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Lyme Part Ii!

Guest brandi007

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Guest brandi007



Well my little bean-face Hannah does have Lyme Disease....blood tests, phone calls, urine samples and we finally have a diagnosis! It's a weak showing in her blood but it's still there. We know nothing of this disease here in Calgary as we don't really have a tick problem (Hannah's tick being the first one I've ever seen) and both me and my Doctor were really lost. I had to contact a friend here in Calgary (thanks Nina!) who directed me to a lab in the states, who I forwarded onto my vet just to get the ball rolling. She's on 500 mgs of Doxy a day (she's 49lbs, god what an expensive drug!) and hopefully we can nip this in the butt before it becomes a problem.


My question is about the photo above. Hannah has recently (last month 1/2) began scratching and nibbling a bald spot into her side and it's progressively getting bigger and redder. It seems to really itch as she's constantly scratching it and a similar, but smaller one on the side of her neck. My vet seems really overwhelmed by the situation at the moment so I don't really want to go back to see him quite yet and I'm just wondering if this could be part of her Lyme diagnosis?


Thanks so much!

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Sebau never had any skin issues with Lyme, but if her body is trying to fight the Lyme, she could've picked up a secondary infection, i.e. a staph infection or something along the way.


The 500mg doxy is the correct dose, and she should be on that for a good long time. (not just a 10 day course, at least a month. At times it's even given for 8 weeks). At least here, doxy is one of the cheaper antibiotics to buy (actually, just about the cheapest). She should start to feel better in a week or so, though she may need something extra for the skin issues.

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Rachael with Rook, missing Sully, Sebau, and Diesel

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Guest brandi007
Oy...that's disheartening, my vet bill for the medication was Over $200.

:eek Are you kidding?


Nope....Minus a $17 shipping fee my bill came to $222 for just the medication.

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Oy...that's disheartening, my vet bill for the medication was Over $200.

:eek Are you kidding?


Nope....Minus a $17 shipping fee my bill came to $222 for just the medication.



That's ridiculous! Talk to Nina about other vets. Ask for a RX to a pharmacy. No way on earth it should be that expensive.



Jack, in my heart forever March 1999-Nov 21, 2008 My Dancing Queen Jilly with me always and forever Aug 12, 2003-Oct 15, 2010

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Guest brandi007
Isn't the bullseye rash a typical symptom of Lyme disease?


I know it's a symptom in the Human version of Lyme - I'm not sure if it's itchy or not though.


I really hope it's related - these vet bills are killing me.

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Guest brandi007

I don't know if I should just make a new thread for this or not but if you were being ripped off by your vet how would you confront them about it?

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Guest FullMetalFrank
I don't know if I should just make a new thread for this or not but if you were being ripped off by your vet how would you confront them about it?


If it were me, I might get price quotes from some of the cheaper places for the meds and show them to your vet, in a non-confrontational way; ask them if they will give you a price adjustment.

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Guest FullMetalFrank

I found this in an article about canine Lyme disease, regarding the rash...


"Physicians describe different stages of the disease in humans with variable signs being displayed, including fatigue, fever, headache, muscle/joint pain and enlarged lymph nodes. Swollen knees are a common symptom. As many as 50 percent of patients in the U. S. show a curious skin rash called a "Bullseye" rash or erythema migrans, which emanates from the tick bite area. (Erythema migrans is not common in dogs and I have seen only two cases displaying the red rash.)"


Evidently it's not common; but not completely unheard of, either.


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My sister in law and father both have had Lyme disease. My sissy had the rash (right over her "plumber's crack" as she said), my father did not. It does not itch.


We have had at least one dog with it as well--no such skin issue. Could it be as simple as ringworm?


FYI, my family (less me) lives on Nantucket--a hotbed of tick borne diseases.


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