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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. My vet clinic keeps the multiple-extraction cases overnight. By the next day, they're ready for kibble with lots of water--especially if they hoover their food. I don't leave it too long--just a few minutes--or it turns into a big sponge.
  2. I'm so sorry. My thoughts are with you, Lottie, and Red.
  3. I'm glad he's hanging in--or out as the case may be. I hope he remains comfortable for a good long while yet.
  4. I'm so very sorry. Your precious girl left much too soon. Godspeed Molly.
  5. Way more experience than I'd like to have. As JillysFullHouse said, you were absolutely right to take him to the clinic. I hope he feels better soon.
  6. GreyPoopon


    I'm so very sorry. What a beautiful tribute to a very special and gorgeous girl. Godspeed Tuna.
  7. I'm so very sorry. Your precious handsome boy left much too soon. Godspeed Rocky.
  8. I'm so very sorry. He was so very young. Godspeed Puck.
  9. I'm so sorry. Godspeed Valor.
  10. What Batmom said. I think Graham would still be hiding in his crate if I hadn't insisted that he go for walks with his group, and if I hadn't done some training every day--just little bits at a time. Granted that he would take a treat, so we were ahead of you guys, but the point is that just a little low-key handling and training goes a long way toward building the bond and trust.
  11. Well, yes......Piaget's idea of play is a little strange. To clarify, she'll take a toy, run to the other room (which entices Mirage to follow) and then drop it - at which point Mirage takes it and goes. He doesn't actually take it out of her mouth. I didn't intend to comment on your post (which I'd just skimmed), and I apologize if it seemed that way. FWIW, I came up with the rule because when the poodles were puppies, Minnie would take every toy/chew/whatever away from Perry. Sometimes she'd snatch it, and sometimes she'd rule by intimidation, but she always wanted everything. I later found out in passing (we were discussing something else) that a very experienced trainer whom I respect has the same rule, so I've stuck with it.
  12. What Batmom said. For toys, the rule here is that she who has, keeps. Once she abandons the toy, the other can have it. When there is a new dog in the house, I enforce that rule with constant supervision--intercepting the thief and redirecting her to another toy--until I'm absolutely sure that the she understands the rule. [Aside: it's always "she" because my token boy has zero interest in toys.] The same rule applies to their weekly (high-value) chews, but I've simplified enforcement by having the newer dogs in crates.
  13. GreyPoopon


    I'm so very sorry. I wish your precious brave boy had been able to stay much longer. Godspeed Apollo.
  14. I'm so sorry about Apollo. I hope hope hope you're wrong about Eyore. He and you both deserve better.
  15. I'm so sorry. Godspeed Silk Kitteh.
  16. If you go to handpicked's profile (click on the username in the first post), there is a line on the right side of the screen that allows you to email.
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