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For Honor And Her Mom............


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Rest in peace sweet baby. I have no other words I can put down, it is just so, so sad. :candle




I was standing on a hillside

In a field of blowing wheat,

And the spirit of a Greyhound

Was lying at my feet.


He looked at me with kind dark eyes,

Ancient wisdom shining through.

In the essence of his being,

I saw the love there too.


His mind did lock upon my heart

As I stood there on that day,

And he told me of this story

About a place so far away.


As I stood upon that hillside

In a field of blowing wheat,

In a twinkling of a second

His spirit left my feet.


His tale did put my heart at ease,

All my fears did fade away

About what lay ahead of me

On another distant day.


"I live among God's creatures now

In the heavens of your mind,

So do not grieve for me, my friend

As I am with my kind.


My collar is a rainbow's hue,

My leash is a shooting star.

My boundaries are the Milky Way

Where I sparkle from afar.


There are no pens or kennels here

For I am not confined,

But I'm free to roam God's heavens

Among the Greyhound kind.


I nap the day on a snowy cloud

Gentle breezes rocking me,

And dream the dreams of earthlings,

And how it used to be.


The trees are full of liver treats,

And tennis balls abound,

And milkbones line the walkways

Just waiting to be found.


There even is a ring set up,

The grass all lush and green;

And everyone who gaits around

Becomes the Best of breed.


For we're all winners in this place;

We have no faults, you see.

And God passes out those ribbons

To each one, even me.


I drink from waters laced with gold,

My world a beauty to behold;

And wise old dogs do form my pride

To amble at my very side.


At night I sleep in angel's arms,

Her wings protecting me,

And moonbeams dance about us

As stardust falls on thee.


So when your life on earth is spent

And you stand at Heaven's gate,

Have no fear of loneliness--

For here, you know, I wait.


Author unknown

Edited by Greytlady94

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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Godspeed Honor!


Always remember that your mom and many others loved you very much.

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Tears for a beautiful greyhound and a tragic, senseless loss! Honor, may you find the

peace and happiness at the bridge that you almost had in this life. Many hearts are

breaking at your passing - you will not be forgotten.




Hobbes - April 2, 1994 to April 9, 2008-----Tasha - May 23, 2000 to March 31, 2013

Fiona - Aug 29, 2001 to May 5, 2014-----Bailey - March 22, 2001 to Jan 20, 2015

Zeke - June 1, 2004 - Jan 26, 2016----Callie - July 14, 2006 to July 27, 2019

Forever in my heart: Chooch, Molly, Dylan & Lucy

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Guest Winterwish

That is very beautiful Greytlady94,and to all of you who were looking and trying so hard to find sweet beloved Honor,my heart goes out to you.Please know that so many of us like myself,are holding you and Honor's momma in our arms.

And sweetest,beloved Honor in our hearts forever.

Honor is surrounded by Love forever.We Love You Honor.


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Honor, you are free from harm now, and safe forever with our beloved Bridge angels. You will never be forgotten... :beatheart My heartfelt condolences to her adoptive mom and all the other broken hearts. :grouphug


edited to add her picture~


:heart:heart Gable Honor :heart:heart


Edited by iluvgreys

Jeanne with Remington & Scooter the cat
....and Beloved Bridge Angels Sandee, Shari, Wells, Derby, Phoenix, Jerry Lee and Finnian.....
If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven
and bring you home again.

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Prayers for Honor's mom....I can't imagine what she must be feeling. Med school is hard enough WITH the unconditional support of friends and family - I can't imagine it with the burdon of this sorrow.






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Guest Houndmama

The words 'I am so sorry' sound hollow and seem so inadequate but I am at a loss for words to make sense of this senseless tragedy. My deepest sympathies to Honor's mom, Cheryl, Diana, Danine and Catherine. All our hearts are broken.




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Guest wmlcml6

Oh, man. I just read the Amber Alert thread and am sorry I didn't see it in time to add my prayers for this sweet dog. I feel ill right now. But for the grace of God that could have been our Flippy Doo. Run free pretty girl.

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Run free, Honor. :grouphug:gh_run

...............Chase (FTH Smooth Talker), Morgan (Cata), Reggie (Gable Caney), Rufus
(Reward RJ). Fosters check in, but they don't check out.
Forever loved -- Cosmo (System Br Mynoel), March 11, 2002 - October 8, 2009.
Miss Cosmo was a lady. And a lady always knows when to leave.

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Omg...my heart skipped a beat when I read the awful news. With tears streaming down my face I express my sympathy to all invloved.

Run free sweet Honor.... :gh_run

Forever in my heart: my girl Raspberry & my boys Quiet Man, Murphy, Ducky, Wylie & Theo
www.greyhoundadventures.org & www.greyhoundamberalert.org & www.duckypaws.com


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Guest Greytswami

I am absolutely heartbroken that Honor is gone and I (as we all did) had such high hopes that she would be found. So many of you have said that she deserved better and she most certainly did. She was a very loving and trusting soul who was as beautiful inside as she was on the outside.


