our vet if combined with an office visit. I nearly left the Colorado vet then and there, but I trusted her judgment, and she spends all the time in the world with us when we are there. You'd never know that she is normally double-booked. So, given your level of outrage, unless this vet makes up for it in some other way, I recommend finding a new vet.

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if they won't right you a script so you can get the drug cheaper somewhere else, then yes, I'd probably start looking for a new vet. and $80 to wash and wrap a paw is totally ridiculous!



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if they won't right you a script so you can get the drug cheaper somewhere else, then yes, I'd probably start looking for a new vet. and $80 to wash and wrap a paw is totally ridiculous!


:nod I agree.... ridiculous!!!



Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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I have learned medications at the vet are not cheap. Previcox at my vet is $4 a pill. YIKES! I order online and get it for about $1.50 a pill. The vet even suggested online. Tramadol is I believe a $4 prescription at Walmart. It cost me about $25 at the vet. I will get a prescription next time and take it elsewhere.


I would consider looking for a new vet. Obviously, they are not in the business of doing stuff for free. But to mark it up that much is a bit much.


I love my vet. I think I am on a frequent flyer program. :P I actually get stuff free as we have gone through thousands of dollars in the past 2 months.

The Girls

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Guest armanntoo

I have hard people comment on how expensive my vet is. I have never considered he pricey, and she gives me a multi-pet discount (15%), so everything considered, I would never leave her. Wendy Woo is one of her main blood donors, and she calls every couple of weeks to make sure they are all OK, and if we are going past her office,we always stop in to say hello. While we are chatting, she'll get down on her hands and knees, and clip their claws...no charge.


My previous vet seemed to charge me for saying hello to me, and quite often acted as if I was inconveniencing her.

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That does seem like something to think about. I guess I would be hesitant, having had a rotten vet, who proveded less that desirable care. But their prices were good!


I'm not suggesting you are looking to save money at the cost of good care for your pups, so please don't misunderstand. But you do have to be comfortable with all aspects of the care, and that includes prices. So I understand your concern.


Next time something like this happens, you should ask for a script, and call around to find out where your best prices would be. I don't know that this is the thing that would make me switch, but it's something to conisder, for sure. As has already been said many time, go with your gut!

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Doxy is also a $4 Wally World script here. As stated before, and just now in another thread, my vet charges people that don't know and don't care full price and encourages them to do one stop shopping with him at a premium. If you are in rescue and/or dog savvy he is more than willing to work with you on less costly options. He gladly calls stuff into Sams for me, but doesn't volunteer that to his general wealthy clientle unless they ask, and they usually don't.


When Rex was so sick we were in the waiting room one day with three purse dogs. One Momma told me that she got her Silkypoo for "only $1,200 because it was a mistake litter". When I checked out that day I told the receptionist "tell me he can be so good to me because you charge the purse dog mothers more" and I think that is what they do. They don't charge more, but they don't make cost cutting suggestions. A little bit of Robin Hood maybe but it works for me.

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I too have been vet shopping. When we first got our greys we went to a vet who came recommended as grey savy. The first thing the vet said to us was that greys weren't so special. I beg to differ. Then to treat lameness she kept prescribing Deramaxx. After no improvement hundreds of dollars later we started shopping for vets. It took us 4 different vets, one animal communicator, and one chriopractor before we have seen improvement. I go with my gut. If a vet doesn't treat my animal as well as I do, then I don't want them (They can at least fake it).

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