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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. Congratulations and welcome to GT!
  2. GreyPoopon


    I'm so sorry. My heart goes out to Judith. Godspeed Roy.
  3. I'm so very sorry. Your special boy had to leave much too soon. Godspeed Andy.
  4. She's in a 48" crate (48" long X 32 wide X 33 high), just because it's the last crate available. She'd be fine in a 42". The water bucket is 1 quart.
  5. Another option, the Ruffwear Webmaster. I used one for Cora after her broken leg, FCE, and in her last few weeks of OS.
  6. I'm so very sorry. She was clearly a very special kitty. Godspeed Oslo.
  7. Glad he's OK. Hope he heals quickly and well.
  8. Happy Gotcha Day Hobbes! You waited a while to pick the right family, but you did a great job! I agree with Batmom: the ice cream to celebrate is perfect.
  9. GreyPoopon


    I'm so sorry. Godspeed Sandy.
  10. While I haven't had much luck with either, the following seemed to help Betsy this year (our big night was July 1): - 1 3mg Melatonin at 4pm - 2 3mg Melatonin at 5:30pm - cotton balls in ears - both TV's (kitchen and living room) on loud (HGTV or The Food Channel; have used The Weather Network (ours still does weather ) If I give less Melatonin, wait until later, or use Benadryl, Betsy is inconsolable (pacing, panting, nesting....)
  11. I'm so sorry. Sending best wishes to the entire family.
  12. He thinks she's just fine. She's almost small enough (not including the neck and head) to fit in the rectangle of space underneath him. They can sniff each other's interesting bits with virtually no bending.
  13. or, in this case, canine. Meet Err (Cmon Err Not), here in one of her adoption mug shots: She is 4 (5 in August), and raced most recently at Birmingham. The Short Story For those who prefer to skip the blather and just look at the pics below, here's the essence of the story in three words: she's Piper's daughter. The Full Story Each year in June, GRA Canada has a reunion picnic. In 2007, I went with my then two greys Betsy and Edie. Bill of GRA suggested a take for a walk a recently arrived broodie named Easy (Cee Bar Easy). She didn't really connect with me, but I thought I should meet her again when the environment was quieter. I went back the next day with the poodles, we all got along famously, and Easy--renamed Piper--came home later that month. Last fall, Piper had a long confusing illness. I finally said goodbye in mid January. This year, the GRA Picnic was on June 12. A week earlier, a new group of hounds arrived. On Sunday, the Adoptables list was updated, and I saw this: Err AKA Cmon Err Not - Bd - 5 - (Daughter of Cee Bar Easy) Piper's daughter. I almost fell off my chair. I spent the week thinking about what I might do if Bill suggested that I take her for a walk. I took Graham and Jessie to the picnic. When we arrived, I drove right to the barn to drop off some blankets. GRA rep Heather met me outside, and we went in to the front area with the blankets. The dogs were safely hidden by a closed door. As we walked out, Bill drove up. He looked at me and said, "Where are you going? Just turn right around and go in and see...." I asked, "See?" "Err". So Heather and I went back in and walked down to where Err was crated. On the way, Heather told me that Err is playful (so was her mom) and affectionate (so was her mom). Err was about 10-12' from the rail, but she wiggled at us. Heather and I were there for a few seconds talking, and I looked up to see Err's eyes fixed on me. I know she was looking at me because when Heather spoke, Err glanced at her for a second before returning to me. If I wasn't a goner when I arrived, I was when I saw Err's interest. I agreed that when the kennel opened for business at noon, I'd come back and take her for a walk. Like her mom, she was good with other dogs and people--one little girl said she'd been given a kiss--and barely noticed me. After 45 minutes or so, I had to leave, and I took her back. I promised Bill I'd call and let him know. I had to think carefully. I wasn't sure I wanted to fill that 8th spot at all. I've always adopted older greys: the previous youngest were Edie (6) and Betsy (6 1/2); all the others were 8 or 9. If I were to adopt another, it should be a senior, rather than a youngster who would be easy to place. I wasn't at all sure I