To her adoptive mom, I convey my deepest sympathies. I know she adored Honor and was horrified when she found out what had happened.


To all of the wonderful people who searched, made posters, prayed and offered support, you'll may never know how much your help and support meant to all of us but it was a huge blessing and a tribute in it's own way to Honor. We are very grateful.


I can hardly type through the tears, but I needed to post my condolances to all who were involed and loved Honor.


Run Free Sweet Girl. You'll Be Missed, but never forgotten


. f_yellowf_yellow:gh_runf_yellowf_yellow

Edited by Greytswami
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I am sooo sorry. I sit here crying my heart out for the senselessness of this. I pray for all involved, even the parents that did the wrong. They need help. For Honors Mom, bless you for making her live better while you had her, at least she knew love. May you compete your education in her "Honor".


Godspeed little Angel. You were loved by so many.



The hope is for all to hope something like this Never happens again!

Sheila and CO

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Guest BlessedByGreys

We are finally back in Houston and nearly drained from crying. I will post all that I know and have pieced together. First let me say that we did not get misinformation about a med. size dog running near the site that I found Honor. There was a stray there and Catherine saw her. Unfortunately it was not our sweet girl.

Honor was seen numerous times on Tuesday and Wednesday walking around the San Felipe area which is about 4 miles east of Sealy. After talking to all of the locals, I really think this is the spot where he dumped her. It is rural and if you go north about 1 to 2 miles from I-10 there is not much out there. A man saw her on Wednesday evening when it was fairly dark outside and she was laying by the side of the road off FM 1458. She had been hurt, he thinks, but it was to dark to tell. The next morning, around 9 am, the lady who owns the field where she was found saw her walking to the back of the vacant field dragging her right hind leg and she said that it looked badly broken and that Honor was bleeding. She did not go to her because she was a large, stray dog who was hurt and she was afraid to go near her. However, she did look for her around 12 noonish and did not see her.

She was never seen again after that.

When I found her, Bob from Houston GPA had spoken to the man who had seen her Wednesday night and thought she looked like a greyhound. The Chief of Police followed us back to his house and I asked him to show me where he had seen the injured dog. He took us to the spot where we found a large amount of blood, but no dog. Catherine took off in her car to go look, Dannine took off on foot and I started walking the field. It only took a few minutes of walking when I saw a dark spot near the back of the field. As I got closer I could see that it was a dog. Upon further inspection I knew it was Honor. She was horribly mangled and from what we all could tell she had dragged herself to a tree and shrub, made a nest in the shade and laid down to rest as there was a very large amount of blood there and you could tell where she had laid down. Now the horrible part: we actually found her about 5 to 6 feet from her nest area and you could see large patches of her hair had been torn off. I think that either she bleed to death and then a coyote dragged her off and..... you know, or that the coyote(s) found her dying and they killed her and dragged her off. She did not die were I found her, that is where she had been drug to. No more details are necessary, suffice to say that she suffered a "great" deal before she died. A number of the guys from Houston GPA who had come to help find her dug a grave and we buried her along with a flyer with her picture on it and a note Dannine wrote telling her we loved her and were sorry that this happened to her and to run free at the bridge. I threw some treats in with her, I am sorry if that sounds dumb, and Dannine formed a cross out of branches she had found. We said a few words for her and then said good-bye and cried almost non-stop in the car all the way home. We are now at Catherine's house, God Bless her and DH Bill, drinking wine.

I apologize if my bluntness about the situation has offended anyone, but believe me I have made it a lot better than it was. Honor died a slow and Horrible death that she in no way shape or form deserved. I will not make a personal statement about what I believe should happen to the person(s) responsible for dumping this precious angel, all I will say is that I hope he never has the love and trust of an animal or his daughter and lives with guilt and remorse for the rest of his days. If I had my way he would have to look at the pictures I took of her for the rest of his life.


Michael thank you for your support and listening to me as I sobbed.

Catherine, Bill, Doug and Bob, I am sorry you came all the way out for a false alarm, but I am so glad you were with Dannine and I to say good-bye to this angel.

And to all of the GT and Houston GPA firend who were sending white light and prayers, thank you.


I am going home to cry on DH's shoulder.


I would like to add that at least we all have closure and we know that she now has a decent place to rest in peace.


Diana+, Katie and Dolly

Dannine and her crew.

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The end to a very, very sad story. This is the first time DH has ever been involved in a search. He is truly heartbroken.


Thanks for your dedication and efforts.

Edited by greyhoundlov

Mary in Houston

Everyone has a photographic memory, but not everyone has film.


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Guest gleigh78

Oh. My. God. I am so sorry. :grouphug Bless you for your hard work in finding poor Honor, and I am so sad that it was too late. My heart is breaking for her mama, not only for the loss of her baby girl, but also for the inevitable rift in the family that has been caused. I can only imagine my betrayal and anger if something similar happened to me and my babies.



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