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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. She looks like she's feeling a little guilty about it. Too comfortable to worry, though.
  2. Happiest Half-Birthday Logan! You look terrific! Love the spins.
  3. They're both unbelievably cute, especially in Sweep-inspired toofer pictures.
  4. Happy Gotcha 4 Girls! Glad you had a great day.
  5. I'm so very sorry that your happy boy had to leave. Godspeed Jagger.
  6. Your two are very clever. Mine either hover or pretend indifference while waiting.
  7. They look soooooo comfortable together. My most ... dedicated ... reader was Edie, who chomped, among other things, a dog training book. When I tried to read it, I agreed with her assessment--it needed to be destroyed.
  8. I'm so very sorry. The lovely walks you took with Peggy probably contributed to her longevity. She, and your photos, will be missed on GT. Godspeed Peggy.
  9. I too love that sound. I've had both castanet dogs and silent chatterers. The only notable chatterer here now is Hildy, who is mostly silent. I miss the castanets.
  10. Uh oh. I _really_ don't want to be icy all winter. I guess fuzzy caterpillars are as reliable as bunny tails re snow.
  11. Congratulations! Benji is a handsome boy.
  12. It wasn't unusual for one of my girls to have an ear inside out when visiting with a former neighbour (now moved). I used to tell the neighbour that she'd broken the houndie's ear, which invariably made her laugh and flip the ear back.
  13. Hope Punkin', Candy, and Lulu are doing well. Opal (mystery illness) has developed a taste for i/d stew. For her weight, she needs about $18/day worth, which is way more than I spend on my own food.
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