wanted to commit to another 8-10 years of dog stewardship. It took me about 24 hours to realize that none of that mattered. I'd found it very difficult to turn down one of Piper's sisters because I didn't have room; I couldn't refuse her daughter when I did. So Sunday evening, five months to the day (and about an hour from the time) that I said goodbye to Piper, I called Bill and said I'd take Err. She went to the vet on Monday for her spay and dental. I picked her up on Saturday June 19. I couldn't call her Err, and every time I tried something that sounded similar--Clare, for example--Perry (often Perr) turned around. I decided to rename her Poppy. [bevd has been kind enough to say that she doesn't mind.] The first thing I noticed--even from the adoption mug shots--was that she looks nothing like her mother. Piper was tall and long and narrow; she had a long greyhound nose, white face, large eyes, and long ears. Poppy is narrow, but she's tiny: short and short-backed. Her face is short and--at least for now--dark; her eyes are small. She's much redder than her mother, and although recorded as brindle, is at least as red as my red brindles. She actually looks a lot more like Miss Pinky Baker--a slightly smaller, redder Pink. The second thing I noticed was that her behaviour resembles Tally's: when she gets excited, she bunches herself up in front of one ready to jump up (she's learning not to do so), she bounces and dances, she whips her tail like crazy, she's quick and agile, she has a natural sit, she kisses. For a time I thought that Piper was playing a huge cosmic joke on me by sending me a replacement for Tally. [Aside: The rational me does not really subscribe to the "sent by" notion, but it's comforting. Tally brought Graham home before she left, so that Jessie wouldn't be alone in her group, and so that she could teach him how to sit at the front door before walks. Cora sent Pink--similar in size and colour but a bit more elegant and much more independent/stubborn--so that I'd have a broodie. And Piper sent me her little girl.] Now that Poppy has been here for a while, I'm seeing some of her mother's best qualities: her intelligence and responsiveness. I'm relieved that she doesn't resemble her mother--it would be like being stabbed every time I looked at her--but I love that she is quick to learn and eager to please. It makes her a joy, just like her mom. On to the important stuff. The Pics Saying goodbye to Bill at the kennel: Discovering toys on her second day home: She's now moved on to bigger toys. She still often ends up taking them to her crate: An attempt to capture the contrast between her skinny little body and her incredible racer's muskels. According to GreyMatter, her last race was May 22--less than a month before she came home: Two days after her arrival, when she'd been to the clinic for an initial checkup and a bath, and been rewarded with a bandana. The collar, one of several given to me at Christmas by GTer quietstorm of N/A Nothing Added, was earmarked for Piper, but I lost her before I managed to switch her tag. I didn't think I'd ever be able to use it, but it's perfect for Poppy: Offering a sit for a treat: The rest of the pics are from Friday June 25th, when she had her first post-spay run. After her run, trotting toward me: I got so involved with her that I forgot I'd taken the camera out until most of the action was over, but I did manage to get her running a bit so I could catch this pic: She's so wiggly that it took me a week to get a pic of all of her. She doesn't really slope downwards--she's standing on the hill: ( Her ears aren't quite as impressive as her mom's, but they are pretty long: Enjoying the day: I'm not sure what was happening here, but I like to think that she's was drunk with happiness: Discovering the pool: Poppy's mom Piper: Welcome home Poppy!
  14. I'm so very sorry. My sympathy to Tina and Bob. Godspeed Cofax.
  15. I'm so very sorry. It's wonderful that your special boy was able to keep going for seven months; I wish he could have stayed longer. Godspeed Perry.
  16. I'm so very sorry. He was a handsome and special boy, and he was fortunate to have found you. Godspeed Dallas.
  17. I'm so very sorry. What a handsome little man he was. It is clear from the photos that he knew he was adored. Godspeed Bailey.
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