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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. You've tried and others have suggested a lot of what I do, so I don't have a lot to add, but here are a couple of thoughts. For the treats, try something soft and stinky, like chicken weiners. Pink just about went nuts when I brought out the turkey weiners. As for the in class breaks, if your instructors/class situation permit, try taking off at a fast run, cheering her on. I've taken all of mine to school. There have been huge variations in how quickly they learn and how much they can handle at once. Several have hit a plateau or shut down for varying periods. Graham is currently on an extended (maybe permanent) break because he finds it all too stressful, even when practicing at home. He's got his basic skills, and he behaves well, so I've switched my attention to those who need and/or enjoy it more. I just do the occasional sit/down/whatever with him, and he's much happier.
  2. GreyPoopon


    I'm so sorry. Godspeed Mick.
  3. I don't know, but you can order it online if you can't find it. Do you have PetSmart stores there? I know they carry it. We do have PetSmart stores, but the one I checked didn't have it. I'm not sure if it's one of the products petsmart.com will ship to Canada. I did find some today, though: a Ryans (Global) had both the gel and the spray. Pet Valu might have it too.
  4. I'm glad you found the source of his discomfort. Here's hoping it heals on its own. Quickly.
  5. Congratulations! He's incredibly cute. So now you have two princes.
  6. I'm so sorry. Godspeed Shane.
  7. I'm sorry. I hope she has a lot of comfortable and happy time yet.
  8. I'm so sorry. I hope he recovers quickly from his surgery, and enjoys a long and happy life.
  9. I too wish I knew enough to help. I hope you are able to find something that works.
  10. FWIW, when Piper's gut was in an uproar, she seemed to have back pain and weakness, and she moved badly. One of her symptoms at the time was gas, which was visible on the x-rays. I hope whatever is bothering Apollo resolves soon.
  11. I hope Flash heals quickly and well, and has a long happy life ahead.
  12. I'm sorry. I was so hoping the news would be good. You and precious Bijou are in my thoughts.
  13. The only thing I have to add to what Greysmom, Greyt_dog_lover, and LindsaySF have said is to emphasize LindsaySF's final point: you have breached Lula's trust, you're going to have to work hard to rebuild it, and she's likely to be very reactive in the meantime. Just as an aside, it's been my experience that when working on increasing tolerance, positive training and treats work fastest: touch then treat, gradually working toward the sensitive bits. Try not to move so fast that you trigger a negative response. If you do get a negative reaction, don't react strongly; I use a fairly businesslike "Knock it off", but even that might be too much for Lula.
  14. I hope Mittens feels better soon, and the growth is nothing to worry about.
  15. for a smooth surgery, quick recovery, and "no problem" path report.
  16. :yay Glad she's home and making progress. Hoping for lots of foamy poop and no more trips to the vet.
  17. GreyPoopon


    I'm so very sorry. She had to leave much too soon. Godspeed Jaya.
  18. Poor guy. I hope it gets figured out and resolved soon.
  19. I hope she doesn't need surgery, and is soon home and feeling great.
  20. I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Luna.
  21. :yay I hope she has a lot more good months left.
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